Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 96 The Pyramid of the Demon Cave

"Name: Levi

Age: 30 years old

Life level: Level 3

Physical: 70.5 (47) (the 50% increase in the Faceless Man's mask has been solidified and can be turned off)

Physique: 70.5 (47) (Man of Steel is increasing)

Soul: 1.5

Talents: Son of Fire (primary), Fire of Fear, Psychic Field, Primary Self-Healing (80%↑), Body of Steel, Fearlessness (solidified, can be turned off), Shield (solidified, can be turned off)

Rare items: Mask of the Faceless One, Arachne's Loom, Samaria, Zukanod's Mutation Core, Iron Chariot, Ax of Azarov

Servant: Ogre

Skills: Blacksmithing Level 5, Fighting Level 5, Shooting Level 3, Infiltration Level 3, Maneuvering Level 3, Spy Level 3

Normal energy: 15 points

Special Power: 5

Demigod Power: 0"

"The improvement of the soul cannot be achieved through the improvement of special energy points. It can only progress with the improvement of life level." Levi shook his head helplessly, "Or it may require a higher level of energy to improve it, such as yesterday's inheritance Get the demigod power from the Dwarf King!"

"It's a pity that the power of demigods automatically affects the evolution of the body and talent. If it can be distributed freely, we can try to see if it can affect the soul!"

Under the control of the White Queen, the off-road vehicle drove smoothly and quickly. He was simply the best driver in the world, and soon returned to the police station.

When Levi returned to the police station, he found a helicopter parked in the open space in front of the police station, with church symbols engraved on the rear half of the fuselage.

It was after the battle between Levi and Merlin that he called the church's logistics department to clean up the situation.

This is the advantage of joining a big force. Just feel free to do it, and there will be specialized personnel to deal with the follow-up problems!

"Mr. Levi, have you found Merlin's body?" As soon as Levi got out of the car, Ji Qian ran over dragging her fat body. Ji Qian and Merlin have been feuding for generations, and they were among the people present. I want to kill it the most!

"It doesn't matter even if you don't find it! Merlin will be resurrected in sixteen years. By then, Mr. Levi, you will surely become more powerful. If Merlin dares to follow the smell of fear and find you, we can set up an ambush again. Kill it!"

Ji Qian actually didn't have much hope that Levi could find Merlin's body.

Their family has spent thousands of years and dozens of generations of efforts, but they still haven't found Merlin's body. How could Levi find it in such a short time!

"Ms. Ji Qian, from now on, you are free!" Li Wei patted Ji Qian on the shoulder and did not elaborate.

"Huh? What? Freedom?" After Ji Qian heard Levi's words, she was stunned for a moment and didn't understand what Li Wei was talking about. But a few seconds later, Ji Qian suddenly realized what she was saying, with a look of disbelief on her face. "Merlin's body was found? Was it completely wiped from the world?"

"Yes!" Levi nodded.

Hearing this, Ji Qian stayed in place for dozens of seconds before suddenly bursting into laughter. She burst into tears while laughing. As the last member of the family, she was burdened with family blood feud, and deep in her heart she was filled with doubts about her future. The fear, anger and despair of fate!

Sometimes she would even resent her original ancestor, why she had to take on the task of guarding Merlin's body, making all their descendants bear this undying curse!

But now, Merlin was completely killed, and all the things Ji Qian was carrying disappeared into thin air. Although it was a dark night, Ji Qian actually felt a warmth and comfort deep in her heart, as if shining from the sun!

"Mr. Li Wei, I really don't know how to express my gratitude to you!" After Ji Qian vented for more than ten seconds, she saw Li Wei still standing quietly beside her, hurriedly wiping the tears from his face, and then Take out a bank card from your satchel.

"Mr. Levi, this card contains 400,000 US dollars that I saved as a psychic. I know that as such a powerful demon hunter, you must not be short of this money, but I hope you can accept my offer. !”

Some do not want to join a certain force, but instead position themselves as evolvers similar to bounty hunters. They hunt or capture aberrations and sell them to the military, government, or some supernatural forces in exchange for money or evolutionary practice. The supplies needed are called witchers.

Moreover, because the Demon Hunter acted alone and lacked team power, he left many traces and was best known to the outside world.

Ji Qian, because her family inheritance has long been disconnected, does not know the existence of extraordinary forces. She only knows that there are mysterious and powerful demon hunters in the world.

Even Ji Qian has been looking for traces of the demon hunters, hoping to ask them to hunt Merlin!

"It's okay, Ms. Ji Qian." Levi shook his head and didn't explain too much, "It's just a matter of convenience, and without the information you provided about Merlin, I might not be able to find the location of Merlin's body!"

Levi did not accept Ji Qian's life deposit, because without the information provided by Ji Qian, Levi would most likely ignore the cross containing Merlin's body!

Moreover, from Merlin, Levi not only obtained powerful talents such as the Fire of Fear, but most importantly, Levi obtained three powerful rare objects at once, which greatly improved his strength!

Li Wei was able to achieve such huge gains, and Ji Qian’s help was indispensable!

"This!" Seeing Li Wei's firm refusal, Ji Qian was immediately embarrassed. Although she had some psychic ability, this ability came more from blood inheritance rather than acquired practice, so Ji Qian really didn't know What else can I give to repay Li Wei?

"That's right!" Just as Ji Qian was thinking carefully about how to repay Li Wei, she suddenly remembered a secret in her heart. She thought it might have some effect on the demon hunter, so she leaned closer and whispered, "Mr. Li Wei, I It may be of some use to you to know a piece of news that may involve extraordinary power."

"Oh? Tell me!" After hearing this, Levi's face suddenly showed an interested look. Once extraordinary power appears, it either represents a distortion that can provide him with special energy points, or it is a more magical miracle. Things!

"In the jungles of western Oklahoma, more than 700 kilometers away from here, there is still a primitive tribe of Cheyenne people living there! And in that Cheyenne tribe, there is a very terrifying pyramid that the Cheyenne people call the Devil's Cave! "

"That pyramid is covered with a weird vine-like plant that can parasitize and control the human body! I suspect that there must be some kind of supernatural being in that pyramid!"

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