Chapter 84 Gwen Hardy Meets: Our Mouths Are Swollen?! [3 kneeling for subscription].

Hardy looked at Li Xiu’s smile again.

Suddenly, I felt that smile was a bit like the devil.

Hardy gritted his teeth slightly and looked at Li Xiu with anger: “Old one–! ”

Li Xiu smiled: “Actually, you can’t blame me.” ”

Hardy’s eyes widened when he heard this.

Li Xiu spoke: “When you come up, you will engage in a sneak attack, and I will be blinded.” ”

When Hardy heard this, his momentum instantly became half short, and his head was buried in his chest. She huddled in her own shabby sofa.

The roots of his ears turned crimson again, and he said weakly: “It’s all the reason for the magic medicine…”

Li Xiu said with a smile: “So I thought for a while, you took advantage of me, I also have to take it back, let’s clear the two of us.” ”

Hardy pouted weakly.

Li Xiu said cheekily: “Okay, don’t pout, I, the person who was taken advantage of, didn’t say anything.” ”

Hardy: “..”

So, as if it were true, she was powerless to refute… But… It feels weird… Li Xiu grabbed Hardy’s small hand.

Hardy’s hands, than Gwen’s hands, five fingers are more slender and beautiful, after all, the big thief, hand length is a talent.

However, compared to Gwen’s soft hands, Hardy’s is more sturdy, even a little cocooned, and has a healthy and different beauty. He understood that this was the result of Hardy’s hard training in martial arts and extraordinary physique.

Hardy has no superpowers and can get to where she is today, even comparable to some superheroes, because of her sweat. To be honest, a top beauty like Hardy can rely on her own fists to gain a foothold in the slums and improve herself.

He could imagine the horror of the sweat. He still admired this.

Seeing Li Xiu touching his hand, Hardy’s nerves tightened, and his little face was slightly nervous.

Li Xiu looked at Hardy’s scared and nervous look, and smiled dumbly: “What are you doing, I’m going to unlock magic for you, don’t you want Hardy quickly shook his head: No, no, I think I think.” ”

She didn’t want to be so weak at all, it was too uncomfortable. Li Xiu directly used the simplest and most rude way.

The power of the direct horse spell swept through Hardy’s body. In an instant, Hardy’s state disappeared.

Hardy’s eyes lit up instantly, she stood up, jumped on the sofa a few times, and said happily: “Eh! I replied! ”

“Hey, hey!”


Hardy hadn’t jumped a few times when with a click the shabby sofa collapsed. The sofa is broken.

Hardy quickly jumped off the sofa, looking at his broken sofa, his eyes slowly widened, and it was full of disbelief.

She stammered: “I… The sofa… Broken…”

After speaking, she cried with a sad face: “How did I forget, this is a second-hand sofa I found, of average quality!” ”

Hardy was so heartbroken that he almost cried: “Damn, I spent two hundred dollars on the sofa!” Two hundred! That’s two hundred dollars! How come it’s gone! ”

As a person who values wealth as his life.

Is that just a simple two-hundred-dollar knife?! No, that’s her Hardy’s life! Looking at Hardy’s appearance, Li Xiu couldn’t help but be handsome, this little wealth fan.

He squatted in front of Hardy and patted Hardy’s head: “Okay, it’s just two hundred dollar knives, there’s no need to be so uncomfortable.” ”

Hardy whined, aggrieved: “Two hundred dollar knives, that’s two hundred dollar knives, I can buy hundreds of bread, I can eat for a long time!” ”

The corner of Li Xiu’s mouth twitched: “Okay, you two hundred dollar knife, I’ll give it to you.” ”

Hardy immediately stopped chirping, his eyes widened, and he looked at Li Xiu with surprise: “Really… Really… Boss. Li Xiu rolled his eyes: Did I lie to you? ”

Hardy hugged Li Xiu, meat, eggs, and scallions. The corners of his mouth twitched.

This girl’s figure is really evil.

Hardy let go of Li Xiu, licked his lips, and said a little shyly: “Boss… It’s time to pay a salary… By the way, add two hundred more than you just mentioned. ”

Li Xiu looked at Hardy, who looked shy, and the corners of his eyes twitched a few times. No, ask for money, you are shy.

Li Xiu waved his hand, and suddenly a stack of money appeared in his hand.

Hardy’s eyes were shining, pretending to be a little fan girl: “The boss is so handsome!” ”

Li Xiu was speechless: “Pretend that you also bother to pretend to be a little.” ”

Did you slap horses so bluntly?

Hardy blinked his peach eyes and made an innocent look: “I really feel from the bottom of my heart!” ”

In fact, no matter how amazing Li Xiu uses now, Hardy will not be surprised. Because in her eyes, the boss is a powerful mage, almost equal to omnipotence.

Hardy is like this simply because of respect for money! Respect wealth!

Immediately, her attention was all on the pile of money, her eyes lit up, and she swallowed a mouthful of spit, almost drooling. Li Xiu gave one of the stacks to Hardy.

“Here are 20,000 knives, you liquidate it.”

Hardy nodded quickly.

She quickly cleared up, her fingers flying, and her speed was comparable to a money counter. After a while, she finished counting.

She smiled like a flower, charming and moving: “Settle well, completely right, boss.” ”

may be familiar with Li Xiu, zero distance or even upper negative distance contact, so Hardy is not so restrained. Every move also naturally exudes a hint of natural flattery.

Li Xiu immediately gave Hardy another two hundred US dollars: “You are the cost of your sofa.” ”

Hardy got the money, twisted his body, happy and excited: “Thank you boss, boss is generous!” ”

Li Xiu smiled and took out another two thousand dollar knives.

He opened Hardy’s hand and put the money in the palm of the other party’s hand: “Your task this time is very good, I am satisfied, so this is a tip.” ”

Hardy’s eyes widened and he was ecstatic.

She picked up the money and jumped excitedly in place: “Thank you boss, thank you boss!” ”


Two thousand dollars! Earn hemp Earn hemp!

Hardy looked at the money in his hand, his eyes shining.

Looking at the appearance of Hardy’s financial fan, Li Xiu couldn’t help but laugh.

Hardy pounced again and kissed Li Xiu directly on the cheek.

Ha Dai’s peach blossom eyes were full of light, as if tempting autumn water: “Thank you very much for the fight of the gold lord’s father…”

She hadn’t finished speaking.

Li Xiu pounced, threw it on the sofa, and kissed it. Long.

The two separated.

Hardy’s silver hair was slightly messy, and his cheeks were crimson.

She held the mobile phone and looked at herself, her small mouth was slightly swollen and a little painful.

She gritted her teeth slightly: “Boss, you are excessive!” ”

Li Xiu shrugged: “Who told you to take advantage of me.” ”

Hardy grinds his teeth: “I… I’m just so happy to thank you! ”

Li Xiu said helplessly: “When you are happy, will you kiss other boys?” ”

Hardyton froze: “This… This one really doesn’t…”

Even if she is happy, it is impossible to kiss a man, at most a beautiful woman.

Li Xiu nodded slightly: “This is not enough.” If you kiss me, isn’t this taking advantage of me? ”

Hardy: “..”


She is happy, why kiss each other?!

Damn it! What was she thinking?

Could it be that there are too many kisses today?! Conditioned reflexes formed?!

Hardy thought about it with great fear, and instantly felt a chill in his back and a numb scalp. Li Xiu smiled and said, “So I’ll kiss it too, and pull it even.” ”

Hardy touched his slightly swollen little mouth and cried his face: “Do you call this a kiss?” It’s all swollen! ”

She felt a slight pain on her lips and gritted her teeth slightly.

If she could, she really wanted to bite on the other person hard. But Hardy didn’t dare.

With her understanding of the other party, the other party will definitely fight back even more viciously. Her mouth was swollen, and she couldn’t imagine that she was even more vicious.

It feels like hair stands on end when you think about it.

Li Xiu stood up and coughed: “I hope there will be no next time.” ”

Hardy squeezed out a smile, smiled, and words popped out from between his teeth: “There can’t be a next time.” ”

Li Xiu smiled and said nothing.

“Okay, drop you home. I’m gone too. ”

Finish speaking.

He disappeared in place.

Li Xiu was ready to cultivate his “Trinity” magic, smelting all the states into one, and completing the further development of physical strength.

After Li Xiu left.

Hardy instantly made a bitter face: “I… I won’t really be pro-boss, pro-conditioned reflex! ”

She clenched her fists and said with a sad face: “No, no!” ”

She took a deep breath and calmed her mood.

She squinted her eyes slightly, and said extremely solemnly: “There is absolutely no next time!” I can definitely control myself! ”

Hardy nodded: “Yes! I can! ”

“You’re a black cat! You can do it! ”

Hardy took a few deep breaths, and his eyes instantly became clear and determined.

She raised her pink fist: “I can definitely do it.” ”


She looked at the money in her hand and instantly changed her face: “Twenty-two thousand two hundred knives!” ”

“Hahaha! Earn over and turn over! ”

She lay on the broken couch, smiling so hard that she couldn’t keep her mouth shut.

After having fun for a while.

She looked at her sofa and pouted slightly: “My poor two hundred knives, you are so gone, I was too careless.” ”

“I’ll spend another one or two hundred dollars and buy another one, it’s abominable.”

Speaking of which, Hardy is extremely painful.

Although the boss has already given her two hundred yuan.

But the thought of using the two hundred knives in her hand made her flesh ache. The flesh hurt for a while.

Hardy’s eyes turned cold: “By the way, those guys who just talked nonsense, I have to give them an elective lesson on how to manage their mouths one by one.” ”

Hardy became even more angry at the thought that he would spend another two hundred knives, and his fists tightened. She decided to go to class a little harder.

Finish speaking.

She put most of the money in the safe inside the secret compartment. And then I put some on my body.

After doing that, she went downstairs. The other side.

Gwen has completed another lesson against the ruffians. She changed back into her normal clothes and walked down the street.

She was going to go inside the mall, buy some toiletries, snacks and so on. Gwen pursed her slightly painful and slightly swollen lips and gritted her teeth: “It’s hateful, it’s all to blame.” Thinking of this, she grinded her teeth and almost wanted to bite Li Xiu a few times. ”

But immediately, a hint of crimson rose on her face, and she unconsciously showed a hint of a smile. Gwen hummed a ditty as she walked briskly towards the mall. That pretty little face is full of happiness… Opposite the building.

The punks were still discussing sadly and indignantly, and Hardy just heard them.

“Well, Sister Hardy has changed into someone else’s form


“Woo-woo, the most beautiful woman in our neighborhood, in the end she still cheapened the people outside.”

“That’s it! I really want to hack that blessed man to death! ”

“Don’t let me know who he is, or I won’t make him feel better!” Actually snatched the dream lover of all the men in our community! ”

When Hardy heard these words, his lungs exploded, and these little kings and eight calves made up nonsense for her here, making something out of nothing. She sped away, speeding.

A few punks seemed to feel something.

When I looked up, I saw Hardy rushing towards him, and I was immediately frightened.

“Fak! It’s Sister Hardy! ”

“It’s over! Hit by Sister Hardy! ”

“Damn it! We’re done! ”

They still want to run.

It’s just that where it can run past Hardy.

Marvel’s anti-heroes can be included in the superhero sequence, naturally not casually. Almost in the blink of an eye.

Hardy came to several people.

It was a few kicks that came up and directly knocked down a few people.

She punched and kicked a few punks, gritted her teeth and said, “Damn it! You guys are spreading rumors for me! Give me something out of nothing! me off! ”

Bang bang! A punch to the soles of the feet. A moment later.

A few guys with swollen pigs’ heads stood honestly in front of Hardy.

Hardy looked at a few people coldly: “Will you still talk nonsense in the future?” ”

Several pig heads quickly shook their heads: “No, no, no!” ”

Hardy snorted coldly: “Don’t let me hear similar words in the future, otherwise…”

Saying that she was about to fight.

Several pig heads quickly shrunk.

Hardy pointed two fingers to his eyes, and then pointed at each other: “I will keep an eye on you!” ”

Several people nodded quickly with chickens pecking rice.

A few guys were full of cows.

Although the woman in front of her is very good-looking and enchanting, she is a real female tyrannosaurus! This moment.

They were suddenly very glad that this female tyrannosaurus was finally in love, and she would harm others more often in the future.

Hardy didn’t know what the other party thought, she just snorted coldly. She quickly went downstairs, put on her helmet, and started the car.

She was going to go shopping for a new sofa.

The last time she was in the boss’s house, the single lazy sofa she saw felt good. And it’s cheap!

She just could change one! It can also save dozens of knives, even a hundred! Thinking of this, Hardy instantly felt good in his heart.

This time, Hardy decided to go to the mall and buy a hand.

After all, the lazy sofa itself is not too expensive. The most important thing is to buy another second-hand, Hardy is afraid that the next time he is careless, he will spoil it again. So, this time she wants to buy a better quality one!

She screwed the throttle.


The locomotive ran straight out.

Watch the locomotive disappear from view.

A few pig heads, a trace of suspicion flashed in their eyes.

“You found out?”

“Sister Hardy seems to have a swollen mouth..”

“It seems to be, is it…”

Thinking of a possibility, several people quickly shook their heads: “I didn’t see anything, I didn’t see anything!” ”


Hardy came to a mall.

Looking at the large department store in front of him, Hardy was still a little excited in his heart.

After all, she usually rarely comes to such large department stores, because many supplies are scooped up, and small items are enough for small stores.

Hardy smiled and said, “Buy a lazy sofa and have fun.” ”


She walked towards the mall. Right at this time.

A pleasant sound sounded.


“Hardy, you’re duck too!”

Hardy turned his head to look, and suddenly a blonde sweet girl stood beautifully, her eyes shining.


Hardy’s eyes widened, not expecting to meet Gwen.


Both of them widened their eyes slightly, and said in unison: “Gwen [Hardy], your mouth seems to be swollen!” ”

[Three more offerings! ] 】。

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