Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 347 Space Channel

While Medina and the others were waiting, the gravity field that enveloped Levi began to slowly shrink and disappeared at an extremely fast speed, revealing Levi standing in it.

"Huh!" Seeing Levi coming over in good condition, Ms. Medina couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although she had confidence in Levi, she was still worried about it until the last moment!

"Huh?" Eustace, who was standing aside, was suddenly shocked. He had just wanted to use the power of his soul to feel whether Levi's physical condition had improved after being tempered by the gravity field.

But before the power of his soul came into contact with Levi's body, it was blocked by a layer of invisible creature's stance covering the opponent's skin!

Even when Eustace planned to use the power of his soul to penetrate that layer of creature's position and forcibly sense Levi's physical condition, Eustace's soul actually gave him a warning. It seemed that if he really chose to do this, he would A terrible blow that could kill him instantly!

What horrified Eustace the most was that the power that was enough to kill him was most likely just an unconscious reaction from the biological standpoint outside Levi's body!

"Okay!" Eustace suppressed the shock in his heart and showed a touch of joy in his eyes. The more powerful Levi is, the greater his chance of winning the Patriarchate will be!

Originally, he was worried that Levi had a weakness that could be restrained by the power of the soul, but now it seems that Levi is even comparable to a demigod in his physical body alone!

"No problem!" Facing Medina's concerned eyes, Levi nodded to her, "The harvest is great!"

"That's good! Don't put too much pressure on yourself, just relax in the next time!" After thinking for a while, Ms. Medina suddenly inserted her arm into the void and pulled out a huge gray metal weapon. The box is exactly that unlimited weapon box!

"Take this with you! Even if you are half-step and half-god, you probably won't survive being blasted by several nuclear bombs!" Ms. Medina pushed the weapon box in front of Levi.

Sending out rare items from the warehouse without any reason is actually a serious violation of the guardian's responsibilities, and may even be punished by the warehouse!

But neither Ms. Medina nor the four elders on the side behaved strangely. There is nothing wrong with special treatment for special people!

"Levi! There is one more thing that I need to emphasize again!" Seeing Levi take over the infinite weapon box, Ms. Medina said in a deep voice, "Although rare objects are powerful and easy to use, you must control yourself to contain them. quantity!"

"Although for the vast majority of people, being able to contain a natal rare object in their lifetime is already a stroke of luck. After all, people and rare objects are a two-way choice! But some geniuses, like you, are often more Easily attract and contain strange objects!”

"As long as a strange object is contained, the power that can be used will often skyrocket in an instant, but there are gains and losses! The more strange objects are contained, the more difficult it will be to evolve a soul in the future!"

"Although the Patriarch's divine base can be fused by winners of any level with the help of the warehouse, the power that ordinary souls and divine souls can exert are completely different!"

"Especially Levi, you should have evolved into a demigod by now. If you realize the soul again, you can become a demigod in the true sense!"

Ms. Medina had already guessed that Levi had a lot of strange things on his body, so she gave this earnest advice.

She had actually mentioned this matter to Levi at the beginning, but now she was particularly worried that Levi would fall into the pleasure of containing strange objects and having his power surge rapidly, thereby ruining his own path to evolution!

Even if it weren't for this restriction, Ms. Medina would probably have given Levi all kinds of powerful rare items in the warehouse like a mother taking her son to buy clothes, arming Levi from head to toe!

"Yes!" After hearing Ms. Medina's explanation, Eustace also nodded, "The higher the qualifications, the stronger the power, and the higher the life level, the easier it is for people to obtain the favor of rare objects!"

"The essence of containing strange objects is to divide the origin of one's soul in order to achieve the purpose of coexistence and common evolution of humans and strange objects!"

"But the most important point is that the origin of the human soul is fixed at birth! The soul can be strengthened through cultivation and evolution, but so far there is basically no method that can improve the origin of the human soul! Because the origin of the soul is created by gods Yes!" Eustace said solemnly.

"Every time a strange object is contained, an additional part of the soul source will be divided. If the soul source is weak to a certain extent, the opportunity to comprehend the soul will be completely cut off!"

"Through the limited records in the church, we found that on the planet where we are fighting for the Patriarch, there are not only a large number of strange objects, but also the activity and initiative of those strange objects are very high, and there are even strange objects that actively seek out the contestants. thing!”

"Oh? Is there such a good thing?" Levi's heart moved when he heard this, and now he understood why Ms. Medina asked him to "control" and not contain too many strange objects!

It's just that Li Wei is aware of his own situation. He seems to have dozens of strange objects on his body, but in the final analysis, the origin of Levi's soul may only be fused with one strange object, and that is the mysterious leather book!

It is more appropriate to say that the other strange objects were collected by Li Wei rather than being collected by the leather book!

But the leather book is Levi's biggest secret, and it is naturally impossible to tell it to others, even Ms. Medina, who seems to care deeply about him!

Moreover, Eustace said that the origin of human soul cannot be improved, and Levi even scorned this!

He had just a few minutes ago fused the memory in Talos's skin, allowing his soul origin to increase exponentially, even dozens of times!

Therefore, it is not impossible to improve the origin of the human soul, it just requires extremely stringent conditions!

Although he was thinking this in his mind, Levi behaved very humbly and nodded in response to the earnest instructions of several people. He was even more curious and longing for the planet that the patriarch was competing for.

Levi couldn't even help but fantasize about the scene where countless strange objects came to his door and threw themselves into his arms. After all, there are never too many strange objects for him!

"Buzz!" While several people continued to explain the relevant precautions to Levi, a topaz hanging around Ms. Medina's neck suddenly shone with a soft light!

"Huh? Such a coincidence?" Ms. Medina was slightly startled when she saw this, then she took off the gem and injected her body's radiation into it. A colorful light suddenly shot out from the gem, and a constantly shaking space channel opened in front of her. .

"This is the call of the Patriarch! The competition for the Patriarch is about to begin!"

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