When he returned to school, Chen Tian did not know that Scott had gone to Lake Yakali.

After dinner, dissipating food, and taking a bath, Chen Tian entered the virtual battlefield again and fought with that wooden middle-aged man.

After dying seven times yesterday, Chen Tian felt that he was only one step away from reaching the point of cohesion and strength throughout his body.

If you work hard today, you may succeed.

“I don’t believe it, I can’t even win an opponent with the same one-star level and the same attributes, kill!”

With the roar, Chen Tian’s weather in the virtual space was vigorous, exuding a fierce momentum that shook the heavens and the earth, and he was madly confronting his opponent.


In the sixty-third punch, Chen Tian was defeated by the opponent’s punch, and he was killed by a punch in the moment when the old force was gone and the new force was not born.


Opening his eyes with a pale face, Chen Tian gasped, then closed his eyes and entered the virtual battlefield again.

More than ten minutes later, Chen Tian, who insisted on seventy-one punches, opened his eyes again, then rested a little, and entered the virtual battlefield again….

The third time, the fourth time… When Chen Tian insisted until he was fully engaged in the two hundred and eighty punches, he had already died eight times in a row.

“Whew!! What’s going on? ”

In the darkness, Chen Tian gasped, and his pale face showed surprise.

Because at the seventh death, he managed to reach the power of the whole body.

With each punch, the power erupted from under the feet, and the fist converged along the back of the dragon pillar, and a punch burst out, bursting out the whole body power.

At that moment, the power of his fist erupted was five times that of the original, and the air blasted out a circle of substantial transparent fist pressure, which was amazingly powerful.

But even so, he was still no match for that wooden middle-aged man.

Under the same gathering of the strength of the whole body, he always felt that his strength was missing something, and he still did not have the power condensation of the opponent’s fist.

Finally, under hundreds of confrontations, he was defeated by the strength of his whole body and shattered his heart with one punch.

“What’s missing?” Chen Tian’s brows furrowed.

In fact, in just two days, Chen Tian had reached the twenty-year achievements of many boxing masters in the East, and this speed was already terrifyingly fast.

But he is still not satisfied, after all, he can improve so fast, but he bought his life.

If he can defeat his opponent earlier, he will die one less time.

Because the feeling of death is too uncomfortable, too painful.

With puzzlement, Chen Tian finally fell asleep.

Eight deaths, almost exhausted his mental strength, and his spirit was already exhausted.


The next day it was sunny and sunny.

It made Chen Tian, who was in low spirits, feel a little better.

In the morning, Chen Tian found a lawn with a good location, then lay down comfortably and basked in the sun.

Feeling the body that is constantly getting stronger under the sun, Chen Tian is satisfied: “Sure enough, in this cold and cruel world, it is still bright sunlight that can make people feel a trace of warmth.” ”

After a while, Clarice came over with a new book cover that looked brand new and atmospheric.

Looking at Chen Tian, who closed his eyes and enjoyed the sun, the girl did not disturb him, but sat under the shadow of the tree on the side, quietly opened the comic book and read it.

Originally, such a warm scene will last for a long time.

But at this moment, two high school students in the distance walked past the teaching building.

There was a faint sound that Mr. Scott went out, and I heard that he had gone to a far away place and should not return in a short time.

In a daze, Chen Tian, who had just heard this, had not reacted.

But a few seconds later, he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up, his face stunned.

Seeing his stunned look, Clarice on the side looked over with concern: “West, what’s wrong?” ”

Chen Tian did not answer her, but said uncertainly: “Clarice, I seem to have heard someone say just now that Mr. Scott went out. ”

Clarice nodded slightly: “Well, I heard it too.” ”

Chen Tian frowned: “It’s actually true, do you know when the teacher left?” ”

“I don’t know.” The girl shook her head.

Under normal circumstances, it is actually normal for a teacher to go out, even at a mutant school.

After all, everyone always has something personal about themselves.

But what is not normal is that the person is laser eyed, and it was shortly after Wolverine’s return.

Chen Tianke remembers that in the plot of the third battle of the X-Men, shortly after Wolverine returned, Scott went to Lake Yakali because he was aroused.

Then was killed for more than three years and suddenly resurrected from the lake. Grey ‘devoured’.

In fact, Chen Tian’s correct choice now should be to ignore the third battle that is about to break out next and continue to develop low-key.

Anyway, in the end, only some mutants died, and the world will not be destroyed, and it will not affect him.

And with his current strength, it is actually difficult to do something in the third battle.

He can neither stop the ‘cure’ mutant bill that the United States has set through the mutant antidote he has developed, nor can he suppress Magneto and suppress the awakened qin. Grace.

It’s just that after this time, Chen Tian feels that the atmosphere of Xavier School is very good, which can be used as a place for his quiet development in the early stage.

So I don’t really want to make it stormy for the time being.

There is also Scott, the teacher, and Professor X, the elder, who has helped him a lot during this time.

Chen Tian thinks that he is not a good person, but he is not a bad person, he is just an ordinary person who is similar to most people and has clear grievances.

So it was thought about preventing Scott from going to Lake Yakali and avoiding death.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that Logan had only been back for two days, and Scott couldn’t hold back.

Yesterday, when everyone was out playing, a man suddenly ran to Lake Yakali and caught him off guard.

PS: The sixth more, there will be later

I saw that some brothers in the comment area said that the protagonist’s strength is improving too slowly, and here, in fact, I have to refer to the movie where Superman just came to Earth.

Normal superman is not invincible at once, and people also have a process of basking in the sun and rising.

And once invincible, what novels do you read, I will give you an outline of a few hundred words, not simpler, reading novels is originally reading stories.

Rest assured, I will not press the strength of the protagonist, and the highlight moment of the protagonist will begin next, and it will not be the nanny Virgin.

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