Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 428 Life Essence

Levi turned his attention to the high priest Christine who was busy in the wooden house of the villa. Among the four aberrations that Levi subdued, the opponent's life level had reached the limit of level 4, and he also took the painful route, which was different from this one. The gods are of the same origin!

Unless it is a blank divine foundation that can be integrated by anyone, a divine foundation like Leviathan that has been cultivated for a long time and has even been engraved with the mark of the law requires a certain amount of coordination!

If the attributes are inconsistent or even contradictory, then not only may the fusion of the divine base fail, but it may even be counterattacked by the imprint of the law in the divine base!

Of course, even if Christine has reached the threshold of merging the divine base, Levi will not let it be fused now.

It's not that Li Wei is reluctant to part with this divine foundation. After all, with his current power, he can easily kill demigods. The main reason is that Li Wei doesn't understand the specific matters of integrating the divine foundation!

Although it is possible to be promoted to a demigod simply by merging the divine soul with the divine base, this kind of demigod is probably the weakest wandering demigod!

Levi has seen before, the huge gap between Baba Yaga and other demigods and Leviathan. Even if it is just a vest clone, Leviathan can completely torture them!

Moreover, Leviathan's piece of divine foundation is of the highest quality. If Kristen fuses it roughly, it would really be a waste of natural resources!

And Levi's plan is to train Christine to become his own heroic demigod! This sounds like a fantasy, after all, heroic spirits are exclusive to gods!

But Li Wei felt that he already had the necessary conditions to cultivate heroic spirits! First of all, Christine is subdued by the leather book and will never betray her. Her loyalty is even higher than that of the heroic spirits!

Secondly, Levi now has a complete and stable channel of divine power, and he has the Law of Pain that Leviathan has understood in his hand. He can completely copy a copy and give it to Christine to help the other party understand the law seed!

Just how to become a heroic spirit, Levi also asked Arvite, but she didn’t know it herself!

Now everything is ready, all he needs is the east wind, so Levi only hopes that Arvette can become the patriarch of the church as soon as possible, so that he can obtain the inheritance within the church, which has a high probability of containing this information!

"There's this thing, Demonic Liquid!" Levi put down the Divine Foundation in his hand, and then looked at the Demonic Liquid that was constantly flowing in the rocks on the side, like a green pond.

"Buzz!" But just as Li Wei approached the demon liquid, the emerald green liquid immediately reacted with the divine base in Li Wei's hand!

I saw streaks of dark mist-like energy continuously dissipating from the God Foundation and blending into the Demon God Liquid. The Demon God Liquid boiled instantly, and colorful mist continued to emerge. In the process, the color of the Demon God Liquid also changed. It’s starting to become a little more transparent!

"Species: Strange Object

Name: Life Juice (Inferior)

Introduction: Putting the living body into the power of various emotional laws and suffering, you can quench the unique life juice! The original juice of life contains the most original power of life in the universe and is the basic substance used by gods to create life! The stronger the talent put into the life body and the more complete the power of the law the extractor understands, the higher the quality of the extracted life juice will be!

Skills: 1. Creation of life (the original juice of life can create a life form or life race that perfectly carries the soul. The greater the quantity and the higher the quality of the original juice, the stronger the power and potential of the created life form) 2 , Upgrade (soaking in the original juice of life can improve and repair the physical genes, and those with lower life levels can also directly improve their life levels) 3. Dissolution (the original juice of life has very strong solubility, and this solubility is only for living bodies)

Price: The original juice of life contains the most original power of life in the universe, but if the tempering law is not strong enough, then various emotional impurities from living bodies will be hidden in it! So whether it is soaked and fused, or used to create a living body, it will pollute the user's soul! (can consume a level 6 energy saving throw cost) (save or not)

Status: Included"

"Huh? Life juice?" Levi was surprised. He didn't expect Leviathan to have such a good thing in his hands. According to the introduction in the book, this life juice is also a very precious thing in the universe. After all, this is The basic substances that gods need to create life!

"The living body created using the original juice of life can perfectly carry the soul! Is this different from the physical body created by human technology?" Levi thought to himself.

Tens of millions of years ago, the dragon tribe invented the technology of artificial warriors, using technology similar to 3D printing to create bodies, and through gene editing technology, the body created was not weak!

However, the dragon scholars at that time discovered that the intelligence of this artificial warrior was relatively low, had limited potential, and genes were prone to breakdown. It was far inferior to naturally produced life. However, the dragon scholars had been studying for tens of thousands of years and could not find it. The reason!

At this time, Li Wei understood that life born naturally contains the original juice that contains the origin of life. This is also the biggest difference between life created by God and artificial life!

Therefore, Li Wei is more inclined to believe that this life juice is tempered by Lady of Pain Allegons!

Leviathan only borrowed the dissolving ability of Life Juice against living bodies, just like adding fuel to a small fire, and cultivated such a large amount of Life Juice!

However, Leviathan did not have the ability to purify the extremely strong emotional impurities contained in these life juices, which not only reduced the power of the life juice, but also perhaps because Leviathan had merged too much life juice, it caused the soul to be polluted, the mood to change drastically, and even set his mind on his master Aragons!

"Life juice is made of living organisms, and can only be tempered with the power of emotional laws!" Levi looked at the life juice that was almost like a small lake in front of him. Not long ago, Leviathan directly threw the two demigods Baba Yaga and Basa into it, but the amount of life juice that increased was negligible, and it was almost difficult to detect with the naked eye!

So if you want to accumulate such a large amount of life juice in front of you, the number of lives required is simply unimaginable!

In particular, not all cats and dogs can be dissolved into life juice, only those with superb talents have this qualification!

"Splash!" Levi soaked his palm in the life juice, but there seemed to be an invisible and immaterial film outside his palm, and the life juice actually avoided it!

This is because Levi's body is in a nearly perfect state, at least it cannot be improved or enhanced by the current inferior life juice! (End of this chapter)

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