"Ouch!" Looking at the scene in front of her and feeling the bloody and rancid smell that kept entering her nose, Jenny finally couldn't help it and turned around to vomit.

And when Jenny made this move, Rosen and Elena's stomachs also started to churn, and they started to vomit together.

After all, Jay had received military training, so he felt better. He endured the discomfort, lifted up his T-shirt and covered his mouth and nose. While feeling horrified, he could not help but feel a surge of anger, "What two beasts!"

This basement, which is larger than a wooden house on the ground, is simply a slaughterhouse!

There were two wooden tables placed in front of them. On the wooden tables were two bloody bodies.

And when she discovered that several normal-looking humans had come down, her dim eyes suddenly lit up, her will to survive suddenly burst out, and her brain actually woke up a little, "Save me! Please save me!"

"Quick! Save people!" Hearing the voice in her ears, Elena wiped the vomit from her mouth and quickly called for Jay and others to come forward and save people.

Jay took out the small first aid kit from his backpack, hurriedly bandaged the miserable girl's severed limb to stop the bleeding, and at the same time injected her with a shot of epinephrine.

Levi on the side did not move when he saw this. He knew very well that unless the operating room was moved here now, this girl would definitely be hopeless. Now she is just a flashback!

"Wake up! Wake up!" Sure enough, within two minutes, the tortured girl had completely stopped moving. The emotional Elena kept calling to the other person, and she burst into tears.

"Rosen, what's wrong with you?" At this moment, Jenny suddenly discovered that Rosen was clutching his heart and collapsed on the ground. His face was pale and sweating profusely. He looked very painful.

"Hey! Brother, have you had another heart attack?" Jay quickly stepped forward and groped for something in Rosen's pocket, but found nothing. "Where's your medicine box?"

"It fell, it fell!" Rosen gasped, holding back the severe pain, "I feel like I can't breathe!"

Rosen suffers from congenital heart disease, and he was a little tired today. At this time, he received a lot of stimulation in the basement, and he suddenly had a heart attack!

"What can we do! Without medicine, Rosen will die!" Jay anxiously carried Rosen to the ventilated and empty wooden house, and then turned his eyes to Levi for help. People always subconsciously worship in times of trouble. Believe in the strong.

"It's so urgent that you seek medical treatment." Li Wei shook his head helplessly. He only knew some simple bandaging and first aid.

"Look, you guys, there's a car!" But at this moment, Jenny looked through the rear window and discovered a dilapidated car parked behind the wooden house!

Several people hurriedly went to check. Fortunately, the key was inserted in the car and had not been removed. Moreover, although the car looked dirty and old, it could still start a fire, but the space was small, and Li Wei could not sit alone. It’s too small, let alone the space for four Jays!

"Hurry up and take Rosen to the hospital first! Call the police after we get down the mountain. I'll wait for the police here!" Levi closed the car door for them.

"Okay Li! Just be careful!" Jay nodded, stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the mountain road.

"Bang!" Just as Levi watched the taillights of the vehicle disappear, a strange noise suddenly came from the wooden house next to him. Looking in through the glass, he found that the weirdo whom he shot twice was actually struggling. Get up from the ground!

"Huh?" Levi was very surprised. His two shots hit the opponent's chest and forehead, but he didn't even die? At the same time, I also understood why the book did not indicate how to obtain energy.

Although he was surprised by the other party's good luck, Levi didn't take it too seriously. After all, he had seen lucky people in battles before who had half of their heads blown off and survived!

"Abba, Abba!" The weirdo who had been shot twice was already staggering up, pulling on the iron chain on the other weirdo, trying to help him untie the iron chain.

"Creak!" But the next moment, Levi's slow and heavy steps made the wooden boards make strange noises. Against the afterglow of the setting sun, Levi's already burly body cast a large shadow, covering the two people who were struggling to survive in the wooden house. A weirdo.

If this scene were seen by outsiders, Levi would probably be the villain and the murderer, while the two weirdos would be innocent lambs.

"Huh? What a powerful recovery ability!" Although the muzzle of the gun on the thin weirdo was still there, the blood had obviously stopped on its own.

And the other weirdo who was tied up by him unexpectedly woke up from his coma at this time, and his broken jaw kept twisting, as if he wanted to remind his companions.

"Abba, Abba!" Sensing Levi's approach, the thin little weirdo let go of the iron chain in his palm, a look of begging for mercy appeared on his face, and then he clasped his hands and kowtowed to Levi repeatedly.

"Dong dong dong!" The weirdo's head hit the wooden floor hard, making a dull sound, and blood suddenly spurted out from the bullet hole on his forehead.

When Levi walked within one meter of the weirdo, a cunning and sinister look suddenly flashed in the eyes of the weirdo who was constantly kowtowing and begging for mercy. Then he gathered all his strength and slammed his head against the wooden board in front of him.

"Crack!" As the weirdo hit his head on the board, the one-meter-long board in front of him immediately broke. Levi's foot on the board lost support, and his right leg fell down, his body twisted.

"Hehehehehe!" The weirdo realized the plan and let out a sharp laugh. He grabbed the boning knife scattered aside and stabbed it towards the root of Levi's thigh. His movements seemed to have been rehearsed, fast and fierce!

The moment his right foot fell, Levi's mind was extremely clear, and countless coping methods emerged in an instant.

"Crash!" In this dangerous situation, Levi did not make any random movements to resist. Instead, he suddenly exerted force on his standing left foot. The force of more than a thousand kilograms suddenly broke out, and instantly trampled a large piece of wooden floor under his feet!

"Boom!" The surrounding two or three square meters of wooden floor shattered instantly. Levi and the two weirdos fell towards the basement below together. The so-called trap was immediately broken!

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