"Let's see …"

Qin Haisheng didn't care if Loki was telling the truth or not, as long as he had an excuse, it was fine.

Thus, he waved his hand at Thor and Captain America and said, "Look, he's already convinced me.

"You see, since he said so, it proves that he has been influenced by my charisma. Then, let him go back with me first and repent."

"I know … Brother Thor, you're worried about your brother, right?

Don't worry … As long as he doesn't do anything stupid, I won't kill him! "

"Since ancient times, a loving mother leads to a useless son. You're the same as a loving brother!"

"If you let him stay by your side, you'll never be able to guide your naughty brother onto the right path!"

"So … Let him stay with me.

In three months, I'll definitely return you an obedient brother. How about that? "

Hearing Qin Haisheng's words, Thor paused for a moment before he began to seriously consider it.

His feelings towards his brother were complicated.

Sometimes, she wished that she could just strike this little bastard to death with a lightning bolt, but … when she thought about how this little fellow was like a shadow when they were young, following behind her every day and calling her "Big Brother", and occasionally showing her a gaze of attachment and worship, her heart softened.

Thus, even though he knew that his brother was rotten to the core, he couldn't bear to kill him!

But if he indulged Loki again and again, it would only make him worse.

Now that he heard Qin Haisheng's words, he felt that it made sense.

Since he couldn't do anything about it, then … .He'll let this mutant do it.

Even if this kid was just bragging and couldn't really do anything about it, it couldn't get any worse, right?

Seeing that Thor was a little tempted, Captain America became anxious.

He quickly coughed and said, "Sorry.

"I'm sorry, Loki has caused a huge disaster this time and caused great losses to the Federation. Countless citizens have died in this disaster.

So … we have to hand Loki over to the Confederation and let the Confederation judge him … "

Qin Haisheng was amused. He then looked at Thor and said,

"Brother Thor … Did you hear that?

Your friend wants to hand your brother over to the Federation for trial! "

"If we really deal with it according to the Federation's laws, even if your brother had a hundred heads, it wouldn't be enough!"

So … if you don't want your brother to die, stop your friend. I'll take your brother and leave first! "

After saying that, Qin Haisheng no longer cared about the two men. With a wave of his hand, he hurriedly left with the two beauties.

As for Loki … he naturally didn't need Qin Haisheng's instructions. He immediately took the initiative to follow!

He had no choice but to follow!

There's still a lightning ball in my stomach …

If Captain America was not with him, he might have asked Thor … to see if Thor had any way to remove the thunderball from his stomach!

But … Captain America was determined to send him to court. In comparison, it was safer to stay by Qin Haisheng's side.

Captain America saw this and wanted to chase after them.

However, Thor stepped in front of him …

"Steve … Let him go!

After all, he is still my younger brother … "

Captain America said angrily.

"But so many innocent people in New York died because of him. Are we just going to let this blood debt go?"

Thor lowered his head in shame and said.

"I'm sorry!

I apologize on his behalf … I will also atone for his sins. I hope you can let him go this time! "

"I …"

Captain America wanted to say that he didn't have the right to forgive those who died, but … when he looked up, he realized that Qin Haisheng and the rest had already left. He immediately understood that there was no way he could keep Loki here.

He could only sigh and said.

"Thor … You're crazy!

Even if you want to save Loki, you can't let him be taken away by that mutant!

Who knows … what he will do with Loki? "

"Also, Loki's life, Scepter, was taken away too!

That thing should be very important right?

Even if we can't keep Loki, if we can keep Scepter, it will be much safer!

If not … if Loki escapes again, he will cause endless trouble! "

Thor's face turned pale, then he firmly shook his head and said.

"No … The life scepter is Loki's treasure, we … can't let him take it away!"

Captain America couldn't help but roll his eyes …

'It's over, this brother is a slave to his younger brother!'

'It's hopeless …'

When Qin Haisheng and the rest returned, they didn't use the portal.

After all, they weren't far from the mutant academy, and there was nothing urgent, so there was no need to waste a teleportation crystal for such a short distance.

When they returned to the mutant academy, it was already more than two hours later.

The reason was that something big happened in New York City, and there were traffic jams everywhere.

At the same time, many police officers were setting up checkpoints and searching everywhere, afraid that there were invading aliens among the ordinary people.

After Iron Man used a nuclear bomb to blow up the Chitauri mothership, the mechanical soldiers that entered earth all died on the spot.

But what if there was a real Chitauri among them? It was not impossible.

But Qin Haisheng knew that even if there was such a situation, the police wouldn't be able to find anything.

Because … he clearly picked up the shapeshifting ability core from the Chitauri!

If the Chitauri's ability was shapeshifting … then what was the point of investigating?

Maybe the Chitauri that infiltrated earth now had the appearance of a federal general!

Qin Haisheng and the rest rented a car, and as they drove out of the city, they were stopped by layers of military and police checkpoints, and they were checked.

Qin Haisheng had a headache, if he knew it would be so troublesome, he would have used the portal to return!

In this situation, Loki's identity couldn't be checked, and if they were discovered, they wouldn't be able to leave.

That is, unless Qin Haisheng killed all those who stood in their way!

Fortunately, Qin Haisheng had the life scepter, not only could he detect other people's thoughts, he could also control other people's thoughts.

Loki used the life scepter to control Hawkeye and Dr. Selvig!

Although Qin Haisheng wasn't as familiar with the scepter as Loki, it was still easy for him to control a few ordinary people!

He didn't need to completely control these people, he only needed to modify their memories, make them think that they had never seen Qin Haisheng and the rest, and let them pass.

It was much easier to modify the memories of ordinary people in such a small way!

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