Meiman: Sign In At The Beginning Of The Game

Chapter 79 Aftermath (For Subscription)

After arriving in a nearby city, Li Ang Wanda and Jeff waved goodbye.

This made those girls a little bit sad.

But after leaving, Li Ang asked Kaila to pay attention to the five teenagers and girls like Jeff. He didn't want any accidents to happen to the people he valued when they were traveling in the RV.

After all, in a place like the United States, anything can happen.

Regardless of how high the crime rate in New York seems to be, in fact, the crime rate in several other continents is also not low, especially in a state like Texas, which is located in a somewhat special state.

What about highway robbery and so on, and so on, I don't know how many cases will be filed every year.

As for Mephisto this time, it was just an accident, not a single action route of Wanda, Pietro and Sumarokov. According to the network they collected through the computer, the three discovered that there had been strange events in Texas, so the follow-up will still happen. Follow the clues to find the answer.

As for Li Ang, he is definitely happy to have returned to the New York manor. The three Wandas are just stinky workers, so there is nothing wrong with him.

The big brother 203 at his level will definitely only make shots at critical moments.

But Li Ang and Wanda patted their butts and left, but the government of Texas is already in a state of distress.

When it was still raining in the evening, the Texas government received the news, and the location of the incident was a bit special, almost all of which were handover points within the range of several nearby cities.

As a result, the local police, state police, and FBI in several surrounding cities were dispatched to the origin to investigate the situation almost in the early morning of the next day.

Police cars and mounted policemen on horseback flooded into the starting point, and the law enforcement agencies affiliated to various places gathered together to carry out an investigation mission. There was almost no trouble. Fortunately, several police chiefs present contacted the police station. After reporting to the government, the government urgently opened a meeting, and then issued a joint investigation task.

A joint investigation team was formed by sheriff detectives from several nearby police stations to investigate the matter together.

To be simple and straightforward, it is to facilitate the investigation forces of several cities. By the way, if the blame is blamed, they will be recited together. If the investigation is successful, then the credit will be awarded together. It can only be said that the senior government officials have a plan.

Several city police chiefs were reluctant.

After all, whether this matter is big or small, for their level, it doesn't matter whether they have credit or not, but they must not make mistakes.

But after all, the government issued an order, and they could only carry it out.

Several sheriffs from Houston, Woodlands, and Beaumont became the leaders. There are about forty-five synthesis members in the team under him. In addition, there is a group of on-site investigation and law enforcement police who want to investigate what is going on at the scene.

However, a few police chiefs and a group of police officers arrived at the scene and saw the devastated area close to 10,000 meters that seemed to be hit by a missile. Looking at the area 10,000 meters away, the cracks spread to tens of thousands of meters due to the earthquake or explosion. The scene outside the meter.

Everyone fell into silence.

"So, are you sure it's not the military experimenting with new missiles here?"

A white sheriff in Houston wore a police uniform and a police cap, took off his sunglasses and looked dazed.

The sheriffs of the other cities also had the same expression.

Even the police officers who were filming on the scene were stunned. The footage shot by the air-conditioned drone came. After a few police chiefs glanced at it, they found that it was almost like the surface of the moon. There were various large file sizes and small pits. The only thing that doesn't pass is that it's filled with rainwater.

It was cloudy.

"This is really hell, this is troublesome, Johnny, what did you detect?" The white police chief of the Houston Police Department shouted at a police officer in the distance.

When the police officer who was using the equipment to detect the scene heard the shout, Lian (caff) hurriedly raised his head and replied loudly: "Sir, no explosives were detected. It should not be caused by an explosion."

"Did the heavy rain wash it away?"

"No, sir, no matter how the rain washes, it will leave some traces, here, there are no traces at all.

The policeman answered firmly and loudly.

Other city police officers also nodded in agreement.

The white sheriff was really a little numb. He took off his police cap, then you scratched your gray hair, and looked at the other sheriffs in blank dismay.

Afterwards, a black sheriff hesitated and guessed: "Could it have something to do with Mutant?"

"You know, there was a Mutant battle here last night?"


"It may be in one direction." The white sheriff did not veto this guess, after all, this may be the correct answer, he just touched his chin and said: "If it was really made by Mutant, the intensity of the battle would be a bit scary. "

"Johnny, organize other people immediately to see if there are any corpses or traces of blood at the scene."

"yes, sir."

Under the urging of the sheriff, the entire joint investigation team began to carry out carpet testing in this area, but within two hours, the conclusions drawn were not optimistic.

There was absolutely no body remains, or blood, at the scene.

After several sheriffs confirmed this conclusion, they were completely numb.

Several people gathered in front of a police car, smoking and discussing.

"What the hell, is it some supernatural event?"

"Who knows, if this kind of large-scale damage is not caused by an explosion, only Mutant can do such damage, but has blood been detected? Is it possible that these people were not injured? Or after being injured and died, they were cleaned up at the scene?"

"It's impossible, even if we need professionals to clean up the scene, we can't find any clues, and this kind of scope is too big. In the case of heavy rain at night, the conditions are even more harsh, and it is impossible to do a trace. There are no traces."

Another sheriff immediately countered.

All kinds of guesses were refuted by backhands. Just when the few people were at a loss, a voice suddenly came from the team under them.

"Sir, we detected a very small tire mark not far from the scene.

The sound made the eyes of several sheriffs immediately brighten up. They quickly threw away the cigarettes in their hands and hurried over. Sure enough, not far from the road, they could see a tire mark that was not very obvious. The mark was intermittent, but it could be seen that it was Turned off the road, made a big circle and got on the opposite road.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers!!).

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