"Elementary self-healing? Where did this sudden innate ability come from?" Levi groped his smooth chin, "Is it an evolutionary awakening after the life level is improved, or is it because of killing this weirdo, giving him the power of Pi Shu? gift?"

Levi has killed too many people with his own hands, including many madmen with superior strength, but they only provided ordinary energy to Pi Shu, but this kind of weirdo provided special energy!

It shows that this kind of weirdo is definitely not an ordinary human being!

And Levi still remembers that this weirdo didn't die after being hit in the heart and head. Isn't it a sign of a very powerful self-healing ability?

"Also, can ordinary energy now only be used to improve skills?" Levi made a new discovery after trying some operations, "And physical fitness, physical fitness and life level, as well as this sudden talent, You have to use special energy to improve it.”

"And it seems that special energy can only be obtained from this kind of weirdo!" Levi turned his attention to the burly weirdo lying motionless on the ground, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes. Compared to improving himself, the little money from selling the weirdo was worth it. , Li Wei naturally looked down upon him.

"Abba, Ababa!" In this weirdo's view, human beings are just a kind of food that is no different from cattle and sheep. However, he saw helplessly that his smart and powerful companion actually killed this terrible human with his bare hands. After that, the weirdo Ben was frightened.

Especially after Levi's life level increased, the weirdo felt a kind of suppression from his life level!

"Abba! Abba!" Survival is the instinct engraved in the deepest part of every creature. At this moment, seeing this terrible human being trying to kill him, the weird man tied up on the ground felt his liver and gallbladder split, and his heart kept uttering surrender and begging for mercy. intention.

"Crack!" Just when Levi was about to end this weirdo's life, the sound of turning pages suddenly came from the leather book in his mind!

Levi looked intently and saw that the book had turned to a new page, and information about the weird people on the ground was instantly updated.

"Species: Ogre (human mutation)

Age: 17 years old

Life level: Level 1

Physical fitness: 0.73 (can be improved)

Constitution: 1 (cannot be improved)

Talent: Elementary self-healing

Skills: Slaughter Level 4, Fighting Level 2

Status: Absolute Surrender"

"This! Pi Shu subdued this ogre for me?" Levi was surprised, especially since he clearly noticed a connection between himself and the ogre in front of him. Not only could he sense the ogre's He knows what he thinks and can also give him irresistible instructions in his heart. It is really magical!

Moreover, as the ogre was captured and subdued by the leather book, Levi discovered that he could also increase the ogre's physical fitness at the current level by consuming ordinary energy.

After Levi was silent for a moment, he directly consumed 27 points of ordinary energy, preparing to develop the ogre's physical strength to the limit.

"Roar!" As the energy was poured into the ogre's body, the ogre let out a powerful roar. Green and black blood vessels as thick as an index finger emerged from the surface of the body. The already thick and muscular muscles It swelled again, and the whole person became bigger!

"Kadang! Kadang!" As his body grew, the iron chain that bound him was broken. At the same time, the deformation of his head and face became more serious. His eyes were sunken, and his lips and teeth were turned out, like a wild boar face!

"Species: Ogre (human mutation)

Age: 17 years old

Life level: Level 1

Physical: 1 (cannot be improved)

Constitution: 1 (cannot be improved)

Talent: Elementary self-healing

Skills: Slaughter Level 4, Fighting Level 2

Status: Absolutely obedient”

The upgraded ogre climbed up from the ground, and his height was raised to 2.45 meters. His muscles were all tangled and his veins were protruding. Just standing there made the basement seem much smaller!

Looking at the ogre standing in front of him with his head bowed obediently, Levi pressed his shoulder with one hand and struggled with it slightly. He found that after the ogre's physical strength was fully developed, the ogre could explode with nearly 1,500 kilograms. the power of!

"Not bad! Not bad!" Levi nodded with satisfaction. Although this weirdo was mutated from humans, its essential species has been changed into an ogre, and its physical limit is obviously stronger than that of humans.

Coupled with its own basic self-healing, the combat power of this ogre cannot be underestimated. If its combat skill level is upgraded, Levi will have a powerful helper!

It's just that although the ogre can understand, he can't speak. When Li Wei asked him why he became like this, the other party made "abaaaba" gestures for a long time, saying that he didn't know either. He had been talking about it since he could remember. Here I hunted humans with another companion.

"The sudden extra self-healing talent should have been extracted from the ogre after Pi Shu conquered it." Li Wei thought to himself, and at the same time he also had more ideas. For example, since there is an ogre, Species exist, then will there be other strange species in the world?

And Levi can conclude that if he wants to increase his life level, he must hunt special species that are more powerful than these two ogres to obtain more, or higher-level special energy!

"Interesting!" Levi thought of this, but suddenly there was a surge of joy in his heart.

After twelve years of fighting in the army, he experienced countless life and death crises, killing people on missions, squandering money and drinking, and killing people again. Such a repetitive cycle of days made Levi almost numb.

Especially when he reached the limit of human beings, and after a brief carnival, he suddenly lost his goal of progress.

But now, he feels that he has found a path with a clear direction, which is to search and hunt those special life forms, so as to continuously improve and evolve himself!

He wanted to see what he would become if his life level was upgraded to the extreme. Is it a human being or a god?

After sorting out his harvest, Levi took the ogre to the wooden house that was on the verge of collapse. Originally, he wanted to wait for the police to come, but now that he had subdued the ogre, it was naturally impossible to hand him over to the police.

Levi looked around in several rooms in the wooden house, but could not find any clothes suitable for the ogre's current size.

After the opponent's size exploded, all the clothes he was wearing were torn to pieces and his eggs were all exposed. If he went out like this, he would probably be caught and taken to the police station before taking two steps. In desperation, Levi could only tear off a piece. Let the other party put the curtains on first.

During the search, Levi found many valuables such as wallets, rings, watches, etc. in a cabinet, which were obviously taken from the victims by the ogres.

Levi took out the cash from his wallet, took a quick look, and saw that there were ten to twenty thousand US dollars, and then he stuffed the cash into his pocket.

"Boom!" After picking up the two shell casings on the ground and confirming that there were no other clues left, Levi lit the wooden house on fire, and then walked down the mountain with the ogre carrying the logging axe.

"Give you a name, let's call it Hannibal!"

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