Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 354 Monster Hunter

Levi could actually understand that situation. After all, before the low tide of radiation energy on Earth, various extraordinary organizations were in almost the same state. Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimp! It was just because after the low tide of radiation energy, all the extraordinary organizations, big and small, fell into dust, and the cultivation methods that were once regarded as the treasure of inheritance became waste paper. Later, with the demise of many extraordinary organizations, those cultivation methods circulated in the world! Just like the world where Levi lived in his previous life, the Tai Chi Bagua Yijin Jing that can be seen everywhere on the Internet was once regarded as a treasure by various martial arts sects! In addition to the cultivation method, the strange objects in the world of Midwich are also extremely precious! The status of strange objects in the hearts of extraordinary people is even far greater than that of the earth! Because the world's radiation energy is extremely abundant, it has created a large number of strange objects, but perhaps it is precisely because of the nourishment of radiation energy that most of the strange objects in this world have extremely high autonomous activity! Only extraordinary people with superb qualifications and strong potential can be qualified to be selected by strange objects! Therefore, although there are many extraordinary people in the world of Midwich, only one in ten thousand can be considered to be able to integrate the strange objects!

Most of these talented extraordinary people selected by the strange objects will naturally choose to join the X Alliance with rich conditions, which also makes the power of the X Alliance even greater!

Other extraordinary organizations have worked hard to select and cultivate a high-quality extraordinary, but in the end they are making wedding clothes for the X Alliance!

In addition, the logo of the X Alliance is a flying bird, so ordinary extraordinary people also call the X Alliance a cuckoo!

Cuckoos, that is, cuckoos, never build nests, and will choose some birds to help them hatch and raise their offspring, just like the X Alliance!

At the same time, because the development of extraordinary is extremely perfect, this world has also developed a variety of extraordinary professions, such as monster hunters who control deformed bodies to fight, soul masters who weave various illusions with mental power, and so on!

In fact, in the final analysis, most of the other extraordinary professions are also developed by the X Alliance!

For example, the extraordinary profession of monster hunter was originally created specifically to deal with Jedi!

The radiation energy is isolated in the Jedi, and even the mental power will be greatly disturbed. The combat power of ordinary extraordinary people entering it is greatly reduced. However, the aberrations can move freely in the Jedi and still exert their full strength! Therefore, the combination of Monster Hunter and the armed forces cultivated by various organizations is a common combination for exploring the Jedi. If other extraordinary professionals want to improve themselves, they can only go to the X Alliance to take tasks and earn merits in exchange for the cultivation methods and advanced materials required for the next stage. For example, every time a monster hunter upgrades, he needs to prepare the desired aberration first, and then go to the X Alliance to apply for a substance called life evolution liquid with merits, so that he can use the power of the aberration to break the shackles of the life level! However, although these extraordinary professions can improve the life level and obtain extraordinary power, most of them are forcibly improved by external forces, so the foundation and potential are relatively weak! It is precisely because of this that the extraordinary people who are naturally promoted by cultivation methods and strange objects have become the most traditional and noblest extraordinary people. This group is called perfect extraordinary! That is to say, most of the higher life forms on Earth are noble and perfect extraordinary on the planet Midwich!

Of course, they are called perfect extraordinary not only because their life level improvement speed and combat power are far superior to other extraordinary people, but also because these extraordinary people can be backward compatible with almost all extraordinary professions!

"Manipulate the aberrations?" Levi was still quite curious about this peculiar extraordinary profession. Although he currently controls three aberrations, he relied on the power of the leather book.

John belongs to an extraordinary organization called the Hunter Guild. Although the Hunter Guild is not as good as the X Alliance, its own strength is not weak!

There are dozens of elders of level 4 life forms in the Hunter Guild. It is said that they even have some relationship with a demigod. They are considered the first echelon in all extraordinary organizations!

In particular, the Hunter Guild has a very deep cooperative relationship with governments of various countries, and the opportunity for cooperation is the aberrations!

The harm of the aberrations to social stability and the safety of ordinary people is self-evident. It requires the government's extraordinary departments to spend a lot of energy to discover and deal with them in a timely manner!

But the aberrations are an indispensable resource for the Hunter Guild, and the basis for cooperation is immediately there!

However, no matter how closely the organizations cooperate, there are all kinds of dirty things!

The Jedi where Levi is now is a new Jedi that has just appeared a few days ago. It is located in a desolate mountain in Kenting Country, and this Jedi exploration mission is actually a trap set for John!

If John has just broken through to the third-level life form, both himself and the aberrations have been greatly improved, and he will definitely not be able to escape this siege!

"The third-level life form can control two aberrations!" Levi looked at the two gem rings in John's hand. This is the instrument used by monster hunters to place and summon aberrations.

This ring uses space compression technology to create a peculiar space in a special gem that can accommodate the survival of aberrations.

Moreover, Levi also found that the Monster Guild has a stable channel for aberrations. In addition to catching them by themselves, hunters can also buy them from the guild!

The aberrations sold by the guild even have a considerable degree of duplication, which means that the Hunter Guild must have an "assembly line" for creating "standard" aberrations in order to be able to sell large quantities of the same kind of aberrations!

The licker that John just controlled is the first choice of many hunters for their first aberration!

"Boom!" Under Levi's control, John manipulated the second ring in his hand and directly released a bald man four to five meters tall from it.

This humanoid aberration is extremely majestic, with a metal-like bluish-black skin, and eyes like light yellow snake pupils. It also wears a black leather coat with armor attached, unreservedly releasing the power of the third-level aberration. breath!

This aberration is called T-078 Tyrant. It is also a standard aberration. However, this aberration is very powerful. Even among the level 3 aberrations, it is considered to be quite high. Therefore, in The prices in the guild are extremely expensive and ordinary hunters simply cannot afford them!

This also attracted Levi's attention, because according to common sense, John should not be able to afford this kind of aberration!

When Levi read through John's memories to the end, he discovered John's biggest secret. John was actually a spy placed by the X Alliance in the Hunter's Guild!

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