Chen Feng didn’t know that his information had been noticed by S.H.I.E.L.D. at the moment.

Even tomorrow’s containment operation collides with the infiltration operation of the Coulson team of S.H.I.E.L.D. on the same day.

But even if he knows such a situation, it is estimated that Chen Feng will celebrate the crown, and there is a new wool to eat!

He is still worried that after tomorrow’s containment mission, Atala organized such a good leek to cut him, where to find a new fat sheep to continue the rumors.

Can’t catch Iron Man and other Avengers to form a coalition, right?

Under the cover of darkness, a Black Hawk helicopter approached the unnamed valley area.

Two petite figures descended to the ground along the ropes of the helicopter.

Wearing a black agent stealth suit, the widowed sister Natasha and the shockwave girl Skye sorted out their equipment and began to quietly enter the forest of this nameless valley.

According to the original plan, they planned to first investigate this unnamed valley village.

S.H.I.E.L.D. needs to know what’s going on here, so that the Atala terrorists will actually go to an area that may be a few kilometers away from the camp and kill all the people here.

Maybe there may be some secret hidden here.

Maybe Tony won’t be hiding here.

After all, according to Coulson’s inference, there are two suspicious points in this deep mountain.

According to conventional thinking, Tony should naturally be hiding in the first most suspicious mountainous area, but if the Ataraists came here specifically to extinguish their mouths, it was not clear that this village could also be a place to hold hostages.

To be on the side of caution, Natasha and Skye decided to investigate both places, anyway, at this time Melinda. Agent May drove the Black Hawk to the vicinity of the area, ready to support them.

When Natasha and Skye carefully infiltrate the village, they find that the entire village is abandoned, and they only find some highly decomposed mutilated corpses.

The entire village has died here, and there has been a suspected exchange of fire here.

The more Natasha and Skye investigate, the more strange they find because they also find the bodies of some less decomposed members of Attara’s armed forces.

While Natasha was investigating a house, there was a sudden knocking sound in the silent and unoccupied closet.

Natasha and Skye looked at each other, and the two walked over cautiously, and then Natasha jerked open the closet.

I saw a frightened and weak Aifuhan man who seemed to be deranged and said something.

Skye looked at the insane, obviously deranged guy with some confusion, and asked after injecting him with a tranquilizer

“What is he talking about?”

Natasha, who was proficient in multi-Chinese words, had a somewhat solemn expression; “It seems to be some kind of divine punishment, the words of the devil and other gods.”

“This is a civilian, let’s take him to a safe place and interrogate him again, I always feel that something is wrong here.”

After Natasha and Skye took the unhinged civilians out of the village, it seemed that they were out of range of some kind of interference, and communication was restored again.

They had just left the village when they heard Melinda. Agent May’s call.

“Owl, owl, here is the tanuki, I was in the northeast corner outside the valley and found Atara’s camp, it seems that they are assembling.”

“The owl received, we found a civilian here, and asked for pickup.”

After Natasha and Skye put civilians on a helicopter and let Melinda return them to base first, the two decide to continue their infiltration reconnaissance mission near Tara’s camp.

By this time, the sky had dawned, and the two had found a high point and began reconnaissance with binoculars.

Sure enough, as Agent May said, this makeshift camp had a large number of Atala militants.

These men were carrying weapons and ammunition, and this camp alone contained at least one battalion of reinforcements.

Organizing so many people is already a big battle for the small organization of Atala.

Skye looked confused: “There are at least nearly 500 militants, and armed pickups equipped with mortars and heavy machine guns, these people are almost equipped with weapons like they are going to attack a federal base.” ”

The widow sister was also a little confused, not knowing what these Atala militants were going to do, and casually echoed

“But the nearest federal outpost is also ten kilometers away.”

Skye, who was carefully observing with a telescope, suddenly said: “Agent Natasha, that person, is it Chen Feng?” He wasn’t even handcuffed, and Atara’s militants even issued him a weapon! ”

Hearing this, the widow’s face became a little cold: “Sure enough, he may have defected now, after all, in this case, if he does not cooperate with those terrorists, Atala will definitely not give him weapons!” ”

“He must know something, we better capture him alive for interrogation.”

“Wait, they seem to be starting to move, these Atala militants are moving towards the mountains.”

“Shall we go over and take a look?”

“This is not in the plan, the plan has changed, Skye, you call Coulson and them, let them scout the second location, and take Plan B.”


“The owl calls the tanuki, the owl calls the tanuki, Chen Feng is suspected of mutiny, Chen Feng is suspected of mutiny, Atara’s militants are entering the valley village, we need to continue the reconnaissance mission.”

“Request to start execution according to Plan B!”

“The tanuki received it and began to execute Plan B.”

Chen Feng did not expect that he had been targeted by the widow sister and Skye, two beautiful S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and even labeled as a suspected mutiny.

At this time, he was skillfully adjusting the AK74 rifle that Atala had issued to him for self-defense.

The big bald leader had already finished training the team and walked over.

“Mr. Chen Feng, we can start!”

“Let your team go.”

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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