"Gods? Are there really omnipotent and omniscient gods in this world?" Levi interrupted Bill and asked with some confusion. With the power of strange objects, humans can indeed obtain powerful powers comparable to aberrations, and even Levi doubted that he could control and drive aberrations.

But don’t the so-called gods in myths and legends refer to human beings who have acquired powerful powers that are far beyond the understanding of the world?

"I believe there must be gods!" Bill's answer was very subjective. Seeing that Levi didn't seem to believe it, he shook his head and said, "When you join the Church of All Souls, you will have the opportunity to see some things that are beyond imagination and only Things that only gods can create, then you will believe what I say!”

"Is it a strange object?" Levi had a vague guess in his mind. Strange objects are indeed not something that can be made by human technology. Just like the mask of the Faceless Man, just because it cannot damage that skill, it is already Far beyond the limits of what human technology can currently achieve!

In other words, beings who can create such magical items are indeed no different from gods!

"I have a question, why not use the power of the army to deal with those aberrations? I believe that for ordinary aberrations, human beings' current heavy firepower should still be able to cause enough damage!" Levi said curiously, "I have served and fought in the army for more than ten years. I have been to many cities, islands, deserts and rainforests around the world. Why have I never seen or heard about aberrations before?"

Whether it was the ogre or the bloodthirsty dragon bat he encountered, although they were powerful and terrifying to ordinary people, they would still be easily dealt with in the face of the concentrated fire of the army.

"Low-level aberrations can indeed be dealt with through thermal weapons, so the church has its own armed forces!" Bill nodded, "But the reason why conventional troops are not used is to minimize the leakage of information about the aberrations, which could lead to the spread of panic! Because as early as hundreds of years ago, the church discovered that human beings' fear of aberrations will make the aberrations more powerful! It may even lead to the birth and emergence of advanced aberrations because of fear!"

"Then how did you discover the aberrations in time and control the news so tightly?"

"Please wait!" After hearing Levi's question, Bill motioned to Levi to wait, then walked outside, opened the sports car, and took out a black suitcase, "After a long period of research, the church discovered all aberrations There is a unique particle radiation in the body, which the church named ether particles!”

"More than 150 years ago, a scientist in the church named Antoine Henry Becquerel invented an instrument to detect this kind of radiation. The suitcase I have is called a micro-detector. "

"And the more powerful the aberration, the stronger the ether radiation emanating from the body will be, and the easier it will be detected. At the headquarters of All Souls Church, there is a machine that is said to be able to monitor ether radiation in most parts of the world. Instruments, so as long as there are third-level and above aberrations in the world, they will be detected by the church and contained or destroyed!"

"So at present, almost all third-order and above aberrations that can cause heavy casualties have long been eliminated by the church. It is indeed a small probability for a normal human society to encounter aberrations. Incident." But Levi was keenly aware that when Bill said this, there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

"But in the past twenty or thirty years, the number of aberrations has been increasing compared to before. That's why the church lowered the threshold and began to recruit human elites like you from outside society for training!"

"Bill, you just talked about level three aberrations. How are these levels divided?"

"The more powerful the aberration, the stronger the ether radiation released from the body. Based on this principle, the church divides the aberrations into levels one to five, which also corresponds to the five levels in the church!"

"The church divides human beings into levels one to five based on the life levels of the human body. It is believed that the ultimate state that humans can reach through all means, even with the help of the power of gods, is the fifth level of life!" Without waiting for Levi! When asked, Bill took the initiative to explain,

"In All Souls Church, in ascending order of strength and status, there are six levels: priests, preachers, pastors, priests, bishops and patriarchs. Priests like me are the lowest and largest component of the staff. In fact, They are ordinary people who have received some training, and when they reach the peak of an ordinary human body, that is, the peak of a first-level life form like you, they can apply to be preachers, and they are also the true mainstay of the All Souls Church!"

"And if you can break through the peak, transform into a level 2 life form, and gain powerful strength and a long lifespan, you will be qualified to become a priest in charge of a city!"

"Priests of level 3 life forms and bishops of level 4 life forms often stay at the headquarters, obsessed with self-improvement and eager to break through the life hierarchy. They are also important figures in the Church of All Souls, and they are the top force in maintaining the peaceful development of mankind. !”

"Only when there are advanced aberrations that need to be contained or eliminated, will those big figures appear in the outside world and quietly solve many disasters that can destroy a city or even a small country!"

"What about the Patriarch who represents the fifth-level life form?" Seeing Bill stop telling, Levi urged.

I thought he had reached level 2 life form and could be considered a master, but after learning that the Church of All Souls actually had such a powerful foundation and strength, my heart sank.

"In the thousands of years since the founding of the All Souls Church, there has been only the first and only patriarch!" But Bill shook his head when he heard this, "There are rumors that level 5 life forms are not human at all. The most important thing that can be achieved by oneself is to have the personal help of divine power!”

"Level 5 life forms are said to be the strongest among humans under the gods, so they are also called demigods!" There was a hint of fanaticism in Bill's eyes.

"Is a level 5 life form a demigod?" A flash of light flashed in Levi's eyes. With the ability of the leather book to add points, Levi has great confidence in reaching the legendary realm that cannot be reached except by gods!

"Bill, you just said that you are only the lowest-level priest? Then why do you know so many secrets?" Levi asked curiously.

"Because our family is one of the inherited families affiliated with All Souls Church!" Bill showed a proud look on his face, "My great-grandfather was once a priest!"

Bill's great-grandfather, Richard's grandfather, the one who buried the messenger of the Loom Church, turned out to be a Level 3 life form!

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