Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 49 The Divine Transformation Meeting

Levi's eyes quickly swept over and discovered that the figure grabbing Marcus turned out to be Zeke's partner, William, a rookie who was said to have just graduated from the police academy!

"Crash!" But Levi now couldn't care less about why William was the mastermind behind the scenes and why he was involved with the aberrations, because at this time, the pig-headed puppet seemed to have turned into a broken fire hydrant, and the black liquid spurted out. out.

"Bang! Bang!" Levi loaded the bullet and continued shooting at the puppet, but the bullet was completely blocked by the black liquid!

In just half a second when Levi fired, the black liquid spread out and covered the entire floor of the nearly 100-square-meter room, as if the ground was coated with a smooth and translucent black glue layer!

"Huh?" Levi looked down and saw that the liquid was like a living thing, sliding along the soles of his shoes and climbing on him, as if trying to wrap him up.

Levi was completely unaware of the weight of the liquid attached to his legs, as if the black liquid was just a tangible and insubstantial illusory existence!

"Bang!" Levi's calf muscles suddenly tightened, and the muscles and skin trembled with great force, immediately shattering the clinging black liquid into fine powder.

These black liquids tried several times and found that they could not wrap around Li Wei at all. As if they knew that there was nothing they could do to Li Wei, they stopped flowing and clinging to them, forming a circle around Li Wei. In the entire room, only half a square meter under Levi's feet was left. No black liquid.

Marcus and William, who were lying on the ground, had no choice but to be completely covered by black liquid in the blink of an eye!

"It's stuck! It's stuck!" Then, Marcus and William were seen covered in black liquid. There was a crunching sound in their bodies, and then they stood up straight from the ground with some weird movements!

"Boom!" I saw two figures that seemed to be condensed from black liquid, rushing towards Levi at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary people, while waving their fists to blast towards Levi.

"Bang!" Because he was worried about hurting Marcus who was covered in black liquid, Levi did not take the initiative to attack. He just opened his palm and caught Marcus' fist, making a muffled sound.

"Huh?" Levi felt the power coming from his palm and was a little surprised. After being covered by these black liquids, Marcus actually exerted a power that was close to the limit of a level 1 human body!

This black liquid actually has the magical effect of increasing strength. Although the strength of nearly a thousand kilograms is still nothing in front of Li Wei, for ordinary people, it is already an unimaginable power!

But Levi knew that the ability of the aberrant body could never be for charity. Marcus's transformation from a slightly stronger old man to exerting such a powerful force at this time was most likely squeezing Marcus's vitality and affecting him. It can cause huge damage to the body.

"Bang!" Levi grabbed Marcus's neck and lifted him up, ignoring the opponent's punches and kicks. A force from his palm suddenly shattered the black liquid covering Marcus' body, revealing his tight eyes. Marcus, who was closed, suddenly stopped struggling.

"Whoops!" Levi raised his hand and threw Marcus over his head. He smashed a large piece of glass and landed on the rooftop terrace. Although there were a lot of bloody wounds on his body from the glass, he still managed to save his life. !

Marcus was rescued, but Levi showed no mercy to William, one of the masterminds behind the scenes. Pauls died in William's hands!

"Boom!" Levi kicked William in the chest. William immediately flew back at a faster speed and hit the wall behind him, causing cracks in the concrete wall that was obviously a load-bearing wall!

"Ahem!" William's entire chest sunk in, and his body fell heavily to the ground. The black liquid covering his face disappeared, revealing a face with blood spurting from the mouth and nose, and his eyes stared at Levi in ​​shock and resentment.

The next moment, William's face showed a look of pain, and he saw streams of black liquid flowing into the other person's body along William's mouth, nose, and ears.

"Crack! Click!" Then the chest that had been sunken suddenly swelled and recovered, as if the black liquid had been restored from the inside of the body!

"Levi? Who are you? Why are you stopping us!" William asked warily. He knew very well how powerful he was in this state, and Levi, a retired soldier, actually had far more power than His power made William feel incredible!

"You?" Hearing this, Levi looked at the pig-headed puppet in the corner with some surprise, which was still spewing out black liquid. At this time, the puppet looked like a dead thing. He didn't expect that a human like William would actually get involved with an aberration. Together!

"That's right!" At this time, most of William's internal organs and ribs had been smashed by Levi, and they were all supported and repaired by black liquid. He was unable to move at all for a minute or two, so he was naturally willing to delay with Levi.

"Levi, I know you and Zeke are comrades-in-arms. He is indeed a good and just policeman, and I have no intention of harming him!" William raised his hands slightly to show that he had no hostility, "But his father, former director Ma Kusi is a complete executioner!”

"You have no idea that ten years ago Marcus signed and implemented Bill No. 8, which expanded the police's law enforcement powers and tacitly allowed the police to lynching criminals, even for minor criminals who only needed to be detained for a few weeks. They will also be shot to death by the police, and many of them even have no substantive evidence at all!”

"The most disgusting thing is that the police shield each other and even massacre witnesses in order to cover up their crimes!" It seemed that he was thinking of his father who was a witness but was secretly killed by the police. William's face was filled with anger. Looks like, "We are enforcing justice!"

"I'm not interested in those things!" Levi interrupted William and pointed to the pig-head puppet beside him, "What is it?"

"Huh?" Hearing Li Wei's question, a strange look flashed in William's eyes. He originally thought that Li Wei had such a powerful power and was most likely a member of the Church of All Souls.

But the other party doesn't seem to know the existence of the aberrant body now, which means that Levi is probably a lone wolf who knows nothing but possesses some powerful magical object. Otherwise, the source of the other party's powerful power cannot be explained!

"This is the miracle of the Creator, and it is also a higher-level existence than us!" William pointed to the pig-headed puppet behind him, "I call it the God Transformation!"

"They have incredible power and can help us evolve and gain strength and lifespan far beyond ordinary people!" William's eyes were full of piety, and he suddenly said sincerely to Li Wei, "Li Wei, this world is dirty and needs to be purified. If you are willing , you can also join us, gain the favor of God’s transformation, and explore the truth of this world!”

"Join you? Is there an organization behind you?"

"Of course! Our name is the Divine Transformation Society, and we have great power that you can't imagine!"

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