"As for the result, it's obvious!" Medina showed a trace of anger and contempt in her eyes.

The gods fought with the evil forces and either fell or fell into sleep. However, what the gods paid such a price for was that someone wanted to steal the power of the gods they believed in. How could Medina not be angry!

Levi nodded. It was obvious that the demigods behind the religion had not succeeded. Otherwise, miracles would have appeared in the world long ago to compete for more faith!

"Ms. Medina, what exactly is the evil force that can fight the gods? Is it some extremely powerful aberration?"

"I don't know this question either!" Medina shook her head. "Even in the church, there are very few records about the battle between gods and evil that took place more than five thousand years ago. All we know is that the battle was so violent that the world was shattered. broken!"

"And the only heroic spirits who might know the details were all sacrificed in the battle between gods and evil. Therefore, there is no record of what happened back then and who the enemies of the gods were. Just like that record It was wiped out abruptly!"

"And strange objects refer to all items with strange abilities! Because the historical records of the gods' period have been lost, our current understanding of strange objects is still very superficial."

"Although the church can purify and utilize the magical objects through the artifacts left by the gods, it does not know the principles, let alone how and why the magical objects appear! But almost all the magical objects appear. Objects contain a type of radiation energy that is hundreds of times more intense than in the normal environment, which can have a positive or negative impact on the human body.”

"Is that kind of radiation energy also present in the normal environment?" Levi asked in surprise. He always thought that that kind of radiation energy would only appear in specific places, which led to the emergence of aberrations.

"The energy of distorted radiation is everywhere like air, but it needs specific instruments to detect it. We generally refer to it as radiation energy." Medina nodded, "According to religious history, in the era when gods appeared, this The concentration of this radiation energy is extremely high, so various supernatural creatures including aberrations are born!”

"Just like oxygen, the higher the oxygen concentration in the world, the larger the natural organisms that survive! Therefore, that era is called the high-energy era!"

"And when the war between gods and evil ended, the world environment also underwent drastic changes. The concentration of radiation energy decreased greatly and could no longer carry and provide the energy needed for the survival of high-level life forms. Therefore, various supernatural creatures either fell into sleep , or become extinct. Many strange objects that originally had the ability to destroy heaven and earth have been suppressed to the point where they are almost reduced to mortal objects! The highest level of life that the world can hold is level 3 life forms. Therefore, over the past thousands of years, , our All Souls Church does not have a patriarch!”

"Level 3?" Levi glanced at Medina. In the past thousands of years, although the Church of All Souls has never given birth to a new level 5 patriarch, there have been level 4 lifeforms in every generation.

"The limit that the world can accommodate is Level 3, but our Church of All Souls has barely created a shallow pond that can hold Level 4 life forms."

"Warehouse?" Levi suddenly realized that there are thousands of objects in the warehouse, many of which are various strange objects that can release radiation energy. By gathering these strange objects in the warehouse, the church can artificially create a high-energy environment for the survival of level 4 life forms!

"Not bad!" Medina cast an approving look, "Each warehouse guardian maintains survival by integrating himself and the warehouse into one! But it is just maintenance. Once the guardian leaves the warehouse, it will be too late If it lasts for a long time, or a high-intensity battle breaks out, it is equivalent to overdrawing one's own vitality, just like fireworks, although they are gorgeous, they are fleeting! "

"During that period, the Church of All Souls encountered more than a dozen major crises because it lost the deterrence of its high-end combat power. It was the guardians who sacrificed their lives to preserve the church's heritage!"

"And that stage is from the time after the War between God and Evil, that is, from five thousand years ago to 1853, it is called the low-radiation era!"

"By 1853? Has radiation changed since then?"

"That's right! One hundred and fifty years ago, the radiation energy in the world's environment suddenly showed an increasing trend, and as time goes by, the radiation energy grows faster and faster. As of today, the radiation energy in the external environment Radiation energy can barely support the normal actions of level 4 life forms, and finally they no longer have to be restrained in this small warehouse!" Medina had a look of joy on her face.

At least she waited for this day, instead of being like the previous warehouse guardian who obviously had a lifespan of more than a thousand years but died prematurely due to various reasons!

"According to the calculations of church scholars, according to the current growth rate of radiation energy, it may only take a few decades for the radiation energy in the world to be enough to withstand the birth of a level 5 demigod!" Medina said with a little excitement, "We call this stage the retro era!"

Retrospective, that is, returning to the super ancient period when the gods existed!

"Of course, although the retro era is a prosperous age for our advanced life forms, more and stronger aberrations will be born correspondingly, and our All Souls Church has been hidden in the world for too long. In order to survive in the next prosperous age, To seize the opportunity and regain glory, that's why I proposed to recruit elites from human society for training, but I didn't expect to find a genius like you, Li Wei!" Medina was filled with joy.

"Haha! I'm off topic! I just talked about the two effects of radiation. The negative effect is extremely common, that is, humans or other living things, under the influence of this radiation, transform into some kind of distortion; the positive effect is that we You can also practice and strengthen yourself through this radiant energy.”

"Use the energy of distorted radiation to practice?" Levi asked curiously, "Do we humans also have a way to directly absorb and utilize distorted radiation?"

"Yes!" Medina nodded, then waved her hand and saw a very thick book flying from a bookshelf in the distance, and handed it to Levi.

"Meditating Method for All Souls?" Li Wei looked at the very dated book in his hand, which seemed to be a secret method of cultivation.

"This is a secret method created by the first and only Patriarch that is suitable for almost all human beings to practice!" Medina said in a very serious tone, "By meditating on the gods, we can accelerate the absorption and transformation of radiation energy! Of course, the premise is You have evolved to a level 3 life form and can sense the radiation that exists in nature!"

"Li Wei, now that you have obtained the inheritance of the Dwarf King, you must also have obtained the abilities of the Dwarf King. However, the primary inheritance only allows you to learn to use those abilities, thoroughly digest them, and develop deep-level abilities. You need to cultivate and tap your potential!”

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