Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 349 Cyclops and Centaur

The strong man named Kaufman just nodded to Levi and Eloda with a cold expression. He didn't seem to have much interest in communicating. His huge body stood quietly, like a stone sculpture.

Ledo, who seemed to be in his final years, greeted Levi and the two with a peaceful face, took out two huge band-aids from a huge gray cloth pocket on his chest, and handed them to Levi and Yi. Loda.

This band-aid is thick and big, and looks like some kind of feminine product!

"Boy, this is a trauma patch I made. Although it is barely a one-time item, it has some effect on the treatment of trauma!"

"When we enter the arena, although we are in a competitive relationship, we are essentially on the same front, advancing and retreating together! There is no need to criticize each other too much for the position of the patriarch!" Ledo said with a smile, "After all, with great power comes great responsibility. That position should be given to those who can bear it!"

Ledo said a lot, but his purpose was to tell Li Wei and the others that they should not think about the position of the Patriarch, lest they overestimate their capabilities and get involved and lose their lives in vain!

From Ledo's point of view, this is considered a kind-hearted advice. In his opinion, Levi and Eloda are just two representatives of the second-class warehouses. Both in terms of radiation level and warehouse background, they are far inferior to the front-row warehouses. !

After all, over the past thousands of years, the three warehouses ABC have all won the position of patriarch, but the two warehouses DE have never won!

"A one-time wonder made by yourself?" Levi didn't pay attention to the intention of Ledo's words, but looked at the band-aid in his hand with some curiosity.

He can clearly sense that Ledo is only a level 4 life form in body and soul, but he can actually create a one-time wonder, which shows his profound background!

In this brief exchange, neither Ledo nor Kaufman introduced the heroic spirit inheritance they had obtained. Although they looked down upon Li Wei, they still regarded them as competitors in their hearts.

The information of the inherited heroic spirit can also be regarded as a kind of trump card. The talents and skills obtained from the inherited heroic spirit are often extremely powerful, but if the opponent knows about it, they may be targeted.

The reason why Eloda directly told Li Wei about her inherited heroic spirit was firstly to show the sincerity of cooperation, and secondly because she didn't care. The innate skills she acquired were not suitable for combat. Very targeted!

But Li Wei didn't know these unspoken rules at all!

"My lord, the heroic spirit inherited by Kaufman should be the Cyclops Polyphemus, and Ledo obtained the inheritance of the Centaur Chiron!" At this moment, Levi's mind rang. heard Arvette's voice.

If we talk about who knows the former heroic spirit best in the world now, then Arvette will definitely rank first!

Although Ledo and Kaufman hid it well, Arvette sensed the divine star information in their souls in an instant!

"Polyphemus? Chiron?" Levi's heart moved. He had already known the general information of the 539 heroic spirits from Arvette.

Polyphemus, in his complete form, is a giant thousands of meters tall with a very powerful body; although he has only one eye, his eye not only has the ability to look back in space, but can also shoot out a kind of energy from the one eye. Contains extremely high-temperature high-energy rays!

Ranking around a hundred among the heroic spirits, he is considered a very powerful heroic spirit demigod!

But what’s interesting is that Polyphemus is the younger brother of the dwarf king Aitri! It can be said that he obeys Ai Cui's words, and because of his strong physical strength and high-temperature energy rays, Polyphemus is also Ai Cui's right-hand assistant when forging!

Levi glanced at Kaufman slightly. He was 2.78 meters tall and extremely tall and majestic. Although he was white, his skin was faintly green and black like metal.

Levi could clearly sense the extremely violent power in his body, which was probably very close to that of an ordinary demigod!

Therefore, Levi guessed that Kaufman had most likely obtained the physical power of Polyphemus.

Although the Centaur Chiron's comprehensive combat power can be regarded as the last among the heroic spirits, he actually plays the role of "military doctor" among the heroic spirits!

Chiron not only has a very powerful healing talent, but he can also add all-round buffs to his teammates, which can greatly enhance their combat power!

Combined with the trauma patch in his hand, Levi was also able to confirm that the other party should have obtained Chiron's healing talent.

"But having said that, the combination of Kaufman and Ledo is really strong! A human shield warrior, followed by a wet nurse, the two of them can even compete with the weaker wandering demigods! This time the patriarch is fighting for it. A strong candidate!”

"Click!" At this moment, the door of an inconspicuous house in front of the four people slowly opened on its own, and a gentle male voice came from inside, "All candidates, please come in!"

Levi looked at the house, but was unable to see through the open door to see the specific scene inside the house. He estimated that there should be another space behind the door.

"Buzz!" Sure enough, Levi stepped through the door in one step, the light in front of his eyes suddenly dimmed, and the four of them came to a huge house.

This house occupies a huge area, with no edges visible to the left and right. The interior decoration is quite classical and luxurious, and the overall shape looks like a museum built in the last century!

I saw lamps made of yellow crystal inlaid on exquisite pilasters. In the middle of the house is a T-shaped spiral staircase, surrounded by exhibition cabinets made of crystal, shining under the yellowish light. Hui!

It's just that these crystal display cabinets contain strange objects!

And this is the real scene in warehouse A! At least in terms of style, it is indeed far superior to the E-class warehouse on earth that is completely shaped like a wilderness iron warehouse!

"Welcome everyone!" At this time, two figures slowly walked up the spiral staircase in the middle of the warehouse. The first one was a man wearing a wizard-like robe.

This man looked to be in his forties, with a slim and straight build. His silver-gray hair was carefully managed, and he had a gentle smile on his lips. Although he was ordinary in appearance, no matter where he went, he seemed to be A star that instantly grabs people's attention!

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Marcus, and I am the seventy-seventh patriarch of the church!" The man walked up to Levi and others and introduced himself softly.

After hearing this, Li Wei and the others performed a church ceremony on him one after another. The other party was not only the supreme leader of the church, but also a towering tree that protected the church from wind and rain!

"This is Thoros, who is also my disciple." Marcus pointed at the man behind him and said. Except for Levi, the three Elodas noticed Thoros, who was completely obscured by Marcus's light.

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