Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 76 Bracelet and Simulation Server

Li Wei looked at the tablet in the man's hand with some surprise. He did not expect that the tablet had such an ability similar to wormhole transmission.

If Levi hadn't sensed the radiation from the tablet, he would have even suspected that the tablet was a strange object.

"Crack!" Soon, the revolver was revealed from the red space hole. As soon as Levi held the handle of the gun, he felt more intuitively how huge the pistol was. It was like a handgun!

In his normal form, Levi was nearly two meters tall, and his open palm was as big as half an A4 paper, but he could barely hold the handle of the gun!

From the muzzle to the hammer, the entire gun is nearly 40 centimeters long, and the barrel is not a traditional cylindrical shape. Instead, it is a regular hexahedron that looks extremely thick and tough, full of violent wildness and heavy industrial style. Levi is The more I watch, the more I like it!

The pistol is also extremely heavy. Li Wei weighed it and found that it weighed sixty or seventy kilograms. This shows that the density of the gun itself is also extremely high.

"Wow! This is really a big guy! He can almost compare with Pfeiffer Zeliska!" Levi couldn't put it down and stroked the cold gun body.

Pfeiffer Zeliska is a large-caliber single-action revolver produced by an Austrian weapons company. It is also one of the most powerful and largest pistols in the world. It weighs about 6 kilograms and is about 55 centimeters long. One shot You can kill an elephant!

But this has also been criticized by many people. With this length and weight, a sniper rifle with excellent performance can be made, rather than a huge revolver that cannot be used by humans!

"There is no comparison between Pfeiffer Zeliska and this pistol. You will know after you experience it for yourself!" The man shook his head after hearing this. "Mr. Levi, this pistol has a special press and has been moved. On to your car!"

A press is a set of equipment used to suppress bullets.

Levi played with the revolver in his hand. He could clearly feel the radiation energy emitted from the gun. After leaving here, he put the pistol in the leather book. After all, this pistol was too cool and conspicuous!

"Is there anyone else who can help you?" After Levi selected the strange object, the man asked.

"If I exchange items from the online banking app, can I take them directly from you?" Levi took out his phone and clicked on the online banking software. Currently, there are 1,010 merit points in total.

"Most of these items can be taken directly from me!" The man nodded.

Levi nodded, and then directly consumed 100 merit points to upgrade his level in the church to a priest!

With the increase in authority, the redemption list was immediately updated, and the items that could be redeemed increased several times!

"Yeah!" Levi roughly flipped through the redemption list, and then spent 200 merit points to place an order for a bracelet of the same style as Walter's.

This kind of bracelet continues to have more functions, and the material used in its manufacture is also very high-tech. It is very tough and can withstand flame temperatures below 1500 degrees, which is enough for Levi to let go of his hands and feet to fight!

"There are still 700 points of merit points left. Let me see what other good things are worth redeeming!" Levi does not intend to save these merit points and convert them into things useful to him as soon as possible in order to maximize the value of the merit points. .

"Huh? Super stretchable simulation suit?" Soon, Levi took a fancy to something that was very useful to him.

Although Levi is about the same height and shape as an ordinary person in his normal form, once he enters a fighting state, especially if he encounters an enemy that allows him to attack with all his strength in the future, he will transform into a fighting form that is more than three meters tall. Clothes will be shattered in an instant.

The super-extensible simulation suit is not actually clothing, nor is it made of cloth in the conventional sense. It is essentially a ball of liquid nanorobots that can freely combine shapes!

According to reports, this kind of nanorobot is not, or not entirely, a creation of human technology, but a derivative of a strange object. Most of the bracelets are actually made of this kind of nanorobot.

This kind of simulated clothing uses the human body's biological energy to drive energy, can extend to a maximum area of ​​10 square meters, and can be combined and changed to form any desired clothing style.

While this group of nanorobots has strong defense, it can also withstand flames and high temperatures below 1,500 degrees.

And even if the nanorobots are damaged, as long as the damage rate does not exceed 60%, the remaining nanorobots can still "reproduce" and update by consuming energy, which is quite powerful!

At the same time, Levi also saw in the exchange list that the combat robot made of this kind of nanorobot was exactly the same as the liquid robot in the Terminator movie he had seen in his previous life!

The combat robots in the exchange list only have simple intelligence, can perform some relatively simple and dull tasks, and cannot perform complex command operations.

However, this kind of combat robot can exert a power comparable to a level 2 life form, is fearless and knows no pain, and has been able to kill many aberrations. Therefore, the exchange price is very expensive, requiring a full 2,000 merit points!

"Is 500 merit points worth it?" Levi looked at the price of the simulation server and found that it was as high as 500 points, which was already a quarter of the price of a combat robot. The price/performance ratio was not high, but Levi still chose to redeem it. !

"Buzz!" As Levi completed the exchange, a space hole appeared on the tablet in the man's hand, followed by a black bracelet and a ball of silver-white liquid metal that was the size of a fist and was constantly rolling.

After the middle-aged man operated the tablet a few times, an electric current suddenly flashed across the bracelet and metal ball.

"The bracelet and the simulation server have been activated and connected, and their identities have been bound to you, Mr. Levi. No one else has permission to use it except you!" The man put down the tablet and said, "Mr. Levi, are you wearing it?" Before simulating the suit, please take off your clothes to avoid damage! ”

After hearing this, Levi took off all his clothes, put on a cold bracelet, and then reached out and touched the metal ball gently. The metal ball suddenly turned into a puddle of silver liquid, extending upwards along Levi's palm, and soon It covers the entire body.

Levi glanced at the silver-white metal that was constantly flowing on his body, but his body could barely notice its weight.

"Beep! Please choose the clothing style!" A prompt sounded on the bracelet, and then a red translucent page was projected in the air, on which a set of clothing styles designed and matched by a well-known fashion designer flashed.

Levi stretched out his finger and casually clicked on the first set of clothing styles. After the projection page captured Levi's action options, he saw the silver-white liquid metal on Levi's body flashing with electric currents.

Then it was transformed into a complete tuxedo, suit, leather shoes, and tie pin in two or three seconds. It felt almost exactly like the real thing!

Then, when Levi's muscles tensed up and he entered the fighting state, his body suddenly surged to more than three meters high, and the simulation suit also extended accordingly, still maintaining a quite decent and suitable state.

“Now I’m finally not afraid of my clothes being blown out!”

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