Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 98 St. Mary’s Hospital and the Emergency Response Team

"Tribes! Tribes?" Bill shouted anxiously into the phone several times, but there was suddenly no sound from the other end, as if the signal had been lost.

Bill and Tribes have known each other for more than 20 years. It can almost be said that they have watched her grow up. Later, they became colleagues and formed a team that went on field trips together.

Tribis is much more motivated and stronger than Bill. For her daughter, Tribis has trained her body very close to the level 1 limit. She is ruthless to the enemy, but she is even more ruthless. Sometimes Bill feels his teeth when he looks at it. Sour!

Bill and Tribis have worked together for so many years, but they have never seen Tribis so panicked!

Moreover, Tribis' status as a field worker of All Souls Church is enough to solve 99% of the troubles, but now that she is calling for help, it means that the matter may involve extraordinary power!

"What's wrong, Bill?" Seeing the anxious look on Bill's face, Levi asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"It seems something happened to my partner Tribis!" Bill nodded, indicating that he might really need Levi's help. "The church's field staff need to work in pairs!"

Levi nodded. The church's logistics personnel actually have considerable authority in the human world, and they may also come into contact with strange objects when dealing with certain supernatural things.

If there is only one field staff, faced with treasures such as rare objects, it is very likely that he will choose to quietly take them as his own!

Even if the church offers a reward of 1,000 points of merit points if you turn it in, compared to having extraordinary power instantly, not many people are likely to be able to resist this temptation!

However, the use of unpurified wonders requires huge costs, and some costs may even cause huge losses to all mankind!

For example, there was once a strange object called the Treasure Button Box. There was only one red button in the box. Every time the button was pressed, a box full of gold jewelry would instantly appear in the suitcase!

But the price of this strange thing is very terrible, that is, every time the button is pressed, a new and unknown virus will appear in the world!

Although the vast majority of new viruses may not have much impact on humans, some viruses may even be of great benefit to biotechnology research.

But this kind of game, which is like a wheel of life and death, only needs a harmful virus to appear, which will be a devastating blow to mankind!

The great plague that almost destroyed the Athenian civilization 2,500 years ago; the Black Death that killed nearly one-third of Europeans more than 600 years ago; the Black Death that killed nearly one-fifth of the European population more than 300 years ago. The London Plague in England, including smallpox, cholera, measles and other viruses that have been conquered by modern technology, are all the price of using the treasure button box!

But the most ironic thing is that almost all users of the treasure button box, although they have gained unparalleled wealth, have died from the virus they created!

Thanks to this curse-like death, the treasure button box slumbers underground together with the user's death, and is rarely spread in human society. Otherwise, mankind may have perished thousands of years ago!

"During a field trip a few years ago, Tribis's husband died at the hands of an aberration, leaving only her and a daughter!" As the field staff with the largest base, in addition to handling troubles for their superiors, they also need to Carry out the mission of hunting level 1 aberrations.

"Furthermore, Tribis's six-year-old daughter has poor health and often gets sick and is hospitalized. Yesterday, her daughter was admitted to the hospital due to a high fever and coma. Moreover, this mission is just a simple cleanup and does not involve aberrant combat or collection of rare objects. , so I secretly asked Tribis to take care of her daughter first!"

"And, actually, I feel that I owe a lot to Tribis!" A look of shame appeared on Bill's face, "Because the person who first discovered you and recommended you to the church was Tribis! But she Take the initiative to give me the opportunity to be your guide!”

"Send me Cuibisi's mobile phone number!" Levi nodded suddenly and entered Cuibisi's internal short number into the bracelet. The White Queen, who was hiding in the dark, instantly located Cuibisi with the help of the church satellite. Bisi's location when she last called.

"Well, the location is shown at St. Mary's Hospital, four hundred kilometers away!"

"That's right!" Carl nodded when he heard the name, "St. Mary's is the best hospital in California, and Tribis' daughter seems to have been hospitalized there!"

St. Mary's is a very famous private non-profit hospital throughout the United States. It was established by the American Red Cross and many charitable organizations. It has a very high medical level!

"Get some gasoline from the police station and fill up the helicopter's fuel tank. We'll set off immediately!" Bill turned to order the four soldiers behind him, and then said to Levi, "Levi, if you encounter a problem that cannot be solved , I will trouble you to take action!"

Although Bill can also apply for assistance from the church, the most assistance for field personnel is to dispatch a level 2 priest.

In comparison, Bill still trusts Levi more, because by processing the traces of the battle, Bill can roughly guess how powerful Levi is now!

"Master, four minutes ago, all monitoring and communications within St. Mary's Hospital were cut off and blocked externally, and the relevant monitoring storage was also manually deleted. This is a fragment that I repaired after collecting and deleting the fragments." Levi's mind The White Queen's voice sounded, and then a picture appeared in Li Wei's mind.

Li Wei flipped through the surveillance footage transmitted by the White Queen, and saw a sudden commotion in the corridor of the hospital ward. Many doctors, nurses, and patients seemed to have seen something terrifying, and they ran outside with frightened expressions.

It's just that the restored clip is within the surveillance range, and the cause of the unrest and panic cannot be seen clearly. There is neither smoke nor gunshots at the scene, but there is bright red blood flowing in the aisle at the top of the screen!

It's a pity that the repaired clip ended abruptly here, and the source of the panic did not appear.

"Master, this is the surveillance picture I found after hacking into the intersection camera outside the hospital." As soon as Li Wei looked at the repaired surveillance camera, the White Queen's prompts and pictures came to his mind.

This surveillance picture comes from the connected driving recorder of a car that forgot to turn off the ignition more than 20 meters away from the back door of St. Mary's Hospital.

The footage recorded by the recorder showed that just five minutes ago, four vehicles parked at the back entrance of the hospital. A dozen heavily armed soldiers in black combat uniforms came out of the vehicles and rushed towards the hospital!

"Master, we have deduced from relevant clues that these people belong to the FBI emergency response team!" Details are constantly being enlarged in the screen.

"Huh? There was an abnormality in St. Mary's Hospital seven minutes ago. In less than two minutes, the emergency response team came? So fast?" Levi felt different.

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