Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 396 Perfect Grade Orichalcum

"What?" Seeing that Arvette seemed to know something, Levi quickly asked.

"My lord!" Arvette suppressed the shock in her heart and said with some uncertainty, "I once accidentally heard from the Lord God Zeus that under the influence of various chance and coincidence conditions in the universe, there is a theoretical purity Achieving 100% natural orichalcum! ”

"And this kind of orichalcum can be used to create the legendary perfect level divine base, so it is also called perfect level orichalcum!" Arvette said and shook his head, "No! To be precise, perfect level orichalcum has no There is no need to forge it, it is the most natural and top-notch divine base! You just need to refine it directly!”

"After all, even if the purity of orichalcum is 99%, there is still a huge difference compared to the perfect grade orichalcum! It is even said that the two are not the same substance!"

"Perfect level?" Li Wei raised his eyebrows slightly, because according to the information he knew, the top-grade divine base made of orichalcum with a purity of more than 90% is the highest-level divine base, but now it seems that it is not the highest level. There are higher beings above the level divine base!

"Yes!" Arvit nodded, "Because the perfect orichalcum is only a theoretical existence, the perfect divine base is just a legend spread among the gods!"

"Can't even the gods create a perfect divine base?" Levi asked with some doubts, "Or, can't even the Lord God Zeus temper the purity of orichalcum to 100%?"

"No!" Arvite shook her head firmly, "This is what Lord Zeus said himself! Orichalcum is a very special material. While being tempered by divine fire, it will also be tempered by divine fire and divine power. pollute!"

"Even if the Lord God Zeus personally takes action and tempers orichalcum with the original ancient divine fire regardless of the cost, there will still be traces of divine impurities belonging to Lord Zeus remaining in the orichalcum! Therefore, if you want to temper orichalcum of perfect grade the day after tomorrow, you need to It’s a paradox!”

"Then how to verify that this orichalcum mountain is the legendary perfect grade orichalcum?" Li Wei frowned, "After all, this orichalcum mountain may be a finished product refined by a certain god who spent his divine power! "

"The verification method is actually very simple!" Arvite nodded, "You only need to touch the orichalcum mountain with your soul. If the power of the soul can penetrate it without any hindrance, it is a perfect orichalcum! And, it is said that There will also be some kind of magical phenomenon during this process!”

"Oh?" Levi's face showed surprise. After he evolved the divine soul, he used the power of the divine soul to sweep through the orichalcum core from the mountain monster, and found that the power of the divine soul was completely impenetrable, just like It is very difficult to drill holes in the alloy door with an ordinary drill bit!

"Buzz!" When Li Wei tried to cover the orichalcum mountain with the power of the divine soul, he was shocked to find that the power of the divine soul shuttled through the orichalcum mountain without any hindrance, as smooth as Dove, and even made Li Wei It gives rise to the illusion that orichalcum mountain does not exist at all!

"Boom!" Moreover, when Li Wei probed the power of his soul into the orichalcum mountain, he only heard a buzzing sound coming from inside the orichalcum mountain, and then the entire orichalcum mountain emitted a huge golden glow, and the mountain began to reveal a kind of The feeling of deep transparency is as if the original golden mountain has been transformed into a whole body carved from citrine!

At the same time, in the transparent texture presented, countless shining spots of colorful light slowly emerged, as if there was an entire splendid universe galaxy hidden in this orichalcum mountain!

The next moment, these light spots like stars flashed rapidly. Levi was surprised to find that these light spots were actually memories of what he had experienced since childhood. At this time, it was like a movie being projected, flashing rapidly inside the orichalcum. !

As these memories went through, Levi could clearly feel that his soul seemed to be nourished by some strange power, and the development level of his soul was increasing at a very fast rate!

During this process, the power of Levi's soul also began to slowly integrate into the interior of Orichalcum Mountain, and left his unique mark on all the places it touched!

It was just that Li Wei discovered a moment later that the orichalcum mountain was obviously only a few hundred meters high and wide, but even if he released his soul with all his strength, it could only penetrate a very small part of the orichalcum mountain, just like The interior of this orichalcum mountain is as infinite as the vast universe!

"Huh!" After a moment, Li Wei withdrew the power of his soul, and the strange phenomena on the surface of Orichalcum Mountain slowly dissipated, but the mark he left inside the Orichalcum Mountain still existed, and even gave Li Wei a kind of soul. A sense of extension!

Li Wei took some measurements and found that the part of orichalcum he left imprinted was only the size of a grain of rice, occupying only one billionth of the entire orichalcum mountain!

But even so, Li Wei also had an intuition in his heart, that is, if he took off the orichalcum, which was only the size of a grain of rice, he could also become a demigod in an instant!

This is the power of perfect grade orichalcum. The rice-sized orichalcum has already possessed all the functions of a complete divine base!

Of course, this mountain of orichalcum is extremely tough, and even Li Wei's full blast cannot destroy it at all! There is no other way but to refine it all!

"Arvette, does the amount of orichalcum refined have a big impact on the power of the divine base?"

"Of course!" Arvite nodded without hesitation, "The power of a demigod is directly linked to the quality and quantity of the divine base! And the same purity of orichalcum, a divine base forged with 10 units of orichalcum, It is ten times or even dozens of times more powerful than a unit of orichalcum's divine foundation!"

"The most intuitive point is that the higher the quality of the orichalcum contained in the divine base, the faster the demigod will understand the divine runes! He will also be able to borrow the power of more and stronger divine runes!"

At the level of demigod, if you want to gain further improvement in strength, you need to understand the law!

It's just that the power of the law is not only extremely profound, but the process of understanding it is also full of dangers. Even gods will be counterattacked by the law if they are not careful!

Therefore, almost all demigods choose to understand the magic runes. After all, the magic runes are the embodiment of the gods' power of laws, which continuously lowers the threshold for understanding and is much safer!

"Arvette, do you know of any way to speed up my refining of this piece of orichalcum?" Li Wei suddenly said after a moment of silence. An ambition emerged in his heart, that is, to refining this entire piece of orichalcum. The orichalcum mountain was refined into a divine base!

A piece of orichalcum ore the size of a football is enough to hammer out a divine foundation. If Levi can refine this orichalcum orichalcum into a perfect divine foundation, then the power he can exert as a demigod may even be comparable to that of a demigod. New God!

"Divine power!" Arvite replied after thinking for a moment, "As long as my lord can instill divine power into it, the refining speed will naturally be greatly accelerated!"

With the perfect cooperation between the Sun Disk and the Eternal Island, Levi can stably produce his divine power, and Arvette's suggestion is completely feasible.

"Boom!" Li Wei nodded, and then controlled the entire orichalcum mountain, directly throwing it into the sun disk floating high in the sky of Eternal Island. The pure divine power transformed into it rushed in with Li Wei's soul. Refining begins among them.

Then Li Wei was ecstatic to discover that with divine power as a catalyst, his refining speed of orichalcum increased thousands or even tens of thousands of times!

In the future, as the power of faith increases, more and more divine power will be transformed, and then his refining speed will increase dramatically!

Even at the current speed, it may only take Levi a few decades to completely refine Orichalcum Mountain! And when the refining is successful, it will be the day when Levi becomes a demigod!

"Cang!" As the orichalcum mountain was sent into the sun disk by Li Wei, two palm-sized objects suddenly fell from the orichalcum mountain, making a crisp sound, which immediately attracted Li Wei's attention.

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