Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 386 Seal Mutation

Levi put aside the doubts in his heart, followed Baba Yaga through a layer of rippling black bubbles, and entered the area where the Forest of Death is!

The first thing that caught Li Wei's eyes was an endless jungle shrouded in thick fog, with huge crisp trees, and birds and animals running constantly in the jungle. It looked like a paradise!

But with Li Wei's soul perception, he could find that there was a mutant hiding almost every few hundred meters, and even the surrounding big trees that were tens or even hundreds of meters high were filled with a kind of terrifying evil. And aggressive!

And the most shocking thing is that the white fog that envelopes the entire Forest of Death is actually extremely rich, almost liquefied radiation!

This level of radiation is simply like the legendary paradise of the gods! Even if an ordinary person stayed in this level of radiation environment and did nothing, he would probably be able to easily evolve to a level 3 life form!

What's even more terrifying is that this extremely rich radiation is filled with distortion, evil and death. This energy is simply poisonous to extraordinary people!

If an extraordinary person enters the ordinary Jedi, it is like a fish leaving the water, then when an extraordinary person enters the forest of death, it is like putting a fish out of the water and into the poison!

Even a level 3 transcendent who stays in this forest of death for a long time will be slowly eroded by this radiation, and then assimilated into a necromantic aberration by the forest of death!

"Such a level of radiation! What a pity!" Baba Yaga stretched out her hand, and the surrounding mist-like radiation was sucked in by the surge, and continued to condense in her palm, forming a ball in the blink of an eye. Translucent radiant energy "drops"!

But in Li Wei's sight, there were countless tiny black insects swimming inside the "water droplets", which was very penetrating!

"Phew!" Then, Baba Yaga threw the liquefied energy in her hand directly towards a gray rabbit in the grass not far away, and merged directly into the rabbit's body!

"Tsk!" The next moment, the seemingly ordinary rabbit made a surging and crunching sound inside its body, its fur cracked, and its scarlet flesh and bones split and grew at an extremely fast speed!

And in just a few seconds, it turned into a terrifying aberration that stood upright and was more than two meters tall, with scarlet muscles all over its body and a mouth full of sharp teeth!

"Bang!" Although the rabbit was deformed, it still couldn't digest the rich radiation in its body, and the next moment it was blown to pieces into a sky full of minced meat!

"Grandma Yaga, shouldn't there be no radiation in the Jedi? Why is this Forest of Death so contrary to common sense?" Levi asked, looking at the scarlet meat on the ground.

"We once asked the great God in the Mirror why Jedi were created!" Baba Yaga replied, "The God in the Mirror said that Jedi are ultimately caused by the disorder and mutation of the laws caused by the battle between gods!"

"To put it simply, there may be fluctuations caused by the battle between two gods far away, accidentally traveling through space and affecting our planet!"

"The Forest of Death is the most special Jedi. We guess that there is probably a very powerful strange object in the Forest of Death!" Baba Yaga showed a strange look on her face, "Even that strange object is in the presence of the gods. After leaving the seal!"

Thinking of this possibility, Baba Yaga suddenly became excited. A strange object that could be sealed by the gods was a divine weapon!

"Let's go!" Baba Yaga suppressed the excitement in her heart, and saw that the space in front of her began to slowly fluctuate and tremble, and she released her own demigod power to wrap Li Wei, and took Li Wei directly through space!

This is the ability to penetrate space that Levi envies most!

As long as there are corresponding coordinates and positioning points, the so-called spatial distance no longer exists in the eyes of demigods!

Arvitt once explained this ability. Demigods can use the power of the god base to adjust the frequency of their bodies and souls, and adjust the body frequencies to be consistent with the space, so that they can "squeeze" themselves into the space and realize Travel through space!

Of course, this process requires a considerable amount of the demigod's strength. The farther the space travels, the greater the load on the demigod's strength and body. Every time a space travel is completed, it needs to be slightly modified!

If the space traveled is too far, exceeding the limit of a demigod, and there is no time to escape from the space, the demigod may even end up being strangled by the space!

Of course, even for ordinary demigods, traveling a distance of half a light year at a time is not a big problem!

Therefore, for a demigod, it may only take two or three space travels to directly span the entire solar system!

"Buzz!" Levi only felt a flash before his eyes. The extremely dense fog before dissipated, and a ray of sunlight appeared above his head, illuminating an area of ​​about ten square meters of forest land. This was definitely quite unusual in the Forest of Death. Case!

There were several big trees growing in this small piece of woodland, and there were no other abnormalities. However, Levi's heart moved slightly, and he turned his attention to a metasequoia sapling that was only over two meters high at the edge of the woodland!

"Sure enough!" After Baba Yaga noticed Li Wei's gaze, a hint of joy appeared in her eyes. Li Wei could indeed sense where the seal was!

"Boom!" Baba Yaga casually blasted out a burst of energy, which hit the sapling. This power, which could easily destroy a mountain peak, was like a mud cow entering the sea, and was directly absorbed by the sapling. Even a leaf was absorbed by the sapling. Not left behind!

"Buzz!" In the next second, a golden halo emerged on all the leaves of the small metasequoia tree. As the leaves made of gold swayed slightly, a pale golden glass shield seemed to appear on the outside.

"Chi!" And as the leaves collided with each other, tiny golden thunder burst out, which was the authentic thunder of heaven's power!

"Li Wei, what happens next is up to you!" Baba Yaga looked at Li Wei expectantly. A bit of nervousness and uneasiness appeared in her heart like a thousand-year-old iceberg. This seal has become Baba's The obsession in Yaga’s heart!

If Levi can't open this seal, then not only will all Baba Yaga's efforts over the years be in vain, but this obsession will even turn into an irreparable inner demon for her!

"I'll try my best!" Levi nodded, actually quite surprised in his heart, because these powerful thunderbolts were almost exactly the same as what he got from the thunder ingot chain, as if they were seals set by Zeus himself!

"Buzz!" Li Wei stretched out a finger and mobilized the mighty thunder in his body, condensing it to his fingertips. Under the contact of the two powers of the same origin, Li Wei's fingers penetrated the sapling outside without any hindrance. seal.

"Boom!" But before Li Wei could relax, the originally quiet seal suddenly lit up, and countless raging thunderbolts burst out in an instant. The terrifying power directly forced Baba Yaga aside!

At the same time, a strong suction force came from the seal, dragging Levi into it and disappearing!

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