“Later, through years of research, I found that each mutant was actually locked in the upper limit of their abilities the moment they awakened.”

“Or the strength of each mutant’s ability to awaken is related to his own potential, that is, talent.”

“Mutants with strong talents also have a strong ability to awaken, such as Scott, Jean and Aurolo, who are a thousand times more common mutants.”

“And once a mutant rarely breaks the upper limit, the ability will become very strong, but at the same time, it will exceed the limit of its own bearing.”

“To use the ability is to burn your own life force.”

“Although the thing of life force is ethereal, it does exist objectively, so once the life force is exhausted, people will die and there is no cure.”

Professor X’s reminder, similar to Chen Tian’s speculation, the X gene after the second evolution is very powerful.

But only he who has the power of Kryptonian and can absorb sunlight and evolve infinitely can barely withstand it.

Once used by ordinary mutants, they will burn their life force significantly.

When the vitality burns out, there is only death.

This is also why in the Chris Institute, those mutant children can’t hold on under constant stimulation.

“So it is.”

Chen Tian’s face pretended to be ‘suddenly’ realized: “No wonder that after I dispersed my ability at that time, I felt very weak and empty. ”

Then Chen Tian flicked his arm and hesitated: “But I feel that my current body has almost recovered, and it seems that there are no sequelae.” ”

Professor X nodded slightly: “This should be related to the fact that West’s body is too strong, so it can withstand a short period of entering the second awakening state.” ”

“After all, the body is strong, and the natural resilience is also very strong.”

“Plus you didn’t break out for too long at that time, and you didn’t exceed your recovery limit.”

Speaking of this, Professor X reminded: “But don’t be careless, in the future, when you fight, it is best not to use the second awakening state.” ”

For the professor’s advice, Chen Tian nodded seriously: “I understand the meaning of the professor, I will pay attention to it in the future, and I will not break out with all my strength if I have no choice.” ”

Seeing that Chen Tian could hear his words, Professor X was slightly relieved.

What he was most afraid of was that because Chen Tian was too young, after gaining too much power at this time, he would appear conceited and arrogant, and eventually buried himself.

After all, young people are strong-blooded, and it is easy to get angry.

During the conversation between the two, after several checkpoints, they finally came to a special white room.

In the room, there are several characteristic large cabins, and there are many pipe lines around it.

Inside one of the cabins, there was a red-haired figure lying vaguely.

Seeing Chen Tian looking at the cabin, Professor X explained: “Her life force is too depleted, and she needs to be slowly repaired with the help of the life medical cabin. ”

“And the spiritual consciousness is also very unstable, which requires me to often use spiritual power to calm and slowly recuperate.”

Chen Tian said with admiration: “The professor has worked hard. ”

Professor X smiled gently: “These are what I should do.” ”

Then, under the instructions of the professor, Chen Tian carried Scott into the cabin on the left and inserted some medical and life-sustaining lines into him.


In the dim virtual battlefield, as Chen Tian chose the simple mode, the middle-aged man who had bombarded him dozens of times reappeared, exuding an invisible sense of oppression.

It’s just that at this time, Chen Tian was already confident of defeating him, so he said directly.



At the moment when Chen Tian was sure to start, the dirt under the feet of that wooden middle-aged man exploded, and the whole person turned into a black shadow and burst out, punching out.

In an instant, the air exploded, the wind howled, and the momentum was amazing.

And at the moment when the middle-aged man made a move, Chen Tian stepped forward, and the muscle power of the whole body was released, starting with the foot, and the whole body was gathered in the fist.

And this time, the ‘strength’ of the originally intangible substance in Chen Tian’s body had an extra touch of gold.

At the moment when two fists with a howling wind slammed together, Chen Tian’s fist was domineering, and the amazing power condensed exploded.


The middle-aged man’s fist, his entire arm, was smashed under that domineering force.

Immediately after Chen Tiancheng chased after the victory, he rushed with one step, and a punch fell fiercely on the middle-aged man’s chest, and the furious power erupted, and the middle-aged man exploded instantly.


The radiance of the sky dissipated, and the middle-aged man who had killed Chen Tian dozens of times was killed by him with two punches.

“Congratulations to the host, clear the simple mode virtual battlefield, get rewards, and the essence of boxing.”

“Huh? And rewards. Chen Tian was a little surprised.

At this moment, a stream of information about the serpentine fist, grappling fist, and tongjian fist poured into his mind, which were the three fist techniques of that middle-aged man’s meeting.

After a long time, Chen Tian let out a breath.

Then his eyes froze, and his body was full of condensed heavy will.

In an instant, under the guidance of this will, all the strength of his limbs and body was unified, condensed into a force, and completely reached the realm of power throughout his body.

Yes, at this time, Chen Tiancai used that wave of boxing experience, his will condensed, and his whole body strength ran through the only one.

However, at this time, the strength of the whole body, the improvement of him is actually not so obvious.

Because after the X gene power advanced into energy fission, the invisible ‘power’ in his body turned into tangible real power.

And this power is very condensed, pure, although not as powerful as when the second awakening is fully activated, but a punch and a big pit is still no problem.

This is also the reason why he can defeat middle-aged people with one punch.

PS: The sixth more, there will be later

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