
Steve was bombarded, and the negative energy in his body was finally exhausted.

He shook his head and climbed up, sighing, “….. This era is much more dangerous than I thought…”

“The world is changing so fast.

It’s beyond your imagination. ”

Nick Fury walked up to him and held out his hand to invite, “So we need you even more, Captain.” ”

Steve shook his head.

There was some surprise in the brine eggs.

– Haven’t recovered after a fight? …. According to the character of Captain America, it should not be …..

Steve shook his head and smiled, got up on his own, took his hand, and said, “You can’t pull me…”

“Wow~ So you’re really Captain America?”

Tony landed next to the two, “I can’t believe it. ”

Steve nodded, “I can’t believe there’s more stuff, you’re…..”

Fury helped Tony introduce, “He’s Tony Stark, Hodward’s son.” ”

Steve brought up some memories and looked at the steel suit on Tony’s body with a little emotion, “You, like your father, are a genius…”

“Thanks for the compliment, a lot of people say that.

But actually….”

Tony narcissistically said, “I’ll prove that I’m better than my father.” ”

Fury: “Captain, you need to know a lot of things, I’ll send you a message when I come back…. Tony, you’ll receive a copy too. ”


A soft knock sounded on the silent street that had been emptied.

Tony and the others turned to look –

Seeing Ye Li change back into his usual clothes, sitting in front of an open-air table and chairs outside a café, he elegantly tapped the coffee porcelain cup in front of him with a silver spoon, “Will you send me a copy?” Director Fury. ”


Tony was the first to greet, “Why are you here?” ”

Ye Li chuckled, “Am I strange in front of my own café?” Tony. ”

“Well, you’re right here and remind me of that.”

Tony pressed a few times on the hand armor, and the scan of “New York War” was projected, “Fury, Li said this can be shown to you, do you like this?” ”

Braised eggs: ?? Selling me a painting?

Fury said politely, “Wow…. Mr. Ye’s work is really great, but you know, I don’t have time to appreciate these…”

“This is…”

Steve was painted… The rising blue pillar of light attracted – it was too similar to the scene when the Red Skull was teleported away by the Cosmic Cube…

The tip of his hand touched the projection, wanting to look more closely….


However, Tony suddenly turned off the projection.

Steve thought it was this Hodward son who was teasing him, “Mr. Stark? What are you doing? ”

Fury thought Rogers liked the painting and echoed, “You should respect the elders, Tony. ”

“Huh? The captain didn’t even think of himself as my elder. ”

After retorting to the bittern egg, Stark explained to Rogers, “This painting Li only shows Director Nick once, and if you look at it, you will have to pay, you can see that it is already an extra perk, Captain.” ”

Finish speaking.

Tony flew in front of Ye Li, who was sitting safely, and a small loading piece popped out of his hand armor and handed it to him, “You saw it, Li, he saw it, and he wasn’t very interested.” Open up sales channels to S.H.I.E.L.D. yourself, I still have something to do… To install new clean energy for the Stark building….. And a date with Pepper…”

Ye Li pressed the loading sheet in confusion, and a scan of “New York War” was projected on it, “So? What about my original painting? ”

“Oh…. At the Stark Building. ”

Tony took off a little weakly, “You have time to come and pick it up, I’ll go first!” ”


Ye Li Super Spider sensed a flash, and the scene of Tony holding a picture and then painting was blown by the wind appeared in his mind…

“Chairman Ye.”

Fury sat down across from him at this time, “Although you refused to join us and are not an insider, I will also send you a copy of the information.”

This is related to a plan of S.H.I.E.L.D., I hope that we can reach a cooperation on this plan, and I will arrange for Natasha to communicate with you on specific matters…”

Ye Li glanced at Captain America next to Fury, and replied, “Let’s talk after reading the information.” ”

If nothing else….

It should be the Avengers plan….

The idea of beating the marinated egg is also obvious –

– Want to recruit the club’s superheroes….

Even black spiders…

Ye Li naturally wouldn’t agree, but it wouldn’t be a loss to hold the Avenger’s information first.

Ghost Spider Club.

In the lounge dedicated to core members.

“Come, read with me’~”

Gwen sat cross-kneeled on the yoga mat, his posture was quiet and beautiful, and he clearly said, “Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, Wan Qi’s root, Guangxiu Wufa, Zhengwu Shen Tong…”

Cindy, who was also in the same posture next to her, also said in a learned manner, “…. Heaven and Earth Xuanzong…. Wan Ji Bengen…. Guangxiu… Guangshu Wufa…. Zhengwu Divine Power…..”

The soft and sticky voice, although it was pronounced in tune, sounded stumbling, far less formal than Gwen’s words.

“Cindy, just chanting.

You have to understand what it means. ”

Gwen opened the white powdery little palm, and a wisp of golden light emerged from it, and then became thinner and thinner…

Finally, the golden light turned into a spider-like golden thread, swaying and dancing in her hands~

With unremitting efforts.

Gwen finally cultivated into a golden light spell.

Perhaps it is the reason for the mutant constitution.

She is gifted and progresses so quickly that she even created her own method of turning golden light into spider silk.

This is also thanks to Ye Li, who often carefully tells her about the operation of the Golden Light Mantra, including personally pointing out all the human veins and acupoints on her…


Cindy nodded, “As long as you practice this to become powerful, I will cheer!” ”

Gwen was concerned, “Is that Demon you said really that powerful? I see you’re worried all day, which is not good. ”

“I’m not very clear…..

However, occasionally sensing the howls of the otherworldly totems….. It’s chilling…”

Moren almost became Cindy’s pitiful little heart.

If she used to just worry about herself.

So now, add Ye Li and Gwen, who are also spider totems…

Gwen comforted her, “Don’t worry, me and Li, and Jessica and them, will help you~”

Cindy glanced at Ye Li, who was playing with Skye, and nodded sweetly, “Hmm….. Thank you…”

In her heart, she firmly thought: …. I’ll protect you too…

“I’m fast, I’m fast!”

The shimmering light of the screen reflected on the beautiful face of the beige.

Skye tapped on the keyboard and said eagerly, “I’m about to…”


Ye Li hit the enter key, “I’m fine again!” ”


Skye said bitterly, “Why are you faster.” ”

Ye Yi said happily, “I am willing to gamble and lose.” ”

“Gwen, they’re all in…..”

Skye half pushed, half on the spot… Got under the desk, “That’s not okay…”

“It’s okay, they’ve all seen big scenes~”

Ye Li calmed Skye, slid the mouse in his hand, and checked the information that came out of the blackout———

[Xavier Gifted Junior School New School Opening Season…]

[Walt International’s secret research and development of special drugs failed again…]

[Sir Reginald Hargreaves founded the Umbrella Academy…]

[Townspeople in Hawkins, Indiana, claim to have found suspected spatial rifts, which have been identified as rumors…..]

【”Emperor Plan” unblocked and restarted….】

Ye Li didn’t pay attention before.

But since meeting Matilda.

He’s always paying attention to something.

Now as expected.

This world is not a simple Marvel world, but also mixed with some messy things…

Xavier School is also a matter of school, the X-Men series is a sister line of Marvel.

What else is it…..

Never mind….. Let’s be a superhero relationship….. Leave that alone

Ye Li backed up these materials.

Although he was curious, he still planned to visit it later when he had time, and there were other things to pay attention to now.


S.H.I.E.L.D.’s “Project Avengers” was also sent by the halogen egg.

The contents are still the same old things——— Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Captain America…..

There is no information about Black Widow and Hawkeye, and there is no detailed information about the American team, apparently Fury is not a fool, and his own people still keep a hand.

Ye Li looked down and asked Skye, “What about Barbara?” ”

“Hmm…. Floor shrimp…..”

I thought Ye Li was going downstairs.

Skye was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but he still sat still, and couldn’t help but roll his eyes, “…”

Ye Li: “I’ll just ask casually.” ”

Skye: “…”

Hell’s Kitchen.


Jessica was wearing a pale brown and yellow-flowered plaid detective suit, a newsboy hat, and a folded collar that stood up to cover the lower half of her face, looking mysterious, “Do you really want to be a superhero?” ”

Matilda nodded affirmatively, “Hmm! ”

She holds the meow ball in her two small hands in front of her chest.

If you replace the round grunt with a crystal material, you will be like a little witch of divination.

“Okay, then I’ll take you to see a den I just discovered recently!”

Jessica hugged her sister, and her little boots stepped on the ground, bringing up a silver brilliance.

The next moment.

It landed on the roof of a house.

Yinhua jumped one after another~ (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

Constantly running from roof to roof, he soon quietly approached a dimly lit factory building.


Jessica sat Matilda on her shoulder and lifted her up, “We’re going to destroy this place.” ”

Matilda’s height was just enough to see the situation inside through the gap in the small window, “They are in…..”

I saw it in the factory.

Rows of people stood numbly, their eyes blank, and their hands mechanically repeated the action of sorting and packing white powder.

These people are all Asian and all appear to be blind.

Zhou Zhou also has many gang members with guns, serving as overseers and security guards.

“What are we going to do? Jessica. ”

Matilda’s eyes brought some resentment, her family was killed by these white powders…

She took out a cigarette and put it in her pink lips, but did not light it, “Do you want to make a plan to defeat the bad guys like in the cartoon?” ”


Jessica frowned slightly, her eyes shone with wisdom, and in the raised collar, there was a detective tone of reasoning.

“‘~ I already have a plan…”

Matilda was a little nervous and excited, “What plan?” ”

Jessica said seriously, “Let’s go straight in!” ”

“? ……”


“What the hell!”

“Shoot! Shoot quickly! ”

“It’s lightning!”



The scattered thunder blocked the bullet, and the meow ball turned into a ball of lightning and floated into the factory, accurately avoiding the laborers and slashing at the gang members.

Mortals are powerless to fight back in the face of this power, and the villains invade bullets in exchange for their own screams.

Jessica saw that before she made a move, the person was almost solved, and she admired her sister.

“Uh-huh, it’s the same as Meow.”

Matilda beckoned, and the meow dispersed the lightning, dripping and spinning, and floated back into her arms.

Jessica looked at the laborers, “For your sake of being blind, let’s go…”

A few seconds later.

“…. Well? ”

Jessica scanned the still stunned laborers, who seemed to have been repeating movements for too long and were already unresponsive.

She had to deliberately turn her face cold, and scolded in a coquettish voice, “Get out!” ”


Only then did the laborers come to their senses, fumbled, scrambled to escape, and soon dispersed.


At this time, a gangster who had fallen in the corner raised his gun tremblingly, and the target was Jessica.


Jessica kicked a pistol that fell to the ground, and the iron smash was smashed out, hitting the gun in his hand.

Bang! Ground sound.

The gangster’s shot hit the ceiling.


And Jessica at this time, had flown to his side, raised her leg and kicked him in the neck.


Applause came from the factory gate.

Mrs. Gao, escorted by several ninjas, walked in, “Jessica Ye, you are much more ruthless than rumored, and people can’t believe that you are just a high school student. ”

“I’m almost graduating.”

Jessica looked straight in her direction, her eyes scanning the ninjas, and teased, “Aren’t the people who meet hands dead?” How is there still an old woman? ”

“Huh…. You don’t know anything about the Rendezvous. ”

Mrs. Gao’s face was still flat, but her eyes were getting colder, “Our power is far from what you can imagine, I advise you to stop here and stop disturbing my business!” I remember you had an ordinary brother, didn’t you…..”

“You try it!”

In an instant——

Jessica’s figure flew in front of her, and several Ninja immediately drew various weapons to intercept her.

But Jessica’s physical strength is comparable to these ninjas, and with Ye Li guiding her martial arts fighting skills, the ninja’s original combat skill advantage is gone.

Just listening to the muffled sound, these ninjas vomited blood and rolled down into the corner, with more air and less intake.

Mrs. Gao’s old eyes turned sinisterly.

She suddenly raised her hand between Jessica’s moves! A palm was slapped in the air———!


Jessica crossed her arms and was slapped for a short distance, a little surprised, “What is this?” ”

This old woman who looks half-grounded actually has the appearance of superpowers…

Sure enough, my brother was right.

The world is big, and it’s all strange.

Mrs. Gao hit the blow, pulled the long sword out of the crutch, and pointed it at Jessica with a sneer, “I said, you can’t imagine our strength…”

Boom——! Mixed!

She didn’t finish speaking.

A thick beam of blue and white thunder suddenly erupted, slamming the old body into the wall, and then flew out of the factory without stopping.

Jessica was stunned and turned her head to look in the direction where the thunder shot –

I saw Matilda holding the meow ball in front of her chest with both hands, the sphere hanging in the air gradually stopped rotating, and a mysterious spell on it was also disappearing…

Seeing my sister’s gaze over.

The girl looked at the metal ball in her hand.

And trotted outside to check on Mrs. Gao, who had been split into pieces of coke…

At last.

Her soft lips squirmed and she said to Jessy Canono, “I… I didn’t expect it to be so powerful, I saw her shoot you out, I thought it was quite powerful…..”

Người mua: ALiConBaBA, 04/04/2023 18:16

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