Xu Fu’s contact with Tony Stark was very successful.

Tony Stark has all kinds of bad things, but he is still very credible.

Even if they don’t sign a contract.

The money has also been credited to the Academy’s account.

With sufficient funding, the Mutant Academy has begun to be rebuilt.

The construction site can be said to be changing rapidly.

With Magneto’s help, in a few months’ effort, the Mutant Academy can be restored to its original state.

Xu Fu was also very relieved.

With Charles helping to handle all this, he was very relieved.

Once again resumed the previous life.

Except for a little time every day to check out the situation, he spends most of his time fishing.

During this time, his luck was not good.

And didn’t catch anything worthwhile.

It’s just that through check-in, a lot of attributes have been improved.

Strength is also slowly increasing.

Xu Fu is very satisfied with this peaceful life.

“It’s really rare that you are so leisurely here.”

A husky voice sounded.

Xu Fu looked back and saw a one-eyed dragon coming out of the woods.

“S.H.I.E.L.D. is really powerful, and you can find such a remote place.”


Nick Fury couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

Indeed, although the scenery of the previous Lake Alcaly was very beautiful, it was indeed a remote place.

What a remote place now! Xu Fu fought a battle, directly shattering the mountains here, and the ground was full of potholes, and there were big pits everywhere.

Directly expanded the area of the original Lake Alcali by at least a hundred times.

These days with the continuous pouring of river water.

This original mountain range has also turned into an endless lake.

Xu Fu even had the face to say that this place was remote! How he said it! It was precisely because of his deep jealousy of Xu Fu’s strength that he ran all the way over.

Otherwise, he is the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., and he runs here with his eyes open?

Is he fed? Don’t you want to lose face? Xu Fu naturally does not easily read other people’s thoughts.

He turned around and smiled at Nick Fury.

“Please sit down, Director Fury, let’s talk.”

Nick Fury remained calm and expressionless.

“What do you want to talk about?”

“Of course, to talk about your S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“I’m curious to know why you S.H.I.E.L.D. did nothing when the mutants were attacked before?”

Xu Fu’s voice gradually cooled down, and his body exuded a fierce aura.

The strong pressure made Nick Fury’s throat a little dry.

“This is not within the jurisdiction of our S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Nick Fury said in a hoarse voice.


“You 680 Homeland Strategic Defense and Logistics Support Bureau, didn’t you do this?”

“You’re not called S.H.I.E.L.D. because protection protects humanity? Protecting the planet? ”

“Why aren’t mutants human?”

“What happened before, wasn’t your S.H.I.E.L.D. dereliction of duty?”

“Not your duty? I think it’s because you think mutants are an unstable factor. ”

Xu Fu’s complexion became unkind, and the aura on his body became more and more powerful, and Nick Fury felt an amazing pressure.

Nick Fury was dumb.

Because Xu Fu is right.

Perhaps in his heart, he thought that the disappearance of mutants was a good thing.

But such words must not be said, and they cannot be done! S.H.I.E.L.D. can’t do this kind of thing on the surface.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is to protect humanity and is a positive force.

And before, he sat and watched the mutants being slaughtered, he got the news, and there was no reminder.

Such things are known, but absolutely cannot be said.

Nick Fury City Mansion was extremely deep, and his face did not change color.

“We at S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot interfere in the actions of the top.”

“The World Security Council will not allow us to do this.”

Hearing this, Xu Fuyi pouted.

This is farting.

Are you Nick Fury doing less bad things to the World Security Council? S.H.I.E.L.D. is a hidden base that the World Security Council alone does not know, let alone thousands.

Do not interfere with high-level behavior? Pure fart!

But well.

There are some things that everyone knows, but no one can say that human nature is like this.

Xu Fu did not pursue the meaning of S.H.I.E.L.D., anyway, S.H.I.E.L.D. was not far from disbanding.

Xu Fu is just trying to seize the first place, occupy the moral high ground, and blackmail more.

Whether it is human material resources or resources, S.H.I.E.L.D. is innumerable! It is also natural to take a little bit out and support their academy.

No matter how poor you are, you can’t be poor in education.

Not to mention, he still needs Nick Fury to provide him with intelligence.


“This explanation is reluctant.”

“But next, let’s discuss the compensation of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Xu Fu said with a smile.


Nick Fury gasped and almost laughed.

He was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. for so long.

It has always been the first time he has asked for compensation, or the first time he has been asked for compensation.

Reparations would come to him S.H.I.E.L.D.

If it wasn’t impossible to beat! Nick Fury felt aggrieved in his heart, but he could only endure it.

With a cold face, he spoke.

“I don’t think we in S.H.I.E.L.D. need compensation.” (CCCB) “We don’t owe you anything, and we’ve helped rescue quite a few mutants. ”

Xu Fu continued to look at Nick Fury with a mocking face.

“Don’t owe?”

“Then tell me, why were these mutants arrested?”

“If a mutant is killed or injured because of his uncontrolled power, then he is punished by law, and we have no opinion.”

“But these mutants were arrested and entered the lab.”

“Isn’t that your S.H.I.E.L.D. responsibility?”

“If even ordinary people can’t be protected, they are even taken away at will for brutal human experiments.”

“What do you say is the meaning of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s existence? What is the need for existence? ”

“Is it still 1939?”

Xu Fu looked at Nick Fury with disdain on his face with mockery.

Xu Fu actually has no sense of identity with the mutant race.

As long as it is handled in accordance with the law, Xu Fu will definitely not say anything.

But the major organizations in this world do not do personnel at all! They were conducting brutal human experiments on mutants, a scene that no individual could endure.

It’s not nice to say.

In front of these people, Mephisto of hell is considered a saint.

Stitching Deadpool, the manufacture of Wolverine, is just the tip of the iceberg.

Xu Fu is now a member of the mutant academy, which is naturally biased towards mutants.

So what he said to Nick Fury was very sharp and mocking.

Nick Fury naturally heard the sarcasm in his words.

Then there was silence.

Lies are not sharp blades, truth is a quick knife.

He has 10,000 ways to refute lies, but not the slightest way to refute the truth.

Nick Fury is not a villain after all, he is the protector of the earth.

He can even sacrifice himself to protect the planet.

Positive characters still have a moral code in the end.

Xu Fu was telling the truth, and he naturally had nothing to say.

In the end, he could only sigh and speak.

“S.H.I.E.L.D. is just an organization after all, and we need to be supervised by the World Security Council.”

“We also need to be limited in what we do.”

“We can’t help it.”

Nick Fury said heavily.

In this world, only those who have nothing to do can do whatever they want.

S.H.I.E.L.D. can’t.

“These words of yours are still like human words.”

“We also understand what happened to you, after all, you want to protect the earth.” “But for our compensation, it should be fine.”

Xu Fu said with a smile.

Nick Fury almost didn’t take a breath.

This kid is too treacherous.

Ordinary people in this grade, where is there such cunning

He talked about his difficulties, comforted one, and proposed a small benefit, and this matter passed away.

Xu Fu, this guy, simply does not see rabbits and does not spread eagles!

I don’t see enough benefits, so I definitely don’t let go! Forget about strong strength, and brains.

It’s too hard to deal with.

Nick Fury once again raised the threat level of Xu Fu in his heart.

“Don’t go too far.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“We provide some humanitarian assistance at best.”

Nick Fury said quietly.

“It’s not enough.”

“We mutants have made a huge contribution to world peace.”

“The points are not too good, right? Do you want to fool all the humanitarian aid alone? ”

Xu Fu snorted coldly and said.

Strong mental pressure pressed against Nick Fury.

Nick Fury immediately let out a muffled snort.

“What do you want.”

Nick Fury spoke

Nick Fury scolded a little in his heart.

What is this intelligence department for!

Investigated something! Xu Fu is so smart and domineering, they don’t know at all! According to the intelligence department, Xu Fu should get along well.

After all, what bad thoughts can an angler have!

But it’s not like this at all now!

However, considering Xu Fu’s battle with the mutants, he could only endure it.

“What do I want?”

“Of course, you S.H.I.E.L.D. helped rebuild the Mutant Academy.”

“And do what S.H.I.E.L.D. should do, protect the earthlings, and protect every mutant without discrimination.”

Xu Fu said awe-inspiringly.

Nick Fury’s mouth was sour.

The more this is required, the more difficult it is for them to do.

The world is so intricate that it’s impossible to do it.

Or to fulfill the requirements of Xu Fu, there is too much price to pay.

They are willing to give Xu Fu respect, but not to this extent.


The price is not negotiated, and the mutants do not have the ability to negotiate equally except for Xu Fu.

If Xu Fu can pinch the planet casually, he wants to be the king, and Nick Fury will also obediently serve.

But at this moment, Xu Fu has not grown to this point.

Nick Fury naturally couldn’t obey Xu Fu in everything.

“We’ll do our best.”

Nick Fury said heavily.


“Then we can talk about specific compensation.”

Xu Futu saw the poor dagger.

Nick Fury’s mouth, a deceitful ghost.

If he believes, he is a fool.

Not to mention, I’m afraid it won’t be long before S.H.I.E.L.D. itself is gone, maybe it will be able to take care of mutants?

Nick Fury didn’t come to them to help, just burn high incense! Now the main thing is the multi-point benefit.

Thinking of this, Xu Fu spoke.

“We mutants are treated like this, and S.H.I.E.L.D. is not giving us some mental compensation, right?”

“Give us billions of dollars, ask for resources, this is not too much, right?”

Xu Fu opened his mouth with billions of dollars, and he didn’t take money seriously at all.

Anyway, the lion opened its mouth wide, taking advantage of the fact that S.H.I.E.L.D. had money, and asked for more.

Maybe he can also make a whole mansion like Tony Stark.

As for Nick Fury’s disagreement, let’s talk slowly.

In fact, this money is really not much.

If mutants were to prosecute according to the law, then maybe S.H.I.E.L.D. would have to pay.

Sure enough.

Nick Fury calculated in his heart and spoke.

“At most, it will be more than three billion for you, and some materials and manpower will be provided to your academy.”

Nick Fury’s abacus also crackled.

Xu Fu defeated the Apocalypse and showed his fighting power.

Then some people are equivalent to failure, and they can naturally liquidate.

In this way, instead of suffering losses, they made a profit.

Borrowing flowers to offer Buddha also won favors.

Win hemp!

Xu Fu didn’t care.

As long as his benefits are enough, S.H.I.E.L.D. does not earn or not, he does not care.

“Second, you S.H.I.E.L.D. will work with the X-Men to rescue mutants.”

“Thirdly, we need intelligence, the people who attacked us, we need intelligence from them.”

“This should not be excessive.”

Xu Fu said with a smile.

Nick Fury said a word, and Xu Fu had to give him a hat aimed at mutants.

He finally knew why the beautiful country liked to engage in some riotous operations in his previous life.

When others use it, you feel sick, but when you use it yourself.

This thing is really easy to use! Directly to the other party on the moral barbecue, that is naturally very sour.

Nick Fury was directly framed.

Xu Fu’s fist is big, and it makes sense.

Does he dare to say a word?

Gritting his teeth, Nick Fury spoke.


Hearing this Nick Fury agree, Xu Fu nodded in satisfaction.

“Director Fury really understands the righteousness, and the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. really lives up to his name.”

“It’s really worthy of our Earth Shield!”

“The mutant side still has to let the chief take care of it.”

Xu Fu patted Nick Fury’s shoulder, a smile on his face.

Nick Fury squeezed a smile on his face, but he scolded his mother in his heart.


Nick Fury felt like he was really poured with blood mold.

Who would have thought that a young man among the mutants would be so devilish that they would calculate him.

Where is this young man?

This fucking mother is a complete old fox! Even if others said that Xu Fu was an old fox politician, he was not surprised.

Being able to fight him still has the upper hand.

Excluding Xu Fu’s powerful strength, it is definitely necessary to have extremely strong wisdom and city government.

Nick Fury couldn’t help but be a little shocked.

Why is this kid so devilish.

Originally, S.H.I.E.L.D. could be said to be a big profit.

Now that Xu Fu has made such a show, then their S.H.I.E.L.D. can only be a small win.

Nick Fury made up his mind.

When I go back, let my subordinates move, start first, and grab all kinds of resources first.

“When I go back, I’ll implement it.”

“Relevant information, we will also send you over.”

Nick Fury spoke.

“You shouldn’t leave any key information.”

Xu Fu squinted at Nick Fury.


“Absolutely impossible!”

Nick Fury said flatly.

“Then I’m relieved.”

“Director Fury’s character, I still believe it, everyone knows it.”

Xu Fu grinned.

Nick Fury was about to scold his mother in his heart, and he also smiled.

I can’t see what’s going on at all.

It is worthy of being the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. with a cold face.

“But you have to pay attention.”

“Don’t go too far.”

“If something goes out of line, we can’t handle it.”

Nick Fury warned.

“Don’t worry, everyone is civilized.”

“This matter will definitely be resolved in a civilized way.”

“It’s going to be a mess.”

Xu Fu said without saying a word.

Nick Fury saw his expression and felt ten thousand disbeliefs in his heart.

Seeing Xu Fu’s appearance, he didn’t look like a madman.

Even if something happens, nothing big happens.

There shouldn’t be any big problems, right?.

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