Meiman: Weaving Myths, Starting From Urban Legends

Chapter 51 Subvert Cognition! Ancient Secret!

The atmosphere in the air was a little frozen.

The fear and anxiety in Tony Stark made him unable to ask new questions for a long time.

"That definitely is our luck! Praise be to your kindness!"

Magneto's bottom line is that there is no bottom line, as long as he can gain the power of revenge, he is now much stronger than little Wanda's heart.

Tony Stark glanced at Magneto.

He thought it was a human fault.

The uncompromising kind.

"You... What are those other hidden existences you mentioned?" Suddenly, little Wanda's slightly childish voice was full of tension and courage.

Although she was full of awe and fear for Chu Mu, but when she heard Chu Mu mentioning other terrifying existences, she couldn't help but want to get answers about herself from Chu Mu. That scarlet dream that often appears, the terrifying figure in the dream, is it also the hidden existence that Mr. [Fate] said~?

"Secret is secret because it cannot be said." Chu Mu silently gave Little Wanda a thumbs-up in his heart. He never thought that Little Wanda could also be a qualified tool person.

"Because knowledge is poisonous, right?"

Little Wanda lowered her head in disappointment.

"Yes and no."

After Chu Mu seemed to think for a while, he continued in a deep and deep voice again.

"For some secrets, their names are originally a taboo. If you have not reached a certain level of life, knowing their names is also a disaster for you."

Such a statement.

Whether it is Magneto or Tony. Stark is a ground stabbing.

"You don't even know your name?"

Tony Stark's eyes widened, his tone full of disbelief.

"Definitely, as long as you know their names, they will be able to perceive your existence. It's okay here, I can help you block their perception, but if you wait until you leave here... be hidden It’s definitely not an interesting thing to pay attention to.”

Chu Mu's words.

Let little Wanda and Tony Stark have a deep understanding.

Aren't we being targeted by you?

Life is really hard.

"Follow your instruction!"

Magneto is probably the only outlier, and the title of human being is well deserved.

"Do you also have such an ability?"

Tony. Stark couldn't help looking at the terrifying figure sitting on the throne.

Chu Mu did not answer directly.

Instead, he tapped on his armrest again.

"Remember... whoever speaks will be known." After a slight pause, he continued to speak in a deep voice, as if warning the three of them.

"This is the authority that hidden beings are born with."

Loud words.

Invaded the hearts of the three "apostles" present.

Everyone's emotions are different.

Under the perception of Chu Mu's "spirituality", everything is very complicated.

"How do you want us to please you?" Tony Stark gritted his teeth, as if he had made some decision, he knew very well the truth that if you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cub.

"Before you say this, why don't you tell me what you want to get?" Chu Mu was not in a hurry, still maintaining a lazy feeling.

"I want to protect my world from those horrible things!" Tony․ Stark is worthy of being a superhero, and Chu Mu, who has three upright views, wants to give him a thumbs up.

"A very reasonable request."

Chu Mu definitely will not reject Tony. Stark, after all, if the entire comic book world is gone, where else can he find enough lives to provide himself with [Destiny Points]?

"what do I need to do?"

Tony. Stark asked again.

"Not urgent."

Chu Mu knew that Tony Stark was in a hurry, so he spoke slowly again.

"I will arrange a small accident in your world, use your mind to solve that accident, and you will be able to prove your worth.

What Chu Mu was talking about was an event that would have happened in the Marvel universe. Counting the events, the Hulk was probably born because of gamma rays.

"What accident? An accident like those weird statues and undead women?"

Tony․ Stark was slightly taken aback.

"I don't have that unique aesthetic, maybe..... I will choose to test you with a big guy." Chu Mu is not afraid that the Hulk may not appear by then.

If only the Hulk didn't show up.

He can make a [Godzilla] backhand and throw it at Tony. Stark's door.

"I should be fine."

Tony. Stark breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, as long as it wasn't for those weird things, a big head would only be three or four meters high, right?

As long as it is carbon-based life.

I don't believe that some people are not afraid of hot weapons.

If there is.

That is, the firepower is not enough.

Tony Stark began to think about the countermeasures.

"My test! Where is my test?"

Magneto's voice was filled with an unbearable feeling of excitement, what he had seen in myths and legends and religious books, those about the gods' test for believers finally came


Sure enough, it is the ladder of human progress.

so useful.

Magneto wanted to push hard right now.

"Miss Wanda, as for you... When will you untie the knot in your heart and let go of the hatred, let's talk about the deal again, about those things in your dream.

Chu Mu knows to give different medicines to different people. He didn't pay attention to his senior licking dog, which made Magneto show a very disappointed expression.


Little Wanda originally wanted to ask if she could refuse, but when she heard Chu Mu's words, she immediately widened her eyes and her expression became bewildered.

"You know?"

Little Wanda's tone was full of surprise.

"Definitely, anything, there are only two states that I want to know, and I don't want to know." Chu Mu once again highlighted the unfathomable, he had already fooled the three people, and directly brought them to another It was a shock, and no one doubted it at all.

The same goes for Tony Stark.

【Fate point +131】

【Fate point +217】

【Fate point +164】

"As for you, Erik."

Chu Mu looked at his most loyal licking dog, and with one sentence, Erik's expression of disappointment on his face immediately became extremely pleasantly surprised.

"You want to gain power, I know, I can give you the kind of power you want, but you also need to complete my test for you."

"Egypt, the Pyramids buried under the yellow sand, find it there, and you will know what I want you to look for." Chu Mu actually didn't know how to deal with Erik's side.

after all.

Both Tony Stark and Wanda live in the same world as him, and it is very simple for him to want to contact and exert influence.

But Erik was different.

Erik lives in another universe.

And now Chu Mu.

But he still doesn't have the means to travel through the universe - he can't tell Erik directly that the omnipotent god in your heart can't come to your world, can he?

It is Chu Mu who wants to put fantasy creations into Erik's world, but he has not found any way yet, so he can only set a goal for Erik that cannot be completed in a short time.


To dig the, to dig the Mutant Apocalypse buried under the yellow sand. Chu Mu believes that by the time Erik finds Apocalypse, he may already have enough means.

0 for flowers...

"Okay! Your Majesty! Your most loyal apostle! You will surely complete your test!" Magneto accepted this test that he considered sacred with great excitement.

You don't know.

Chu Mu couldn't bear to look at him. God knows how long it would take to dig in the vast yellow sand for such an upright man to dig out Apocalypse.

To make up for poor Magneto who may be in the [examination] for a long time.

Chu Mu thought for a while.

"As a reward for your loyalty, I can give you some knowledge in return." Chu Mu definitely didn't want to reward the potion, his myth points are not enough for him now.

The so-called return.

It's just that Chu Mu gave Magneto some scientific advice on the use of the Ability possessed by Magneto under Magneto's incomparably surprised gaze.

An Ability that leverages the fundamental force of the universe, it is really embarrassing to be played by Magneto as the Iron King, and Chu Mu can't bear Magneto to spoil it like this. It actually surpasses the Alpha-level, but it has not yet reached the Omega-level variant Ability. He gave Magneto advice on how to get the most out of his attacks.


"Your power is to manipulate the electromagnetic field. The electric current will be affected by Ampere's force in the magnetic field. The File size is F=BILsine|so the object passing by the electric current will generate acceleration in the magnetic field."

"You just need to..."

What Chu Mu explained was the famous railgun, also known as the railgun. With his detailed explanation accompanied by the demonstration image presented with power, Magneto felt greatly shocked.

"So my Ability can still be used like this?"

Magneto's development of his Ability has always been towards manipulating more metals. Chu Mu's explanation made him seem to open the door to a new world.

Own Abilities.

Can you still play like this?

Little Wanda couldn't understand this kind of thing at all, so she continued to play Little Transparent, and Tony·Stark was also deeply shocked.

"You know science!?"

Tony. Stark definitely understood what Chu Mu was teaching.

"Who do you think the rules of the universe are made by?" Chu Mu gave an answer that could make Tony. Stark think about it.

Although Tony. Stark had a lot of ups and downs in this meeting today, he was not as excited as he is now when he was hunted down by little Wanda.

Chu Mu will apply scientific knowledge.

what does this mean

Tony. Stark thinks that since Chu Mu also possesses known scientific knowledge, it must mean that the secret represented by Chu Mu can also become a science that can be interpreted!

All right.

Tony. Stark didn't know how he came to this conclusion, anyway, it was this conclusion that made Tony Stark more excited and excited than sleeping with sixteen twin sisters.

"Okay, I'm also very satisfied with today's gathering, and I hope everyone will be so active at the next gathering." After Chu Mu "given" some knowledge to the illiterate Magneto, he also cut off the connection of Origin Castle decisively. The three of them were sent back before they could react.


Tony. Stark also wanted to ask what to do if he wanted to contact Chu Mu, but he was kicked out of Origin Castle before he could speak.

no way.

Who made Chu Mu glance at the time just now?

The great, indescribable Mr. Fate is going to work in a hurry.

This kind of thing can't be sloppy.

After all, today is S.H.I.E.L.D's payday for S.H.I.E.L.D.

〔ps: I will sleep for two hours and code all night. Down〕.

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