Chapter 121 Sun Armor, Destroyer!!

“No money!”

In the manor, as soon as Chen Tian, who had returned from shopping, sat down, the old housekeeper came over to report the situation and told him that the company was running out of money.

Looking at the old butler, Chen Tian was puzzled: “Recently, under the leadership of Edith, isn’t the gang business very good?” ”

Although he was busy doing research during this time, Chen Tian still had some understanding of things outside, such as the territory of the Blood Hand Society expanding several times.

At present, the business scope covers the city of Bochute and nine surrounding cities, with more than 2,000 core combat personnel and more than 5,000 peripheral members.

This strength also belongs to a large gang in the entire Mexi country, and the power makes all parties look at it.

However, except for the city of Bochute, all other cities only occupy part of the territory and use the flour business.

There are also some underground casinos, casinos, etc.

In this case, not to mention the daily doujin, but also tens of millions of dollars a month, this money still excludes the gang expenses, belongs to Chen Tian’s money.

After all, his subordinates have raised thousands of people, and their monthly salaries are tens of millions, plus dividends from several other families.

As for the bright side, the Worthy Group, which is involved in businesses such as finance and real estate banking, does not have a lot of revenue, with a monthly profit of only a few million US dollars.

And now, with a monthly income of tens of millions of dollars, equivalent to hundreds of millions of cash flow, there is no money?

“Young Master, the main thing is that the materials you want to buy are too expensive.”

The old housekeeper smiled bitterly: “For example, purchasing pure ion heavy oxygen source liquid from Kuluo Pharmaceutical Company, one thousand milliliters is 700,000 US dollars, and…”

After the old housekeeper’s calculation, on the side, Etilace, who was originally looking at Xiaodong Xiaoxi, couldn’t help but grow her mouth.

Because just this month, Chen Tian consumed hundreds of millions of dollars, not only used up the recent earnings, but also used up the family’s previous cash flow.

“Darling! Are you eating money? ”

“…… Is it so expensive. ”

Chen Tian was also a little surprised.

The biological genes he did, as well as material tests, many resources were already available on the market, so he directly let the butler buy them.

For example, the pure ionic heavy oxygen source liquid mentioned by the old housekeeper is an important liquid for synthesizing life mimicry water, which is extracted from a deep-sea organism.

At the speed of dozens of tests every night, these resources are very consuming.

Although most of the materials Chen Tian knows the principle, it is also synthesized and manufactured.

But if he had to study and synthesize any element, it would take him at least a few months to successfully extract enough Nian Power X-factor.

Sure enough, research costs money.

Tesla Industries smashed tens of billions of dollars into it, and only then did he get Sentinels to deal with ordinary mutants.

With a slight groan, Chen Tian said, “I’ll take time to sort out two biological materials for you later.” ”

“At that time, you let the pharmaceutical companies controlled by the group study and expand production, and then it should be able to temporarily solve the funding problem.”

Although Chen Tian has been immersed in research during this time, he has also gained a lot during this period.

For example, one of the biological data is to synthesize a pancreatic hormone through more than ten biological enzymes, which can greatly reduce blood sugar in the blood and treat diabetes.

Although it cannot be cured, the effect of medicine is several times that of the current market. There is another biological data, which is a substance for anti-aging of cells, which works well and has no side effects.

If you produce and establish a cosmetics company, it will be absolutely profitable, after all, in this world, the best money to earn is medicine and women’s.

In fact, there were more than a dozen copies of these things in Chen Tian’s hands, all of which were unexpected gains during research, but they were of little use to him.

After talking about the money, Chen Tian said casually: “By the way, is there anything special happening around this time, or internationally?” ”

Because Chen Tian had specially explained this matter, the old housekeeper had been paying attention to it, and when he heard this, he respectfully said: “Young Master, there are a few special things. ”

“More than half a month ago, Tony, chairman of Stark Industries, announced that from now on, the group will no longer sell arms.”

“At the same time, he also announced his identity as Iron Man, and tailored a pair of individual armor with strong defense, flight, and powerful firepower.”

“There is also the mutant republic, which has also recently clashed with several major countries because those countries have openly and covertly prevented mutants from leaving the country.”

“Because of this, Magneto and the power of the phoenix personally went to the ‘negotiation’, and even almost broke out in a battle in the tough Yingguo.”

“It is said that on that day the whole of London was covered by a dark cloud of destruction.”

“Although there was no conflict in the end, there were rumors in the outside world that Yingguo was forced by the threat of force by the power of the phoenix and had to bow his head.”

“Coupled with some deliberate propaganda on the online media, the current atmosphere conflict between mutants and ordinary people has become a little fierce.”


Under the introduction of the old butler, Chen Tian roughly understood what happened during this time.

On the whole, nothing major happened, and he had expected the situation of various countries blocking the departure of mutants.

Although Magneto successfully established his country, it was somewhat difficult to absorb global mutants and rely on the power of these mutants to develop and build the country.

After all, the global interest cake is so big, if you share some, others will naturally be less, not to mention mutants with opposing positions in the sky.

So it is expected that countries will secretly block it.

The appearance of Iron Man slightly attracted Chen Tian’s attention. Because this means that the Avengers are about to be formed.

And the emergence of the Avengers also represents that the Mind Gem is about to appear on Earth.

As for the space gem, it is actually somewhere on Earth at present, but in order for Loki to bring the Mind Gem, Chen Tian will not touch it in advance.

“By the way, young master, in addition to these, in a small town in New Mexi Continent in the country of Mexico, a strange thing also happened last night.”

“What’s going on?”

“Last night, a dazzling aurora suddenly appeared outside that town, lighting up the night sky, and there was a meteor falling fire.”

“When someone rushed over in the morning, they found a large crater, but the bottom of the crater was not a meteorite fragment, but a hammer.”


Chen Tian raised his eyebrows.

“Yes, hammer, and no one can pick it up, not even shake it.”

“Because of this strange phenomenon, it has attracted the attention of many local people, and even appeared in newspapers and television.”

Chen Tian nodded thoughtfully, he probably knew what that hammer was. Thor.

At this moment, Chen Tian’s long-lost system voice sounded in his mind.

“Trigger the mission release condition, the main quest, ask the host to destroy the destroyer, like those pseudo-gods who declare Superman powerful.”

“Mission accomplished, 3 points of origin.”

“3 Origins.”

Chen Tian’s eyes showed a hint of surprise.

How important the origin is, Chen Tian, who has used it twice, knows best, and it is still the key to sublimating the silver chao later, I didn’t expect this mission to be so rewarded.

As for the difficulty of the task? Chen Tian did not pay attention to it.

Compared with the previous missions, his current strength is already unknown how many times stronger, even if the so-called king of the gods comes down, he has to fight to know.

Chen Tian looked at the red-haired girl: “Edith, do you want to go on a trip?” ”

“Ah! Darling, really. ”

Edith was stunned at first, then her face showed surprise, and she went on a trip with Darling.

“But make some preparations first, let’s go.”

Saying that, Chen Tian stood up, followed by a red-haired girl with a happy face.

The housekeeper, on the other hand, was a little confused, not knowing why his young master suddenly thought of traveling.

Following Chen Tian, when Edith came to the second floor of the basement, she suddenly looked at the sides with a surprised expression.

On the walls, those separate glass cases were hung with various styles of battle clothes, including Pegasus that she wore once, and black Draco that Chen Tian wore.

In addition, there are Superman suits similar to those in the comics but with some differences, and black suits that look like they are made of special materials.

“Darling, these are?”

Chen Tian said casually: “These are the combat suits I made of some high-strength materials, such as this one on me, don’t look at it as a suit, it is actually made of polymer materials.” ”

“Refractory and corrosion-resistant, even bullets cannot penetrate, and has a certain elasticity, not afraid of tearing, breathable, and very comfortable after wearing.”

“At the same time, I have some built-in electronic components inside, which can encrypt calls, dirt resistant, waterproof, which can be said to be very suitable for home robbery.”

“……… Loot. ”

Although it sounds powerful, Etilace always feels weird.

Difficulty These high-tech combat uniforms researched out, the purpose is to do bad things?

“Give, this set is for you.”

Saying that, Chen Tian picked up a set of women’s black suits and gave them to Iti Lace.


Iti Lace subconsciously took the clothes, and immediately felt that the material really felt good, obviously light and thin, but gave people a sense of heaviness.

The question is a piece of clothing, is it necessary to do so exaggeratedly?

At this time, Chen Tian came to the superhuman black suit that resembled a thin battle armor and was covered with scales: “Unfortunately, this suit is only a semi-finished product. ”

According to Chen Tian’s theory, he was originally going to learn Iron Man armor thinking, and create a warframe whose clothes contain nuclear fusion and can release sunlight endlessly.

At that time, he will not always have to fly to the sky to bask in the sun, and he can absorb the sun anytime and anywhere to improve his strength.

In addition, because Superman relies on sunlight, if one day he is teleported by the enemy and taken to a dark place without sunlight to fight.

Unless he can defeat the enemy quickly, there is also a danger of running out of solar energy in his body.

In this case, if you have a warframe that can release nuclear fusion sunlight endlessly, you can replenish energy at any time without worrying about this problem.

Even if it is strong enough in the future, it will directly shrink a yellow star and set it in the battle armor………

Of course, this idea is currently somewhat exaggerated.

New Mexizhou, Old Bridge Town.

Because of the vision outside the city, the town is much more lively today, and many people from the town come to see if they can pick up the hammer.

In the afternoon, in a restaurant, many locals were drinking while some shouted angrily.

“Fak! What is the origin of those guys, why don’t they let us close. ”

“Yes, if I hadn’t brought a gun, I would have given them a shot.”

“I think we should go to the mayor and tell the guys that the hammer belongs to the town.”

At this time, a silver luxury sedan stopped in front of the restaurant, attracting the attention of many people.

Of course, what they paid attention to was not the luxury car, but the beautiful red-haired girl sitting in the passenger seat after the convertible was opened.

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