Levi was not surprised but overjoyed, and even secretly expected that this would be a level 3 aberration!

Levi's current physical strength is as high as 20 tons. After taking into account the 50% increase in the faceless mask, he can even explode with 30 tons of force in a short period of time!

Coupled with the mental force field, control of flames, steel skin and primary self-healing, this series of talents add to the battle, and Levi already has the confidence and ability to leapfrog the battle!

Levi looked carefully at the church in front of him. This church looked extremely old. The whole body was made of gray-white stones, and the doors and windows were already in decay.

Because it is located in a dense forest, the evening sunlight cannot shine into the church at all, making it appear very dark. Especially the dark roof and the sculpture-like crow standing on the roof make the entire church full of ominousness and terror. atmosphere of!

But Levi didn't find it strange. This was the atmosphere that should have been under the influence of strong distortion radiation! Because the residual distortion radiation energy of higher distortion bodies also has considerable influence and transformation ability on the environment!

Levi looked inside the church through the doors and windows. The interior of the church was even more decayed. The original wooden benches had turned into rotten wood. At the deepest end of the church, there seemed to be a The Cross of Jesus is the only object in the entire church.

"Daly! Can you hear me?" After Tris got out of the car, she ran to the black pipe opening slanted out of the ground next to the church and shouted loudly into the pipe, causing waves of deep echoes.

Levi walked to the mouth of the pipe. It was a hard plastic drainage pipe with a radius of nearly one meter. From this pipe, Levi could smell a corpse odor that was quite strong and peculiar to his sense of smell!

"Daly! Come out quickly! We should go!" Tris was still shouting at the pipe, her face full of urgency.

"Miss Tris, I think your brother may not necessarily have the ability to climb up this pipe!" At this moment, Levi interrupted Tris's cry.

With a little light, Levi could see that the pipe was diagonally downward at a 45-degree angle, nearly thirty meters long, leading to a basement, and the end of the pipe was nearly three meters high from the basement. According to rough information, According to calculations, this basement was actually built about 24 meters underground!

"Ah?" After hearing this, Tris's face suddenly turned pale and she said in panic, "Mr. Levi, what should we do?"

But Tris did not speak, asking Levi to go down and rescue Daley. Even if the other party was a police officer, he already had the right to refuse certain unreasonable requests!

Moreover, Levi has no intention of going down. He is tall and tall. This pipe with a diameter of less than one meter is really narrow for Levi. Once he is attacked halfway, he will be quite passive!

"Right! The rope!" Tris suddenly remembered something, "Mr. Levi, can you put a rope down, and then pull Daley up through the car!"

"It's a very good idea!" Levi nodded approvingly, and then helplessly spread his palms, "But I don't have such a long rope on my car. Even the winch on the front of the car is only about ten meters, which is not enough at all!"

"Huh?" At this moment, Levi suddenly turned to look at the church, and saw a gray-faced young man wearing a light blue T-shirt who looked somewhat similar to Tris walking out of the church. !

"Daly!" Tris on the side saw the man with a look of surprise on her face, and quickly went up and hugged him tightly, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" It turned out that this man was Tris's brother Daley, but he seemed a little distracted at this time, and there was still fear in his eyes, as if he had just experienced something extremely terrifying!

"Daly! Let's get into Mr. Police's car and leave!" Tris dragged Dailey and prepared to get in the car and leave.

"Police?" When Daley heard Tris' words, he subconsciously raised his head, and then he realized that there were two extremely burly men in front of him. Both of them had weapons hanging on their waists, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Mr. Police, I want to call the police!" Daley stepped forward with a face full of horror and excitement, grabbed Levi's arm, looked up and shouted, "Down here is the base of a perverted murderer!"

"There are a lot of corpses down there! There are Kenny and Dana too! Kenny and Dana's corpses are also down there!" Daly's face was full of horror. Recalling what he just saw below, Daly felt like he was about to gasp. It’s time to get angry!

"What? Kenny and Dana?" Upon hearing these two names, Tris's face changed instantly.

Kenny and Dana were a couple, and they were best friends in high school. However, after graduating from high school 4 years ago, Kenny and Dana suddenly disappeared while driving on the same road!

Later, the police only found the car stained with their blood at an intersection not far away, but the body has not been found yet!

Later, the police characterized it as a traffic accident and closed the case hastily!

After that incident, Tris suddenly felt a fear of this road in her heart, always feeling that one day she would die on this road!

"Daly, why did you come out of the church?" Tris glanced at the tunnel-like pipe on the side, and then remembered that Daley actually walked up from the church, and her heart suddenly moved, "Is this pipe connected? Is it the basement under the church?”

"Down here is a huge basement. At the end of the basement, there is a staircase that leads directly to the church!" Sure enough, Daley's words confirmed Tris's idea.

"Hannibal, let's go down together and take a look!" Levi turned to the Tris siblings and said, "You guys just sit in the car. No matter what happens, don't come out!"

As if seeing the fear in Tris and Daley's hearts, Levi pointed at the car and smiled, "This car has been specially modified. As long as you don't get out of the car, even if the truck driver holds a machine gun, he won't be able to do anything to you in a short time." !”

Seeing that Cuisi and her brother sat in the car obediently and locked the door, Levi took the ogre and walked directly to a small room at the door of the church. Sure enough, he saw a pile of collapsed and rotten wooden cabinets. Behind, a dark entrance leading directly to the underground was revealed. With a thought, he directly put the Faceless Man mask on the ogre and controlled the ogre to go to the basement!

Although the helmet worn by the ogre also has the ability to transmit the images it sees back in real time, in such an environment with residual radiation energy from high-level aberrations, and at a depth of more than 20 meters underground, transmission is difficult. The signal is easily affected by the image, which is not as convenient as controlling the ogre's body yourself!

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