"Collapse!" When the mask appeared on Levi's head, Levi's body immediately began to expand as if it were inflated, his figure grew taller, and his already thick muscles continued to bulge.

A layer of looming four-edged armor appeared on the exposed skin, covering the extremely thick muscles. The whole person looked more like a deformed body than a puppet, and the filaments binding Levi's body broke instantly. .

"Boom!" At the same time, a black iron fist instantly hit the pig-headed puppet's face!

"Crack!" The pig-headed puppet's body was immediately knocked away by the huge force, and its head was blasted into pieces of wood all over the sky, revealing its broken neck with circles of wood grain.

"Boom!" The pig-head puppet's body hit the wall behind it hard, knocking a deep crater into the wall. At the same time, many fine cracks appeared on its body, extending to its upper body, making it look like a porcelain doll that was about to be broken.

But the puppet still stood upright on the spot, and at the same time, black liquid emerged from its neck and flowed upwards. In the blink of an eye, its head grew back, and the fine cracks on its body disappeared instantly.

"Such a great power!" The pig head was suddenly startled. He was able to break free from its control in an instant. This human's power is definitely much stronger than it, but the puppet's induction is unmistakable. The human in front of him is definitely a level 2 life form. How could he exert such a power comparable to a level 3 life form in his extreme state?

"Unless that mask is a strange object!" After the pig-headed puppet came up with this guess, he looked at the mask on Levi's face, and suddenly felt strong jealousy and greed in his heart.

Strange objects are the most magical treasures in the world. Almost all of the god-transforming bosses that Pig Head Puppet knows have their own unique objects, which can exert powerful power that far exceeds that of the same level, and can even fight across levels. !

It’s just that rare objects are too rare. With the influence and power of the Divine Transformation Society, the rare objects found in the world over the years are still extremely rare. Only the divine transformations that have made great contributions to the Divine Transformation Society can be found. Qualify for a chance to match rare items!

And now, a strange object appears in front of it, how can it not make the pig-headed puppet ecstatic!

But the pig-headed puppet also knows that with the increase of the strange object, Levi's power can completely crush it. Although he cannot kill it with these brute force, he will only fall into a deadlock where each other can't do anything about it!

The best way at the moment is to retreat now, then look for other helpers, and then kill Li Wei and obtain the other party's rare items!

"Human! You are very strong and you are worthy of my respect!" The pig-headed puppet shook its body, which seemed to have recovered as before. "But you should also have discovered that your power can't harm me, so there is no need to continue the stalemate. "

Levi sneered when he heard this. The pig-headed puppet seemed to be immune to external attacks because of the rapid recovery of the black liquid in its body, but it must have a certain limit!

Not to mention that the opponent wanted to run away after the fight, but the special energy point represented by the pig-headed puppet made Levi envious.

He is now only two points of special energy away from the real level 2 life limit state, and the pig-headed puppet seems to have some kind of strange talent. Levi is not willing to let it go. After all, in addition to his huge power, he also has another The item contains the power of psychic and sonic attacks!

"Boom!" Levi exerted force with the soles of his feet. Under the huge thrust, his body appeared in front of the pig-headed puppet like a bullet. He then grabbed the puppet's neck and slammed it to the ground, causing a deep crack.

"It's useless! Don't waste your strength, you can't kill me with your power!" Parts of the puppet kept breaking, but after flying out, it turned into a pool of black liquid and flew back again, just like the liquid robot in the Terminator movie of the previous life. , extremely difficult to deal with!

"Boom! Boom!" Levi turned a deaf ear to the pig-headed puppet's words. He just used the puppet's body to hit the concrete floor under his feet, causing gravel to fly.

"Crack!" After more than ten hits in a row, the reinforced concrete floor more than one meter behind was cracked, and a large hole was revealed. Levi grabbed the pig-head puppet in his hand and fell down together.

After Levi fell through the hole, the two fell to the ground on the first floor, but Levi did not let go. Instead, he kept grabbing the other person's neck and stuffed him directly into a huge iron bucket behind him!

This iron barrel is cylindrical, more than two meters high, almost three meters high, and extremely thick, with a wall thickness of up to 30 centimeters. It is suspended in mid-air on the first floor.

Except for a small opening less than half a meter that can be opened, the entire iron barrel is completely sealed.

This iron barrel was the steel-making furnace of the original metal processing factory!

"Haha! Are you going to burn me to death?" The muffled laughter of a pig-headed puppet came from the steel-making furnace. "What a good idea! If this steel-making furnace is really operating, I will really be burned together." Burned to ashes! But unfortunately, this factory has been closed for several years, and the dust in the steel-making furnace is one centimeter thick!"

Levi ignored the pig-headed puppet's taunts. Even if he couldn't kill the pig-headed puppet completely now, he could temporarily imprison it in this steel-making furnace!

"Buzz!" Levi opened his mouth slightly, pointed at the narrow opening of the steel-making furnace, and let out a low buzz in his throat. The sound didn't sound loud, but there were circles of sound waves visible to the naked eye in the air. Rushing towards the steel-making furnace!

"Caracara!" At the entrance of the steel-making furnace, the pig-headed puppet, whose body had returned to its original state, was about to continue taunting him when he suddenly received the impact of Levi's mimetic mental wave. The puppet's body suddenly began to vibrate violently, and the parts They collided and made a series of abnormal noises.

After only holding on for half a second, the pig-headed puppet's body swayed like liquid, and then the colorful clothes on its body transformed into puddles of black liquid again, showing a surging state like boiling!

"Ah!" The pig-headed puppet suddenly let out a shrill scream, and strips of black liquid continued to drip from it. After falling behind the steel-making furnace, it did not return to the puppet like before.

Instead, it is like water droplets being heated by microwaves, constantly vibrating at extremely high speeds, and then solidifying and turning into gray-black powder!

"Stop! Stop!" The pig-headed puppet let out several rapid screams, and then the black liquid could no longer maintain its size and turned directly into a large puddle of black liquid, running rampant in the steel-making furnace looking for an exit.

"Buzz!" Seeing that the mental sound wave attack was effective, Li Wei quickly increased the intensity of the attack. In a large-area sealed container like a steel-making furnace, the power of the attack seemed to be greatly increased. Even the steel-making furnace The thick layer of iron scale outside was directly shaken into cracks.

And the black liquid seemed to have really turned into boiling black molten iron in a steel-making furnace, surging and tumbling, but its volume was reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was evaporated into puddles of lifeless powder!

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