It was exactly three o’clock in the afternoon, and Hill was ambushed in the valley with a team of S.H.I.E.L.D. that had quickly assembled.

This is the way to get to the trading place.

There’s nothing wrong with an ambush here.

“Target appears, target appears, over!” Just then, Maria Hill heard information from the observer coming from the microphone.

Soon, under the surveillance of the drone, Hill saw a convoy of ten small cargo trucks speeding in their direction.

Each vehicle was guarded by two armed men with live ammunition and wary faces.


After the special squad leader David gave the order, Hill and other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents went straight to fire at the convoy that entered the ambush circle.

First, the RPG opens the circuit and uses drones to drop small bombs to knock the enemy off the car.

This was followed by the fire blockade of the ground forces plus precision kills.

There are also expensive and up-to-date unmanned aircraft in the sky that constantly strafe the enemy in Gaso.

Because he knew that the target this time was unusual, this S.H.I.E.L.D. special team was the most elite one.

Well-equipped and orderly in coordination, it firmly locks the enemy from the ground to the air, without giving the enemy a little space to live.

As a result, the armed men on the convoy were directly blinded, that is, a few shots were fired scattered, and then all were eliminated.

During the whole process, this group of people did not talk about fighting back, and they didn’t even have a chance to escape.

This is modern warfare, which does not give the enemy the opportunity to engage in close fire at all, and directly covers the stranglehold with long-range fire.

After making sure that none of the convoy survived, Maria Hill hurried down with two people.

At this moment, she was very surprised in her heart.

Maria Hill felt that her previous decision was not wrong.

Having captured this batch of T-103 tyrants and ruined Lin Luo’s deal, the credit this time will definitely allow her to upgrade to one level.

At the same time, Hill also protects S.H.I.E.L.D.

If this batch of 5T-103 tyrants is traded, many soldiers will definitely die because of it.

So, Maria Hill is full of accomplishment.

She walked towards the trucks with her head held high.

What Maria Hill did not notice at this time was that the two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents behind him suddenly looked at each other, and then nodded together in unison.

On the battlefield, there were many corpses of armed guards.

To Maria Hill’s surprise, among these dead armed guards, the two kidnappers were found.

Moreover, the strength of these guards is too poor, and they look like third-rate mercenaries.

In fact, this is just an armed guard of a private military contractor, and it is also the kind that likes to eat black and eats black, and the quality is extremely poor.

There is not a single member of the direct umbrella unit in the convoy, so these armed guards will be easily destroyed, or at least they can retreat with their whole body.

Lin Luo specially selected an armed guard of a private military contractor with a bad reputation to carry out this mission.

The gang is said to be fond of indiscriminate killings and has repeatedly targeted civilians.

Just because they only do it in small countries, they have not been punished so far.

Lin Luo promised a lot of money and asked for cash on delivery.

The other party readily agreed, probably thinking of grabbing a wave when the time came.

Now that the person is dead, Lin Luo doesn’t have to spend a dime.

Hill, who was slightly aware of the bad thing, immediately opened a cargo truck in front of him, and sure enough, he saw a metal container more than three meters high inside.

At this point, Hill finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, her fears did not materialize.

These cargo trucks are not a pretense, there really is a T-103 tyrant in it.

If this operation fails, it will cause vigilance on both sides of the transaction.

Next time, they will act more carefully.

Then things are troublesome, and Hill himself has gone from a hero to a sinner.

After all, before, her action was strictly speaking not in line with the procedure, and she was a little rushed.

While thinking, Maria Hill stepped forward and looked at the metal container in front of her, wanting to see something from it.

As far as Hill’s investigation these days knows, this bow biological weapon is usually dormant.

It is generally stored in such metal containers or large incubators.

At this moment, Hill saw a gunman flash on the thick and heavy metal container.

With a keen intuition, she didn’t want to dodge subconsciously.

But the attacker is not a generalist, and the moment he appears, he shoots quickly and accurately.

Although Maria Hill was dodging in time, she was hit by a pistol.

There was a tingling pain in her left shoulder, and her left hand could no longer be lifted.

“Fortunately, the injury is the left shoulder, and it is not completely unconscious, it seems that it is just a scrape.”

After making a judgment in her heart, Maria Hill held the gun in her right hand and hurriedly looked up.

Until now, she didn’t understand that there were all their people around, how did this attacker blend in?

Could it be that the previous armed guards have not been dead and clean, and there are fish that have slipped through the net?

However, when she saw the face of the attacker, Maria Hill was shocked and exclaimed:

“David, did you betray us with S.H.I.E.L.D.?”

“You stop, there are people from S.H.I.E.L.D. outside, and you are surrounded.”

The person who shot turned out to be David, the captain of the special squad.

“No, it’s you who are surrounded, long live Hydra!” David looked fanatical.

Behind him, other squad members gathered, and everyone shouted feverishly: “Long live Hydra!” ”

At the same time, several guns were pointed at Maria Hill.

Seeing this incredible scene, Maria Hill’s heart sank.


I don’t know how much it has been infiltrated by Hydra, this S.H.I.E.L.D. is going to be finished!

Maria Hill was physically and mentally traumatized and desperate!

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