In Chen Tian’s worries, the next three days were calm and there were no accidents.

And the weather is also good, every day the sun is shining.

In this case, Chen Tian’s strength has also been greatly improved, his physique has reached two thousand six, and his spiritual attributes have finally approached one thousand.

The grip strength has increased to 41 tons, and the growth rate is more and more amazing.

At this time, Chen Tian did not need to increase his ability, and he was close to a hundred tons of power with a punch at will, and he could overturn a large truck at will with one hand.

“This is the day I want.”

In sighing, Chen Tian lazily lay on the table, allowing the sunlight outside the window to fall on his body, and there was a feeling of comfort that his body became stronger little by little.

On the podium, the already Mediterranean mutant teacher was talking about the principles of physics.

Below, there are more than a dozen mutant students sitting quietly, and the atmosphere is leisurely.

Even if Chen Tian was already a superman with a punch of 100 tons, he still had to squat in the classroom honestly.

No way, who makes his identity a fifteen-year-old junior high student, if he doesn’t want to attract too much attention, he needs to follow the crowd.

Whenever Chen Tian thought of this, he felt very painful.

How nice it would be if he had crossed as a college student, or an adult.

Then he didn’t have to learn these things that he didn’t have, and he didn’t want to be a scientist.

Bored, Chen Tian took out his mobile phone, flipped through it, and then put it down boredly.

It’s only 06 years, the smart phone has not yet been developed, the mobile phone used is still only a ringtone camera phone, and the Internet cannot be on.

As for smartphones, it was only after the IP of 07 that the touch screen and application were equipped to completely detonate the new era.

Accustomed to the future mobile information era, there is no mobile phone to watch videos, chat, brag, play games, so you can imagine how boring Chen Tian is.

“Okay, that’s it for today.”

In Chen Tian’s drowsiness, the teacher on the podium finally announced the end of class, and suddenly the classroom became noisy.

However, unlike the usual time to go out and play after class, some mutant students pulled out a comic book from the drawer, and some mutant students gathered around excitedly, discussing something.

A few junior high school students came directly to Chen Tian and said excitedly: “West, you are amazing, you actually draw such a beautiful comic.” ”

“West, when will the sixth volume of Dragon Ball be drawn?”

“West, why did that oolong-sama’s men turn into cows because he is also a mutant?”

“West, after gathering seven dragon balls, can you really summon a divine dragon?”

Suddenly, Chen Tian’s head was big when asked.

But in the face of these excited junior high school girls, he couldn’t beat them, he could only smile and say: “There is no inspiration behind yet, I will draw it when I think about it.” ”

“According to the setting, after gathering the dragon balls, you can indeed summon the divine dragon.”

“That summoned divine dragon, can any wish really be fulfilled?”


After taking the trouble to answer some questions, the mutant girls left satisfied, and then joined the comic discussion group in the class.


Chen Tian let out a breath and looked at the black-haired girl who was pretending to be innocent and blinking.

I knew that this would happen, so I didn’t promise her to copy comics for her classmates that day.

For these mutant students who can’t go out at will, usually can only play ball, watch TV animation, Dragon Ball is very interesting.

Therefore, it was originally just three copies to Claris’s dormitory classmates, who knew that one pass two, two pass four.

Three days passed, and all elementary and junior high school students in the school had a copy of the Dragon Ball manga.

Now Chen Tian is already a celebrity in the school.

The reason is not that he became an X-Men or that he saved Scott, but that he is a Dragon Ball comic book author.

“Hey! West. ”

“Vest, hello.”

“West, you go to the cafeteria too.”

“Wester, what kind of burger do you like?”

“West, what color do you think girls wear…”

At noon, on the way to the cafeteria, the elementary school students and junior high school mutants I met kept greeting Chen Tian, and the questions of greeting became more and more strange.

Chen Tian rubbed the somewhat stiff smile on his face, and then said to the black-haired girl on the side angrily: “Don’t laugh, laugh again and don’t give you make-up lessons at night.” ”

Suddenly Clarice stuck out her tongue cutely.

In the past two days, because of the comics, she has a good relationship with her classmates in the dormitory, and her personality has become a little more cheerful and lively.

While Chen Tian was having lunch, outside, a well-known pharmaceutical company was holding a press conference.

“Hello everyone, welcome to this conference, I’m Worthington. Kerdes. ”

“Recently, my company’s laboratory has developed a surprising result, a potion that can cure mutants.”

“What, the potion to cure mutants?” A reporter below was surprised.

“Good, cure.” The white-haired middle-aged man on the stage nodded.

“I’ve always thought that mutants aren’t actually mutated, but diseased, so over the years, I’ve been researching treatments in related areas.”

“Finally, recently our company has made a breakthrough in research, and has developed a drug that can permanently suppress mutant genes and turn mutants back into ordinary people.”

There was an uproar in an instant, and then the news spread at an alarming rate.

PS: The eighth more, continue tomorrow, brothers who like this book, remember to vote for some flowers in favor of ha.

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