"Titan?" A strange syllable came out of Levi's mouth. It was obviously just an ordinary syllable, but it contained a law-like power. Mortals were not qualified to utter this syllable!

And after Li Wei said this syllable, his soul actually trembled slightly, and there was a trace of pressure for no reason, as if the power of law in the dark was reminding him that Titan is a kind of thing that even gods should fear. The presence!

"Yes! Just like level 6 and level 7 life forms are called gods, level 8 life forms seem to be called titans!" Luna looked solemn.

This is not just a name, it shows that level 8 life forms are completely transcendent from level 6 and 7 gods, and the two are not in the same dimension at all!

What Levi couldn't understand was why the Titans and ancient gods such as Zeus and Odin were mortal enemies.

They are obviously two different levels of existence. In other words, how can Zeus and other gods have the qualifications to become the enemies of a Titan, and the kind that will never stop fighting?

And through the conversation with the Moon God, Levi also determined the location of the battlefield for the battle of the gods, which is the planet where the Titan sleeps!

This made Levi hesitate. After all, although he coveted the treasures left on the battlefield of the gods, if he accidentally bumped into the Titan who was the enemy of the gods, his life would be in danger!

"Scoff!" After Li Wei got the news he wanted to know, he thought about it and saw the God-killing Blade instantly inserted into the body of the Moon God. Then the power of divine laziness began to spread throughout his body, and in an instant, the God of the Moon was directly killed. Suppression!

The Moon Goddess poses no threat to Levi, and as a god who has survived for who knows how long, she happens to have the divine knowledge that Levi lacks!

But Levi currently has no way to control the other party. He can only suppress the Moon God first and wait until later!

The Punishment Mountain that once suppressed the broken arm of the ancient god has now become a pile of ruins, with countless rubble piled into large and small peaks, and between the peaks, there are rivers of golden lava exuding terrifying heat. !

The barrier that originally covered the entire sacred mountain was almost damaged at this time. Powerful but somewhat out-of-control energy spilled out, gathering extremely thick dark clouds in the sky. Thunder roared in the clouds, creating a doomsday scene!

"Crack! Click!" At the foot of a hill, large and small gravels suddenly began to condense under the action of an invisible force, and soon formed a red stone man with cracks on his body.

The stone man glanced around, and his eyes, which were obviously made of stone, filled with horror and the ecstasy of surviving a disaster!

The next moment, I saw dark red energy flowing on the surface of the stone man, and then the cracks on the body gradually disappeared, and the original red stone quickly turned into white flesh. It was the Caucasus who was turned into powder by the energy impact just now!

After all, he is a clone transformed from a thought in the Punishment Mountain. As long as the Punishment Mountain is not completely destroyed, he can be resurrected indefinitely with the help of the power of the Mountain!

But the next moment, Caucasus's face turned gloomy, because although he was still able to survive, he had clearly sensed how bad the state of the mountain was after being attacked by the severed arm, and it wouldn't take long before it would be completely Eliminate!

In other words, it may only take a few hundred years at most before he will die together with the Punishment Mountain!

"Hey!" Caucasus's face kept changing, and finally he sighed helplessly. He collapsed to the ground weakly, letting his hands and feet be submerged and melted by the lava flowing by.

"Buzz!" But at this moment, the space in front of Caucasus suddenly cracked, and then an extremely powerful energy breath came from the opposite side of the space. Under the pressure of the terrible momentum, Caucasus could not even get up from the ground. He could only Able to turn his eyes to look at the crack in space.

"God?" But the next moment, Caucasus only felt a round of golden stars emitting infinite light and heat, containing infinite energy, passing through the cracks in space. The powerful divine power made Caucasus's eyes and soul suddenly sting, almost collapse!

Caucasus naturally knows that the person with such powerful power and divine power must be a god, and the power that this god exudes is obviously much more powerful than the Moon God just now!

It's just that at this time, Caucasus didn't have much panic in his heart, because the situation had reached a point where it couldn't get any worse!

And if you want to prevent the demise of the Holy Mountain of Punishment, the only way at present is for a powerful god to take action and reshape the Holy Mountain of Punishment with great divine power! Therefore, this god has become the only hope for the survival of Mount Kailash and the Caucasus!

"Huh? Levi?" As the light and heat on the surface of the star slowly subsided, Caucasus finally saw the other party's true face, and the next moment his face suddenly showed a look of horror!

Caucasus never thought that Li Wei, who was hooking up with him, was actually a powerful god who hid his identity and played games with the world!

Naturally, it is impossible for Caucasus to believe that in just a few minutes, Levi went from a level 4 life form to two levels, broke through two life barriers, and evolved from a mortal to a god!

Therefore, the only explanation is that Li Wei is the vest of a certain god!

"See the great gods!" As the divine power that oppressed his body and soul restrained and dissipated, Caucasus quickly stood up and knelt down directly to Li Wei, showing great piety and respect.

But Li Wei ignored Caucasus kneeling at his feet, and just blasted out a force. This force hung high in the sky like a golden sun, and there was a strange talisman faintly flashing in the sun. It was Li Wei. The ice talisman that Wei originally comprehended!

"Buzz!" As the light of power bloomed, dispersing the dark clouds and darkness, the infinite divine power shone on the disintegrated, broken, and mostly melted Punishment Mountain!

"Boom!" As the divine power radiated, time seemed to go back on the Punishment Mountain. The gravel that rolled down the foot of the mountain rolled upwards, and the flowing river of lava also flowed back and turned into pieces of rock again, shattering in the blink of an eye. The sacred mountain will be restored to its original state!

After Li Wei realized divinity and controlled divine power, the power of the ice talisman in his hands increased ten thousand times!

And with the intervention of Li Wei's divine power, the sacred mountain, which originally covered an extremely large area but was of average height, was like plasticine, constantly deforming under Li Wei's control, and then turned into a conical, conical mountain. Mountains reaching hundreds of thousands of meters in height!

Although the shape has changed, the power of the sacred mountain at this time far exceeds its previous damaged state!

As the sacred mountain changed, the large area of ​​land around it that was originally suppressed by the sacred mountain reappeared. Also revealed was a black gate embedded deep in the earth, and the shadow clan doctor suspended in front of the gate! (End of chapter)

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