Meiman: The Man Behind The Scenes From The End Of The Summoning

Chapter 69 The Power Of The Spell (For Subscription)

Hell's Kitchen.

Mingxuan Detective Agency.

After declaring their home, Gun Sou and Nie Feng, led by assistant Jessica Jones, came to Lu Mingxuan's office soon.

After the meeting, Nie Feng naturally followed the script designed by Lu Mingxuan in advance, and very seriously informed Lu Mingxuan of the situation he had so far.

About half an hour later, Lu Mingxuan, Nie Feng, and Gun Sou basically finished exchanging the information they had with each other.

During this period, Nie Feng specially emphasized the help of Gunsou to him, and the plan proposed by Gunsou to unite with the superhero in Hell's Kitchen to fight against Lin Chuanlong's price.

For this, Lu Mingxuan naturally thanked Gun Sou.

Moreover, he also agreed to the proposal of Gunsou.

Seeing that Lu Mingxuan, the "TPC" organization, and the "inspectors" of the contracting branch have agreed to his proposal, the vigorous and resolute stick man Dang even ~ directly bid farewell.

After all, according to what Hiroto said before, Akutagawa Ryunosuke has now begun to capture the vampires in the territory of the contract and carry out large-scale sacrifices.

In addition, Lu Mingxuan has already stated clearly before that there are currently only two official members in their branch, he and Hatake Kakashi.

If they want to temporarily increase reinforcements, they can only wait for the headquarters to reassign manpower.

And the reinforcements need four or five days as a buffer at the shortest from departure to arrival.

In other words, there are only five days at most before the decisive battle with Akutagawa Ryunosuke and the Hand Association.

Therefore, Gunsou naturally hopes to organize the superhero team in Hell's Kitchen as soon as possible.

Moreover, after organizing the superhero team, Fuzhi and the others still need to make preliminary preparations for investigation and so on.

Therefore, it is really tight in terms of time, and it may not even be enough.

After all, except for "Daredevil" Matt Murdock, the superhero in Hell's Kitchen has never met him before.

In this way, it will take a certain amount of time from searching to convincing them to join in!

Lu Mingxuan naturally knew about Gun Sou's thoughts.

Therefore, Lu Ming naturally had no intention of obstructing Gunsou's swift and resolute actions.

It's just, in order to brush up the emotional value of other superheroes.

At the same time, in order to be able to control the overall progress of the superhero assembly, Lu Mingxuan needs to arrange some of his own people in the team.

After all, if the progress of Akutagawa Ryunosuke and Gunsou cannot be grasped at the same time, the timing of the final decisive battle will be difficult to grasp.

Thinking of this, Lu Mingxuan stopped the old man who had already got up and was about to leave, and said:

"Old man, it's not safe for you to act alone, I'd better let Nie Feng and the others go with you!"

"Mr. Lu, I appreciate your kindness old man."

After hearing Lu Mingxuan's proposal, Gun Sou couldn't help but shook his head lightly, and even rejected it straightforwardly, saying:

"Little brother Nie Feng's injury is too serious, let's stay and recuperate first!"

"The old man is worrying too much!"

After hearing the reasons for Gunsou's refusal, Lu Mingxuan immediately knew that the other party was afraid that Nie Feng's action would hinder him, so he couldn't help but chuckled:

"As the "inspector" of the branch, how can I let the members of the organization take part in the operation with injuries!"

Having said that, Lu Mingxuan couldn't help but pause slightly, and after glancing at the slightly frowning Gunsou opposite him, he continued with a chuckle and said:

"Before, Tsunade-sama, one of the "Three Ninjas", I once studied immortal arts in the Shigu Forest for a period of time, and I thought I still had some means of healing. "

"Well, the old man will sit down for a while and let me treat Nie Feng's injuries."

Hearing Lu Mingxuan mentioned [Xianshu], Gunsou couldn't help but change his face slightly, and immediately nodded in agreement.

Before that, Gunsou had already heard Nie Feng say it.

The reason why Ryunosuke Akutagawa betrayed the "TPC" organization was because originally his aptitude was too poor to learn 【Xianfa】.

Therefore, out of resignation, Tara, the "King of Shadows", took the opportunity to seduce her.

Later, Nie Feng also said that there are "immortals" in their "TPC" organization.

Through the two paragraphs of Nie Feng's description, Tiwen actually had a rough guess in her mind.

Within the "TPC" organization, there should be a inheritance of [immortal law].

It's just that, unfortunately, he never had the chance to see him.

Now, Lu Mingxuan actually wants to use [Xianshu] to heal Nie Feng's injury in front of his face.

Therefore, Gun Sou naturally couldn't miss such a great opportunity.

After all, as a Dragon Country person, he yearns for immortals very much!

Seeing that Gunsou pretended to be calm on the surface, but in fact he was full of perception secretly, Lu Mingxuan couldn't help laughing secretly.

In fact, the so-called [Xianshu] and "Toad Immortal" are self-made, and he arranged Nie Feng to talk nonsense.

The purpose, of course, is to highlight the mystery and power of the "TPC" organization.

At the same time, it is also for the convenience of follow-up to do things and continue to earn emotional points.

However, although Lu Ming does not know the real [immortal techniques and immortal techniques.

However, for him who has the horse charm that can cure all diseases, as long as there are no special circumstances, he can directly heal any injury.

If it is just used to disguise the so-called [immortal art], it is the simplest thing to be true.

While his thoughts were changing, Lu Mingxuan had already activated the power of the horse charm, and a light blue light shrouded his hands directly.

Although, Gun Sou's eyes were invisible, and he couldn't see the energy rays that emerged from Lu Mingxuan's hands.

However, he could perceive that a strange change had taken place in Lu Mingxuan's body at the moment.

In particular, there is a soft but powerful force on Lu Mingxuan's hands.

That kind of power is like the warmth of the sun, just getting close to it gives a feeling of physical and mental comfort, as if it has been washed and healed.

Just when Gun Sou was immersed in the perception of the power of the Tsushima talisman, Lu Mingxuan came directly in front of Nie Feng, and then put his hands on his shoulders.

The next moment, a light blue light shone, and the [Healing Power] contained in the horse charm was aroused by Lu Mingxuan, directly acting on Nie Feng's body.

In less than two breaths, the torn flesh and blood on Nie Feng's body regenerated, and all the injuries miraculously disappeared as if going back in time.

Slowly raising the hands that were pressing on Nie Feng, Lu Mingxuan couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, and then said with a light smile:

"How, how do you feel?"

Hearing Lu Mingxuan's question, Nie Fengdang shattered the plaster cast on his left arm with direct exercises, then moved around a few times at random, and then said in a pleasant surprise:

"This, it's really all good! [Xianshu] is really amazing!"

Perception of the changes that happened to Nie Feng, even though Gun Sou claimed to be well-informed, At the moment, he couldn't help but feel his thoughts flying "surprised by Lu Mingxuan's [Xianshu].

[The emotional value from Gunsou is +999. 】

Seeing a system prompt floating in front of his eyes, Lu Mingxuan couldn't help but feel a slight twitch in his heart, and Dang even gave Nie Feng a wink.

After getting the reminder from Lu Mingxuan, Nie Feng immediately understood, and then pleaded to Lu Mingxuan:

"Lord Lu, Mr. Ge (Gunsou) has done a lot to save me this time. I wonder if you can help Mr. Ge and heal the injuries on his body?"

Hearing this, Lu Mingxuan just hesitated for a moment, and immediately agreed directly:

"As it should be!"

Hearing that Lu Mingxuan wanted to heal his injuries, Gun Sou's heart skipped a beat.

Before, he could only perceive Lu Mingxuan's operation process from the sidelines, and could not personally experience the mystery of [Xianshu].

Now, with such an opportunity to experience it personally, one might be able to realize something from it.

Thinking of this, Gun Sou Dang even bowed to Lu Mingxuan, and said solemnly:

"Ge Bin would like to thank Mr. Lu for his kindness."

"Don't be too polite, old man!"

Faced with Gunsou's thanks, Lu Mingxuan just smiled lightly, and immediately asked softly:

"This time I depended on the old man. I just treated the old man's injury, but I can't be such a big gift from the old man!"

Speaking of this, Lu Mingxuan couldn't help but pause slightly, and immediately activated the power of the horse charm, and said in a deep voice:

"Mister, please relax and don't resist!"

Once again feeling the [healing power] of the horse talisman, Gun Soudang's expression was slightly solemn, and then he hurriedly followed Lu Mingxuan's request and began to relax physically and mentally.

Seeing that the old man had adjusted his state, Lu Mingxuan didn't waste any more time. He stretched out his right hand and pressed on the head of the opposite old man, and then activated the power of the horse spell.

The light blue light reappeared, and in an instant it gushed out from Lu Mingxuan's right hand and spread to Gunsou's whole body.

After going around for a while, it returned to Lu's hands again.

However, after returning, Lu Mingxuan tried to heal Gunsou's eyes.

Although, Lu Mingxuan didn't know exactly why Gun Sou was blind.

However, Lu Mingxuan wanted to try to see if the ability of the horse talisman [Cure All Diseases] would be effective in this situation.

While testing the horse spell ability, it can also clear up some of the old man's doubts.

After all, if a veteran like Gun Sou, who has traveled all over the world, wants to make him really believe what Nie Feng said before, if he doesn't come up with some extraordinary means, it will definitely not work.

While his thoughts were changing, Lu Mingxuan already concentrated the [Healing Power] of the horse charm on Gun Sou's eyes.

After a burst of intense light, Lu Mingxuan slowly withdrew his right hand, dissipating the power of the horse charm again.

At the same time, Gunsou, who felt a coolness in his eyes, opened them almost subconsciously.

The next moment, Gunsou saw a spacious and bright office, and Lu Mingxuan, who was sitting on a chair with a pale face and dripping with sweat, and Nie Feng, who looked slightly worried but wore retro clothes.

0......Please give me flowers......

After being stunned for a while, Gunsou discovered the abnormality. His eyes, which had been blind for many years, were able to see again at the moment!

[Mood value from Stickman +2000. 】

"This, is this the power of [Xianshu]..."

Looking at the incomparably clear world in front of him, Rao could not help being excited at this moment, even with the disposition cultivated by the old man who had been in the world for decades.

At this moment, he finally understood something.

Why Akutagawa Ryunosuke is here

I know, after I was unable to practice [Xianshu], I went on the evil path because of this.

Because, the power of [Xianshu] is really amazing!

In just a few breaths, all the dark wounds on his body were healed, not to mention, even the eyes that had been blind for many years could see again.

Even, at this moment, Gunsou felt as if he had become dozens of years younger in an instant.

When the state of the whole person has returned to the peak, he actually once again experienced the feeling of being full of vitality when he was young.

This kind of rejuvenation-like feeling, even a person like him who has gone through the trials and tribulations of the world, can't help being fascinated by At the moment.

At a certain moment, Gun Sou couldn't help but feel a strong urge to take the [Xianju] from Lu Mingxuan and keep it as his own!

However, this impulse was only fleeting, and soon it was suppressed by the stick.

Not to mention that Lu Mingxuan has the great kindness to him to see the light again, just the strength shown by Lu Mingxuan is not something he can deal with.

Moreover, behind Lu Mingxuan, there is the mysterious "TPC" organization.

Earlier, he had doubts about the "TPC" organization.

However, after personally experiencing the magic of [Xianshu], he now firmly believes in it.

After all, the miraculous power acting on him is genuine.

Moreover, Gunsou really can't imagine why an extraordinary existence with powerful and magical powers like Lu Mingxuan would join forces with Nie Feng to deceive such a bad old man

In addition, there are special people who can use Psychokinesis within their "Zhenchun Society".

Therefore, he no longer has any doubts about the existence of the "TPC" organization.

Just when Gunsou's heart was agitated and his thoughts were flying, he suddenly heard Nie Feng's slightly worried voice:

"Lord Lu, are you alright?"

Hearing this, Gunsou immediately came back to his senses, and turned to look at Lu Mingxuan who was pale and out of breath in the arena.

Looking at Lu Mingxuan's current state, Xia immediately had a guess in his heart.

Obviously, Lu Mingxuan's treatment of his eye disease was not without price.

Even, judging from Lu Mingxuan's current situation, I am afraid that this consumption is still extremely high.

Thinking of this, Gunsou couldn't help feeling guilty and grateful towards Lu Mingxuan.

After all, the relationship between him and Lu Mingxuan was just a one-time relationship.

However, the other party was able to do this for him and gave him such a great favor.

For a moment, Gunsou couldn't help feeling deeply ashamed of his previous thought of snatching Lu Mingxuan's [Xianshu].

[Mood value from Stickman +1358. 】

Looking at the system prompts floating in front of his eyes, Lu Mingxuan couldn't help but secretly smiled.

He heals Stick with the power of the horse charm [has nothing to do with himself.

And the reason why he deliberately pretended to be exhausted is naturally to retreat behind the scenes so as to secretly coordinate the overall situation.

After all, his ostensible identity is the person in charge of the "TPC" organization's contract-twisting branch.

Now Akutagawa Ryunosuke, the traitor of the "TPC" organization, came to break the contract and wreak havoc.

Under such circumstances, if he didn't act, it would be too unreasonable, and it would inevitably arouse the suspicion of the old man.

However, nowadays, he has consumed too much to save the old man, and needs to rest for a while, so it is reasonable.

Thinking of this, Lu Mingxuan immediately waved his hand to Nie Feng who was at the side, and said with a light smile:

"Don't worry, I'm fine, it's just that I've consumed a little more and need to retreat for a while.

"It's just that in the next few days, I'm afraid I won't be able to participate in your actions for the time being..."

Speaking of this, Lu Mingxuan couldn't help but pause slightly, and after glancing at the expression of the old man on the field without any trace, he continued to speak softly:

"How about this, you will go to Kakashi in a while, and during the short period of my retreat, he will replace me with full authority to handle Akutagawa Ryunosuke's affairs.

Hearing what Lu Mingxuan said, Nie Feng immediately nodded emphatically, expressing that he understood.

Seeing this scene, the stick man also took the initiative to come forward, bowed to Lu Mingxuan who was as pale as paper, and then thanked him sincerely:

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for helping me, the old man, to see the light again! I will definitely do my best for the matter of Akutagawa Ryunosuke!".

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