Chapter 85 Gain Two Godspeed Forces! The Flash and the Speedster!.


In a stone-shattering explosion, the entire ground was shaking, and even all the items in the Lightning Museum were trembling.

“Did that guy do it again?”

Barry, who was about to walk towards the monitoring room. Alan, immediately realized that the person who caused this second explosion was most likely the same person who caused the explosion in the museum!

And that person, it seems, came for the Flash!

This makes Barry. Alan’s heart tightened, he was already jealous, and if the people in the city were implicated because of himself, he couldn’t accept it.


Barry. Eren walked quickly to an unoccupied corner. A golden arc flashed on his body.

The next instant.


The thing in his hand fell to the ground, and he himself was wrapped in an endless golden arc, turning into an afterimage that ordinary people could not catch at all, and rushed straight out in the direction where the explosion came.

Keep an eye on Barry. Allen’s Chen Tian, because of his super speed and reflexes, is also beyond ordinary people, so he still sees the former figure who rushed out.

Just be able to see Barry who can see but burst out with divine speed. Allen, falling in Chen Tian’s eyes, did not know where to go, there was still an afterimage.

This means that the speed of the Flash is much faster than Chen Tian now.

“I’m looking forward to the power of Godspeed more and more.”

Chen Tian was not surprised by this, the divine speed force would soon be copied by him, naturally the stronger the better. But now that his goal has appeared, he naturally can’t stay where he is.

Immediately, everyone else in the hall panicked and shouted.

Chen Tian also quietly retreated to a corner where no one noticed, his control stance distorted the light, and his figure gradually became transparent and disappeared in the eyes of ordinary people.



The people in the hall of the museum felt a strong wind blowing in the museum.

Everyone was even more shocked for a while, thinking that there had been another explosion at the scene, and they were afraid that they would be affected and squatted down holding their heads in pieces.

However, after a while, it was found that they were safe and sound.

“Could it be that there is a problem with the air conditioning in the museum?”

For a while, some people couldn’t help but question.

And many more people are worried, and there are one explosion after another in the city, and they don’t know if there will be casualties.



On the street a few blocks away from the Lightning Museum.



Violent eruptions are still happening! One after another, gunsmoke is everywhere!

Countless buildings shattered into huge craters in the firelight, and large pieces of building debris splashed out in all directions. The whole street was frightened and ran around holding their heads.


This is the middle section of a tall building that has already exploded once before, and the middle section of a tall building that already has a huge gap, explodes again!

Huge amounts of concrete, glass, and steel were splashing rapidly, and at the same time, the building could no longer be supported, and the upper half of the explosion site was already smashing towards the crowd on the road!


There are also many people in this smashed building. When it lands, I am afraid that it will affect at least hundreds of thousands of people!


On the streets, in the tall buildings, all those who avoided it were already desperate and screamed bitterly.


Right at that time.

A burst of brilliant golden brilliance flashed by!

On those streets, the crowds that were already obviously unable to avoid disappeared in an instant! Another moment!

Barry. Alan had just moved all the people from the street to a safe area. The golden lightning flashed continuously.

The divine speed force was once again urged.


He once again rushed towards the building that had been blown up and the first half smashed into the ground at a speed close to the speed of light! At the moment, in Bari. In Allen’s eyes, everything that happened was like being pressed to play a movie a thousand times slower, and all the movement froze.

The next instant.

He accelerated again, stepped on the flying rubble in the air, and rushed into the half-cut building that had smashed into the ground. Golden brilliance shines through the entire building!

The people inside the building, who were more desperate than everyone else, only felt that their eyes were blazed.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he had arrived in a park two streets away from the explosion.

“Are you all right?”

Less than three seconds had passed since the explosion, when the building was about to topple, and hundreds of nearly a thousand people were all moved to a safe area two streets away!


At this moment, everyone in the park felt a tremor on the ground, raised their heads, and saw two streets away, raising a stormy fog. Immediately, it was the sound of the building falling to the ground just now.

“It’s The Flash! As long as he can do it! ”

“The Flash saved us!”

There are people who quickly return to God after experiencing life and death, and immediately think of the truth. Chen Tian, who was invisible on the other side, was belated.

“Squirt… Now I’m still far from keeping up with the Flash’s speed. He looked at the already empty street in front of him and couldn’t help but sigh. Now Chen Tian can’t keep up with the Flash’s footsteps at all. ”


This is the horizon, and a narrow golden lightning bolt has resurfaced. Chen Tian narrowed his eyes,

“This is the Flash deliberately slowing himself down.”

The golden lightning on the horizon is just golden lightning in the eyes of ordinary people.

But when it fell into Chen Tian’s eyes, he could clearly see the figure of the Flash.

You know, when the Flash burst out at full speed before, even when he looked over, there were afterimages.

“I didn’t expect that this guy of the Flash, in addition to protecting the life safety of the people in Central City, would also treat their psychology easily. Chen Tian couldn’t help but smile when he thought of this. ”

Barry, Allen deliberately exposed his posture after saving those people.

It’s all about reassuring victims who have been in danger and telling them that you’re okay with me. Right then.

“The Flash!”

“The Flash!!”

“Thank you! Thank you! ”

Chen Tian heard the golden lightning that appeared on the horizon in the park two blocks apart, and they all began to shout the name of the Flash.

They were cheering for the Flash, and their faces were full of excitement. When Chen Tian saw this scene, the smile on his face became even stronger.”

In Central City, the Flash will indeed be welcomed.


He was ready to start moving, moving closer to where Flash was in the distance.

Bi Jing Chen Tian’s copying ability can only be useful when he is close to the copying party to a certain distance. At least in a range where fluctuations in the opponent’s abilities can be felt.


Chen Tian hadn’t had time to leave yet.

Those in the safe zone, the cheers for the Flash suddenly stopped.


I saw that golden lightning on the horizon suddenly stopped. Then!

A dark blue electric light actually flashed at an incredible speed over an extremely long distance!


The dark blue electric light was menacing, and it actually directly knocked the Flash out tens of meters away!

The latter could not react at all, and slammed into a wall. Dense cracks spread out on that wall in an instant, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

“Is that guy just now also the owner of the Divine Speed Force?”

“No wonder there is so much hostility towards the Flash.”

Chen Tian watched this scene from a distance and felt a little surprised.

It seems that in this universe, two god-speed powerers have now appeared!

Then his gaze fell on the Flash who was slightly embarrassed when he hit the wall, and suddenly thought of a sentence………

“I’m Barry, Alan, the fastest man in the world, and yet…”

“Every season there will be someone faster than me…”

Looks like.

Now Barry, Eren has met a new owner of the Superpower.

“Judging from his forced situation, this guy obviously doesn’t know anything about this, and it is estimated that it is the first time he has encountered other divine speed powers”

Chen Tian looked at Barry. Allen showed and made such a judgment.

And those who were saved by the Flash were also deeply shocked to see that there were still people who could have the speed of the Flash. At the same time, there was also a feeling of worry about the Flash in his heart.

Because they could clearly feel that the dark blue figure had obvious hostility towards the Flash. As for Barry, Allen himself, after he got up from the ground, he shook his head, stood steady, and looked around. As someone who had just faced the dark blue figure, Barry, Eren naturally knew that the person who came was not good.

In the instant before the collision, he had already felt a wave of hostility from the surface. Meantime.

Barry. Eren was still on the other party’s body, feeling an incomparably familiar aura.

He was surprised to find that the aura of ability emanating from the other party was exactly the same as his own! It’s all god-speed!

And just in Barry. Alan was amazed.


A brilliant blue light flashed, and a figure that he had never seen before appeared in front of him. It was a masked man wearing black leather and carrying claw-shaped instruments on his hands.

As soon as the masked man appeared, he looked at Barry defiantly. A glance at Alan. A dark blue electric arc suddenly erupted from his body!

Whew!! The next moment.

The figure of the other party only left a blue light flashing between the cities.

“That’s him!”

Barry. At this moment, Allen determined that the initiator of the two explosions just now was this guy. Moreover, the purpose of thinking about the other party is to attract yourself!

As for why the masked man did this, Barry, Allen felt that there was no time to delve into it now. Catch this guy first!


Barry. Allen’s body suddenly shone with a golden arc, and divine speed power burst out in an instant! Directly chased towards the blue figure!


Between the entire central city, a golden light flashed rapidly, chasing the scene of deep blue light. And Chen Tian in the distance originally wanted to keep up!

It’s just that as soon as I was about to leave, I found myself thinking too much!


“This speed is too much different!”

Chen Tian sighed helplessly.

He found that at this stage, he was far from catching up with the speed of the Flash.

That one gold, one blue, two shining figures, dragged the tail light, and soon disappeared into Chen Tian’s field of vision. And when Chen Tian felt helpless, he had already guessed the identity of the dark blue lightning guy!

“If nothing else, this guy is the speedster.”

Chen Tian looked at the direction where the Flash and the dark blue lightning disappeared, narrowed his eyes slightly, and muttered. Speedsters!

A godspeed power owner from another earth!

His purpose in traveling through different universes is to plunder the abilities of other speedsters!

And this time the other party specially put Barry. Allen led out, naturally it was the speed of the latter. Meanwhile.

One gold, one basket and two figures, in the central city, chasing each other all over the city! Each of them has his own divine speed power to the extreme!

The speed of moving forward is constantly approaching the speed of light!

Each left a ripple of golden and dark blue trails behind them! Thereinto.

Chen Tian didn’t guess wrong!

The man who ran in front, surrounded by dark blue lightning, and burst out with extreme speed, was the speedster! Hunter. Zolemon.

He came here to plunder Barry. Alan’s Godspeed Power!

At the exit of a highway, the speedster defiantly glanced back at Barry, who had been chasing behind him. Allen next second.

The blue arc on the speedster’s body suddenly became more and more dazzling, and his legs were running to the extreme. The speed has increased dramatically!


Behind him, a dark blue trail was left behind, and the air rippled!


He rushed into the city!

“Damn it!”

Barry following behind him. Eren had determined at this moment that the other party’s ability was the same divine speed power as himself. In terms of speed, it is comparable to himself, and even faintly exceeds a little.

However, since he has already set his sights on the other party, it is impossible to give up so easily! Barry. At this time, Eren suddenly increased the explosion of his divine speed! More and more dazzling golden arcs flashed in all corners of the body!


Barry. Allen also burst out abruptly! Dead followed by the Speedster!

Two figures who exceed the speed of sound and constantly approach the speed of light are like terrifying winds, passing through the city’s large and small roads!

When the figure flashed by, the fierce wind brought up completely lifted the tables and chairs on the side of the road and the items in the hands of passers-by! People turned their heads and couldn’t see the two of them at all, only feeling that the air flow around them became extremely violent in an instant.

It is clear in front of their eyes.

But there are places that the naked eye cannot see.

The Speed Man and the Flash are racing wildly!



The speedster running in front is about to re-circle the original route.

However, he suddenly noticed that on the route he was going to take, there was a figure standing in the center of the road, as if waiting for him.

“I don’t know if it’s not, the partner of this cosmic speedster.”

The speedster thought to himself in the bottom of his heart. However, he didn’t care about this figure.

It only took him a moment to overtake this figure. However.

What the speedster didn’t know was that the figure standing in front of him was none other than Chen Tian!

The latter predicts the route that the other party is very likely to pass through through the mental fluctuations of the speedster. So I chose to wait here in advance and wait for the rabbit!


The speedster naturally wouldn’t know Chen Tian’s thoughts, and didn’t even look at Chen Tian more!

He glanced back, and the Flash behind him was in front of him, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth. Then, accelerate again!


The figure flashed over, bringing a terrifying air current, directly passing by Chen Tian’s side! The next instant.

Barry. Allen also noticed Chen Tian and recognized the latter as the person who cooperated with him to take notes during the day. But I didn’t think much about it in my heart.

It is probably just a coincidence.

Otherwise, ordinary people can’t see their speed at all, and how can they block the way of the two.


The next moment, Barry. On Allen’s body, a brilliant golden electric light erupted, suddenly accelerated, and with the same unconcerned wind, he swept past Chen Tian’s side.

There are only speeders in their eyes.

And Chen Tian stood in place like this, his clothes and hair were all blown by the fierce wind brought by the two speedsters when they passed by.

The corners of his mouth slowly outlined a satisfied smile. Just after those two passed by Chen Tian’s side.

In his mind, two icy prompts for the effect of the copying ability suddenly sounded one after another.

“Combat detected, rewarded: Godspeed [Barry. Alan]! ”

“Battle detected, rewarded: Godspeed [Hunter. Zolemon]! ”



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