Xiao Wei’er’s appearance surprised everyone, but she was soon taken away by the nurse.

Although the injuries on her body are almost healed, she is still a little weak, and she can’t run outside for the time being.

Looking at Chen Tian and the others, Professor X smiled slightly and said gently: “Exactly, I’m going to give a lesson to the senior students, everyone can go and listen.” ”

Professor X is the principal and also the school teacher.

However, he is very busy and only occasionally has time to teach everyone.

The content of the topic is not ordinary mathematical physics, but some topics that guide students to establish correct three views, which is simply ideological character.

It is said to be a classroom, more like an office room, with more than a dozen senior students sitting staggered.

Professor X on the stage was sitting in a wheelchair, exuding the breath of an elder, full of wisdom with a gentle look in his eyes, and said slowly.

“Students, when a person has the power above ordinary people, a little use will have a huge impact on the surroundings.”

“You think this person will choose to use his abilities to promote the development of human society and become a hero to shelter the weak.”

“Or will it be driven by desire, choose to rule society, be above hundreds of millions of people, and even end up destroying the world for selfish gain?”

Saying that, the professor’s gaze fell on Chen Tian behind the crowd, and said gently: “We have to think about this because that person is us.” ”

“As we who have mastered extraordinary powers, we must be clear about the boundary between when ability is used correctly and when it is used incorrectly.”

“And this boundary is the morality in our hearts.”

“When a powerful mutant has no moral restraint in his heart, is driven by desire, and uses his power indiscriminately, he becomes a tyrant.”

At this time, the Steel Lux cat raised his hand and said suspiciously: “But professor, you once said that morality is a social consciousness, and there is no clear standard. ”

“And we mutants are excluded from mainstream society, what are the morals we need to follow?”

“The question is good, what are the specific standards of morality?”

The professor smiled slightly: “In my opinion, the specific standard of morality is that there is no standard, and it will continue to change with the development of the times.” ”

“If you want to find a specific measure, it is law, because law is the bottom line of morality, and morality is also an extension of law.”

“As long as it is within the bounds of the law, what you do is still within the bounds of morality.”

“If you violate the law, such as using the ability to steal, rob, or even kill and plunder others, these actions must also cross moral boundaries.”

“And that’s why we’re ostracized by mainstream society.”

“Because of the power we have, we can easily avoid the law, and do something illegal without being discovered and sanctioned.”

“And most ordinary people who have no power can only obey the legal circle.”

“Once you cross the circle, you are crushed by a force called the law.”

“Even the most powerful and powerful president in the world is still bound by the law, but the binding force varies.”

A student raised his hand and said in a somewhat unconvinced tone: “Professor, but we mutants are obviously very strong, why should we abide by the legal standards of ordinary people?” ”

Professor X smiled slightly: “The reason is simple, our mutant abilities are indeed very strong, but the ordinary people who occupy the mainstream society are more ‘powerful’. ”

“And we are just genetically awakened and gained great power, but we are still essentially ‘human’.”

“If you have the heart to regard ordinary people as slaves, as inferior creatures.”

“Then you will also be a slave and a lower creature in the eyes of the stronger.”

“The so-called murderer, people always kill, this is the meaning, so we must stick to our own moral bottom line and self-discipline, because we are ‘people’.”

Professor X’s words made the students below think.

At this time, Chen Tian raised his hand: “Professor, I used to hear a person say that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and I hope that people with power will assume more social responsibilities.” ”

“But I don’t think this sentence is right, why do I need to take more responsibilities because I am strong?”

“Can’t I choose to be simpler, more ordinary after I have power.”

Professor X was slightly silent and continued, “Yes, this sentence is indeed not true. ”

“The correct statement should be that the greater the ability, the greater the rights obtained, and then the greater the responsibility.”

“If you have obtained rights, then you should bear the corresponding responsibilities, which is your reward for those who gave you rights, which is an equivalent exchange.”

“And when you choose not to have rights, there is naturally no reason to take responsibility that does not belong to you.”

Speaking of this, Professor X said slowly: “But ‘man’ is a social creature, to paraphrase an ancient saying in the East, it is called under the nest, there are finished eggs.” ”

“If one day, the world suffers a devastating disaster, those strong people who did not want to take responsibility must stand up.”

“The purpose of standing up is not for any responsibility, nor for any ethnic group, but for oneself.”

“Because when the world is destroyed and the race is erased, then your existence as a ‘human’ is also erased, and then you are human and no longer human.”

“Just a lonely wanderer.”

Professor X’s class is more like an academic seminar, with a relaxed atmosphere, but the content is thought-provoking.

PS: The fourth more, there will be later

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