Meiman: Heaven-Defying Comprehension, Creating A Super Practice Method

Chapter 76 Transcendence: I Am A Company Security Guard, And I Love To Eat Bear Biscuits (Please Sub


In the underground base of Lin Ke Building, the transcendent raised his hands and created a life-creating instrument out of thin air.

The transcendent was full of joy, and then raised his hands again, and an energy storage device appeared out of thin air.

"I'm going to start, I'm going to start!"

The transcendent kicked his legs back and forth, extremely excited.

It was just him and Lin Ke at the scene.

Hill and the others are waiting outside the base.

"let's start."

Lin Ke laughed.

His perception force, all-round vigilance.

Be wary of enemies from all dimensions.

If someone dared to take a step beyond the threshold, he would kill him without any hesitation.

Don't look at the shallow space, no one is there.

In fact, there are many existences staring at the transcendent side.

Such as Mephisto, God of Creation, God of Beginnings, Observer, etc.

All of them are LYB.

The transcendent is like a sprinter who hears the starting gun, injects most of the energy in his body into the energy storage device, and then turns it into energy, and can't wait to join the life creation device

In an instant, a fetus appeared in the Life Creator, and then grew up rapidly, becoming a young man.

The brand new Transcendent climbed out of the Life Maker wearing a diaper.

"what happened?!"

The transcendent covered his naked body with a frightened expression on his face.

This sense of nakedness made him feel scared.

Immediately, he became excited.

"I live 03, I live, I really live!"

"This is life!"

"Great, great!"

The transcendents ran wildly in the base, enjoying the exhaustion of sports, enjoying the pulling of muscles, and cheering wildly.

Lin Ke Xin put the life creation device and energy storage device into the pocket universe, smiling and looking at the joyful transcendent.

Transcendence is actually a pretty good kid.

Help gangsters get money.

Help the gang boss to reach the top.

Let Namor realize his dream of occupying land.

Let Doctor Strange realize the dream of wives and concubines.

Let Iron Man realize the dream of using Stark technology all over the world.

Let Professor X realize the dream of Mutant all over the world......

However, no matter what period he was in, his end was actually not very good.

What is impressive is that once the transcendent came to the real universe again and played a role-playing game.

Because the character he plays is an Inhuman race, he absolutely obeys Black Bolt's orders.

It just so happens that there is another leader of the Illuminati, Black Bolt King.

So, under the coercion of the Illuminati, he turned himself into a pile of dirt and returned to his humble corner.

Although he has fulfilled everyone's wishes before.

Even though he kills death and makes all life without GameOver.

But this real universe, which arouses his infinite curiosity, still does not welcome him!

Because he is so foul!

Everyone, everything, all gods, and all orders in the universe reject his coming.

"Brother, I'm so tired, I'm so tired!"

The transcendent ran to Lin Ke, with his hands on his knees, sweat dripping from his body.

"Take a break when you're tired."

Lin Ke smiled, and a recliner appeared.

"I don't!"

Beyond shaking his head, his expression was full of brilliance.

He was like a person without five senses who suddenly gained five senses.

This feeling is simply more enjoyable than riding a horse XD!!

"It's also fun to rest, you probably haven't experienced the feeling of recovery."

Lin Ke laughed.

The transcendent was startled, and quickly lay down.

"Bang bang bang!"

This is the sound of his heartbeat.

He had never felt himself so clearly for a moment.

"Brother, this is too comfortable."

The transcendent exhales heartily.

Obviously, he is not very used to this new body.

"Drink some of this, it's more comfortable."

Lin Ke handed him a bottle of iced Coke.

The transcendent tentatively took it in his hand, and suddenly felt a chill.

He had drunk this black liquid before.

But that's all "imitation".

The transcendent swallowed, feeling thirsty, and pointed the bottle to his lips tremblingly.

The cold Coke went straight from the throat to the lungs.

Ascension of the soul~~

The transcendent seemed to be possessed, and drank the entire bottle of Coke directly.


The Transcendent spread out on the chair.

"Do you feel the joy of life?"

Lin Ke asked with a smile.


The transcendent nodded.

All this was new to him.

"Your energy will be kept with me for the time being, and I will return it to you when you need it."

Lin Ke said with a smile, and then said seriously: "But without my permission, you don't use the locked energy, otherwise you may lose everything you have now."

Plug-ins and power leveling, these two are the most likely to make players lose the fun of playing the game.

The Transcendent heard the words, hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: "Okay, I promise you."

The corner of Lin Ke's mouth curled up.

He has observed the energy of the transcendent, and it is a brand new field, which is relatively difficult to understand.

Unless you can absorb part of it yourself.

But after only a day of acquaintance, it is too unkind to ask people to share a little of the original strength...

He Lin Ke is a kind person.

Besides, he has nothing to do.

Although he has been chatting in real life, most of his comprehension power has been used to comprehend the history of Chaos.

"Do you want to eat..."

Lin Ke remembered the half-eaten banquet.

The Transcendence didn't answer.

He has fallen asleep.

Lin Ke walked out of the base.

Hill et al. are awaiting.

As soon as Lin Ke came out, the eyes of all the girls locked on him.

Hill was the first to ask, "What's going on?"

Lin Ke said with a smile: "Mother and child are safe."

Hill was taken aback, and immediately punched Lin Ke.

Just kidding around this time.

"Successful reincarnation, you will be able to see a brand new transcendent, he is sleeping now.

Lin Ke glanced at the base gate behind him and said.

"Then can he still destroy the universe now?"

Skye asked concerned.

Nobody wants to be with a bomb that's going to go off at any moment.

"Shouldn't... Even if it is, you'll be fine, I'm here."

Lin Ke gave a sigh of relief, and then said: "He is not as scary as you think, but he is a little childish and naive. Definitely, don't say anything evil to him, or he will be blacken, and it will be very troublesome."

Blacken's transcendent.

He didn't even dare to think about it.

I'm afraid it is N dimensions stronger than Infinite Gems Ultron.

343 "Then what are you going to ask him to do?"

Hill asked.

If you want the transcendent to integrate into the real universe, it is best to give him a career.

Anyway, you can't just walk around.

Otherwise there are too many variables.

And Lin Ke also gave his answer, which seems to have been arranged long ago.

"security guard!"

When the Transcendence arrived, Lin Ke had already disappeared.

There are meals and a smart watch on the table.

"Boss, you are so kind to me!"

Tears filled the eyes of the transcendent, he ate and drank, happily like a child.

After he finished eating, the smart watch issued an electronic voice: "Mr. Transcendence, I will be your life steward from now on, Jingwei.

"You have a main quest, please accept it."

sentry box.

"I'm a company security guard, and I love bear biscuits."

The transcendent is wearing a walkman, eating biscuits, and his face is full of joy.

It has been half a month since he became a security guard.

He loves the job.

Complete the task every day, the strength in the body will increase by one point.

This was given to him by Lin Ke.

Commonly known as task experience.

After he completes the security mission for one month in a row, he will be able to get ten powers at once.

In other words, he obviously only worked for 30 days, but he gained forty days.

good money!!

Thanks bro.

Just as the transcendent was happily humming, the outside sky suddenly darkened, and a storm was about to come.

A large number of biological warships fell from the sky.

A purple-skinned giant jumped down from the flight machine, armed with a big knife in his hand.

Walking towards Lin Ke Building step by step. .

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