The Marvel World is a very mysterious world.

In this world, gods are not just legendary beings, but real ones.

Let’s not talk about the unspeakable beings that are above the multiverse.

Even in the universe, self-proclaimed gods are everywhere.

Such as Odin of Asgard, Zeus in the universe, and Kongsu, the moonlight god in the desert, these are all frequent existences.

In addition to the earth, there are also primordial gods on other planets.

Many civilizations have their own gods.

Although they take the name of God, most of them are only creatures who have mastered great power, not the so-called omniscient and omnipotent true gods.

It is precisely because of this that these so-called gods are naturally good and bad.

Some evil beings are not so easy to get along with.

Orolo knew that among the mutants, there was a powerful being called the Red Tank.

He has always been known as a mutant.

But Orolo knows his details, this guy is not a mutant at all, but a surrogate of some evil being in the human world, spreading his prestige.

The red tank is just a title, as long as you gain the power of that person, you can be called a red tank.

It does seem to have gained great power, but after death, the soul cannot live in peace.

Aurolo was afraid that Xu Fu did not know which evil god would be seduced by him.

In some special way, magic, especially black magic, was mastered.

It seems that he has gained great power, but he has actually sold his soul.

“Xu Fu, you have to know that in this world, many forces cannot be touched.”

“It may look powerful for a short time, but then it will pay a very heavy price.”

Orolo said worriedly.

Xu Fu saw the expression on Aurolo’s face and smiled directly.

“Don’t worry.”

“Forget it, I’d better show you, otherwise you will never be at ease.”

Xu Fu couldn’t help but shake his head.

As soon as the words fell, Xu Fu directly stretched out his hand.

Golden sparks appeared directly out of thin air, and golden sparks that kept rotating in circles formed a portal.

“This is, Karma Taj magic!”

Orolo gasped.

Don’t look at how miserable he was when he was young, and he was a punk on the street.

But her ancestors were also once wide.

For many things, the history of their family is recorded.

In addition, in the past few years, among the X-Men, he has constantly sent out tasks and dealt with various things.

There is also an understanding of the earth.

Karma Taj, a mysterious and powerful magical force, may be able to hide from others, but it cannot hide her.

But it was precisely because of this that Orolo was shocked.

Karma Taj’s magic has never been passed on, how did Xu Fu learn it?

Taking a deep breath, Orolo calmed down.

“How did you learn it?”

“Do you know that this matter is very serious.”

Orolo said with a very serious face.

Seeing Aurolo’s expression, Xu Fu couldn’t help but shake his head.

Karma Taj is too mysterious that even Storm Girl doesn’t know much about it.

In fact, he felt as if mutants didn’t understand anything deeply.

Just to deal with the discrimination of ordinary people, they have already exhausted their strength, and it is very normal to have this kind of reaction.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Aurolo, it’ll be fine.”

“You can understand that this is our family heritage.”

Xu Fu knew that Karma Taj would not care about this kind of thing.

In fact, Karma Taj’s outcast, what he did was much more outrageous than him.

Later, after Wang became the Supreme Mage, he even asked the female Hulk to become a lawyer for himself, to sue Karma Taj for abandoning him, and sue him for misuse of magic.

Very outrageous!

Xu Fu This is just learning by himself, Karma Taj doesn’t care at all, Orolo is just blindly nervous.

In order to comfort her emotions, Xu Fucai pulled a white lie.

Seeing Aurolo’s face full of disbelief, Xu Fu spoke again.

“Don’t believe it, our family was also very powerful in ancient times.”

“A lot of magic is passed down from ancient times.”

“This is something that my deceased grandfather gave me, just rest assured.”

Xu Fu didn’t have to make a draft when he said nonsense, and his face didn’t turn red.

Speaking of nonsense, that’s a lot of talk

Seeing that he didn’t look like he was lying, Orolo nodded.

“That’s it.”

“But you’d better not use this magic in front of others, it’s not good for you.”

“Also, come with me to meet the professor and listen to his opinion.”

Orolo returned to his usual appearance again and said to Xu Fu.

Xu Fu was helpless.

At this moment, there was no fish hooked, Xu Fu had to follow the storm girl, which was also an explanation to Professor X.

Lest he draw something else later, and the gang was shocked.

As soon as he reached out, another portal was opened.

“You please.”

Xu Fu made a very gentlemanly move.

Aurolo gave him an angry look and walked in first, while Xu Fu followed behind.

The two entered the academy and soon found Professor X, who had just finished class.

So Orolo told Professor X about Xu Fu’s mastery of magic.

Professor X glanced at Xu Fu in surprise and said slowly.

“I do feel the power of the strange.”

“I thought it was some trick-or-treating little guy using the ability.”

“I didn’t expect that you were using magic, and it was really beyond my expectations.”

Although he said it was unexpected, Professor X did not look unexpected, and his tone was very flat.

“What do you think about this?”

Orolo said with a worried look.

She knows magic, so she is in awe of Karma Taj, for fear that Xu Fu will get into trouble.

“Orolo, everyone has their own secrets.”

“We don’t have to get into the truth behind these secrets.”

“As long as there is no ill will towards us, then the academy will provide shelter.”


Professor X looked at Xu Fu with a smile.

Xu Fu nodded in admiration.

It is worthy of being the leader of the mutant academy, the pillar of the mutant, and it is indeed reliable!

Look at people, what is the pattern?

That’s wisdom.

No one likes a psychic person who likes to probe other people’s thoughts.

It is that individuals attach great importance to the privacy of their hearts, and no one wants others to know their hearts.

Professor X is well aware of this and is very tolerant of it.

What can Xu Fu say? Can only like.

“The professor is right.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t cause any trouble to the academy.”

“If there is a day, I will leave here on my own.”

“Don’t worry,”

he said

Xu Fu said.

“I didn’t mean that, I was afraid of causing you trouble.”

Orolo explained.

Xu Fu smiled and did not speak.

That’s why he made such a commitment.

Otherwise, you will definitely not leave.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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