009 Improve Strength And Reject Queen Maeve’S Suggestion (3 Kneeling For Flowers)

[Twenty-sixth day: The alarm sound of the mobile phone points you towards you. You touch the mobile phone and want to turn off the alarm, but with a click, the mobile phone is broken, and you are completely awakened in an instant.

Then you were pleasantly surprised to find that you got the Spider Ability!

Its strength is huge, and it can also climb walls. Plus you don’t need Web Shooters yet, release cobweb under your wrist.

You secretly tested your strength. Your current limit strength is about 7 tons. You suddenly understand that your Spider Ability has not fully grown and needs to be greatly enhanced.

Originally, after you got the Spider Ability, you went to Jin and got revenge.

But for now, it seems that you still need to dormant, familiarize yourself with and exercise your spider ability.

After all, Kim isn’t a guy who can compete with the normal Spider-man. 】

Li Xiu, who held Roar’s breath, saw that he had acquired the Spider Ability.

It was silent for a while, and then he clenched his fists, his eyes bursting with joy.

It worked!

The powerful golden ability【Child of Fortune】perfectly demonstrates its ability!

Completely reversed the result of being bitten by a mutant spider, triggering the extremely small probability event!

Is this the power of the golden ability?

love love.

Li Xiu licked his lips, his eyes full of excitement.

The strength obtained in the simulation will be saved in reality.

That is to say, after this simulation is over, he will get the Spider Ability, completely free from the limitations of ordinary people.

this moment.

Li Xiu finally felt a sense of security.

Definitely, the simulation isn’t over yet.

Everything has to go on.

After acquiring the Spider Ability, he has 7 tons of power.

This is already a very terrifying force.

But Li Xiu understands that this is just the beginning, as he has not fully developed the Spider Ability.

After all, the normal strength of Spider-man in the early stage was 15 tons to 20 tons. After further development and training, it reached the level of 50 tons, which is not the upper limit.

That’s why Spider-man has the nickname “Little Hulk”.

Because this guy is indeed more powerful than ordinary superhumans, and he is too perverted.

You know, Captain America’s normal strength is only 3 tons to 10 tons, and it’s still the limit, and it can’t go further.

But Spider-man can reach 15 to 20 tons with a little training.

He’s only got Spider-strength now, so his physicality is still not fully developed, starting with just 7 tons.

As long as he trains hard and works hard to develop the Spider Ability, his power will soon be raised.

Jin Bing has defeated Captain America. In addition to his superb fighting skills, Jin Bing’s strength should not be underestimated.

In addition to being able to compete with the normal Spider-man, this shows that Jin Bing’s strength is about 10 tons to 15 tons.

Later, Spider-man was able to crush Jinbing, also because Spider-man’s strength far exceeded 20 tons through long-term training.

This is also why Spider-man fought back and forth with Jin in the early stage, and can abuse each other with one hand in the later stage. In addition to the factor of Spider-man’s anger, there is also the fact that Spider-man has been growing all the time, and Jin has already reached the human body. limit.

The self in the simulation only has 7 tons of strength, and facing Jin is not necessarily an opponent.

So dormancy is indeed the best plan.

[Month 4: After hard training, you have successfully raised your ultimate strength to 15 tons!

At the same time, you are constantly exercising your combat skills, and your combat skills have also improved a lot.

This month, Spider-Woman came out, and you know it’s Gwen.

You communicate with Gwen from time to time, and you find that the other person’s body is more flexible, and the other side is surprised to find that you are more effective.

But she doesn’t know your Ability.

You understand that a strong physique is the capital of a long-lasting battle, and you work harder to train yourself. 】

Li Xiu looked at the beginning and touched his chin.

After more than a month, the number of days is no longer displayed, but the number of months.

After three months of hard work, he successfully increased the limit strength from 7 tons to 15 tons, which more than doubled directly.

Seeing this, Li Xiu was very satisfied.

The ultimate strength of 15 tons has reached the usual level of little Spider-Man.

It is already a very terrifying force.

In the face of ordinary super criminals, he was basically able to deal with them.

However, the self in the simulation did not seek gold and take revenge, so he was more cautious.

He agrees with this.

After all, be careful sailing a thousand-year-old ship.

Moreover, in addition to his own great surprise, Jin Bing is also surrounded by a group of younger brothers and various weapons.

To avoid overturning, you have to be careful.

see back.

Li Xiu’s mouth twitched.

It’s really not forgetting to communicate all the time.

Is this really him?

Li Xiu was speechless.

He swears that he is not such a person!

[Seventh month: After hard training, you have successfully raised your ultimate strength to 20 tons.

You still feel that you are not enough insurance, so you did not find a gold and you are ready to improve it.

This month, by chance, you participated in the fan meeting of people from the motherland and others, and you successfully met people from the motherland. Under Spider Telepathy, the motherland gives you suffocating pressure, horror! Can’t beat it!

Queen Maeve saw you in the crowd, and your handsomeness made her heart flutter.

After the meeting, she privately gave you a hint of peach, but you refused.

After this meeting, you trained even harder! 】

(Please ask for flowers, comments and everything. Tell me about the update time in the future. 9:00 am, 12:00 pm, 5:00 pm, 8:00 pm, 10:00 pm. If there is an update, it will be at 6:00, 9:00, 12:00)*

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