Chapter 78 X-Men Chaos, Thunder Roar!!

“Fak, really can’t it!”

Across the sea, Trask next to Nick put down his binoculars, his face a little ugly.

Although in the current research data, the strength of the original Sentinel robot can only deal with ordinary mutants, not those powerful mutant opponents.

But at this time, really seeing that the sentinel was easily destroyed by Magneto, and the silver killer sentinel was suppressed by three mutants, Trask was still a little difficult to accept.

Over the years, the family has invested tens of billions of dollars in sentinel research.

Coupled with some other resources, the consumption is indescribable, and if some results are not produced, the support of all parties will be greatly reduced.

In this plan, the sentries originally only needed to clean up the mess and obtain some battle data, not the main combat power.

But alas, there were accidents.

The sentinels that appeared in advance were okay against ordinary mutants, and in the face of Magneto, a variant at the peak of the alpha level, there was no way to fight back.

Even the killer sentinels specially prepared for Magneto were pinned down by his subordinates.

Of course, he who has never seen the power of the piano does not know that once the piano runs away, no matter how many sentinels you have, it is useless.

“Those robots!”

Hundreds of meters in the air, on the stealthy flying fighter, except for Hank who did not know the sentry and Chen Tian, who knew the sentry, all the X-Men were shocked.

They did not expect that the projection robot that appeared in the underground training room actually existed in reality.

Although the size and appearance of the biological robots that appeared this time are different from the training room, the essence is the same, they are all robots with mutant abilities.

And when these robots face different mutants, they can copy or transform the ability to kill mutants.

Obviously, this robot is a weapon developed for mutants.

Although it doesn’t seem very powerful now, it also shows from the side that the official United States has never given up, completely killed, or suppressed the idea of mutants.

Thinking of this, the hearts of these X-Men became heavy.

Because this represents a short-lived peace in the past, it is just a false impression of their wishful thinking, but the power held by the US government is not enough to suppress them.

Including Hank, his face was also very ugly at this moment.

At this time, the iceman thought of Chen Tian’s previous insistence and looked at him in surprise: “West, you have long known that the official is studying this robot?” ”

Hearing this, the others also looked at Chen Tian.

Chen Tian nodded slightly: “The professor and I mentioned this.” ”

……… Professors again.

How to teach everything and tell you, we don’t know, are you the professor’s illegitimate son?

At this time, not only the iceman, but even the eyes of Wolverine and others became strange.

But Chen Tian didn’t care if they believed it or not, he believed it anyway.

Chen Tian continued, “Therefore, when I borrowed the base’s main computer today, I hacked into the official internal website of the United States, and sure enough, I found out about the Alcatraz plan. ”

“What, the person who attacked the White House intranet today is you.”

Hanke was a little surprised, and today he also heard about someone hacking into the White House intranet.

Chen Tian generously admitted: “Yes, it’s me, that’s why I know their plan.” ”

“It mentions that after Magnet Jade appears, let the X-Men fight with them first, it is better to win, and if you lose, send sentries to clean up the mess.”

“At the same time, this time the sentinels were dispatched, and there were also requirements to test the research results and collect combat data.”

At this time, everyone’s heads were already in chaos, but they didn’t expect that they still didn’t know so many things.

At this time, the storm girl let out a breath and said with a solemn expression: “Now time is urgent, West, you say, what do we do next?” ”

The others also looked at Chen Tian.

Chen Tian said calmly: “Stop Magneto from taking away the experimental body to save people, and at the same time destroy all those sentinels, you can’t let them bring the data back.” ”

“Although this will not completely stop the development of Sentinels, it can also delay their growth.”

“Teacher Aurolo, you go stop Magneto.”

“I’ll go deal with that sentry first, and then go to the laboratory to save people, it’s not convenient for you to play in that kind of small place.”

After that, Chen Tian jumped off the fighter jet, like a night cane gliding towards the sentry behind the island.

Now Chen Tian has become a conductor, and everyone has no opinion.

Just as Chen Tian jumped down, Storm Girl also drove the fighter plane to land on the roof on the west side of the prison.

At this time, Magneto had just destroyed those sentry machines, suddenly looked up to the west, and his face turned cold: “Hmph! These traitors still came. ”

Saying that, he controlled the magnetic field and flew towards that side, and saw the storm woman and the others who got down from the fighter plane from a distance, and said coldly: “You didn’t appear before, I thought that this conscience discovery.” ”

“It seems that I think too much, a traitor is always a traitor.”

Hank said in a deep voice: “Magneto, you slaughtering innocents like this will only make the conflict between mutants and humans more acute, causing irreversible consequences. ”

“Ridiculous, irreparable consequences.”

Magneto, who was floating in the air, sneered and pointed to the silver sentinels fighting the Burning Man in the playground behind him.

“Tell me, what are these? A killing weapon specially developed for mutants, with mechanical and biological characteristics. ”

“Now, you don’t naively think that humans really want to live peacefully with mutants, do you?”

After speaking, Magneto turned his head and shouted to the qin who had not shot in the distance: “Qin, you can see clearly, these are the hypocrisy of human beings.” ”

“Shouting about peaceful coexistence with mutants, but secretly studying killing weapons against mutants, and these traitors are accomplices.”

“If it weren’t for their repeated efforts to stop and help humanity fight us, I would have brought mutants to rise.”

Apparently, Magneto was afraid that Jean would be shaken by these people.

However, obviously Magneto was overthinking, and the red-clothed piano in the distance just glanced at this side indifferently, and his expression did not change at all when he saw Wolverine and the others.

At this time, she has been dominated by a dark personality, and her consciousness, thinking, and cognition are filled with various negative emotions.


At this moment, a silver sentinel in the distance shot out an energy beam, and after being dodged by the entangled nocturnal girl, it flew over tens of meters and landed in front of the iceman.

Set off a violent explosion.

Suddenly, this energy beam was like a signal, and the storm woman who knew that she could not convince Magneto waved her hands.

The wind howled in the sky, and a thunder and lightning fell from the sky, smashing at Magneto……… A piece of metal steel plate rotating around.

Under the thunder, the metal steel plate jumped with electric light and made a crackling sound.

Apparently Magneto had been prepared.

I saw a cold color on his face, facing the X-Men in the distance with one hand and one claw, and suddenly Wolverine froze and flew into the air.


The iceman who was just about to exert his ability was directly smashed by Wolverine, and his head was dizzy when he fell.


At this time, Hank began to accelerate, wanting to……… Bang!

As soon as he rushed out a few meters, Hank was trapped by the steel bars that popped out of the cement under his feet, and the whole person stumbled and fell to the ground.

At this time, Magneto stretched out his hands, and suddenly an invisible force spread out, and the metal shields flying outside his body began to tremble, and they were about to open up.


At this moment, the storm woman waved her left hand and set off a violent wind that reached level thirteen, directly blowing Magneto more than ten meters away, and almost fell.

It also interrupted his next attack.

Just as Magneto was constantly retreating by the fierce wind, the iceman in the distance also got up from the ground, and his body was full of shocking cold qi and his hands pressed.

In an instant, it was like cold ice growing on the roof, and two blue sharp icicles continued to explode, shooting towards Magneto like a bridge across the void.

Bang bang bang!!

More than twenty metal shields outside Magneto’s body soared into the sky, forming a huge spiraling metal vortex in front of him, wildly shattering the icicles that exploded.

“Be careful!”

Steel Lux, who suddenly stood next to the Storm Woman, let out a low cry, and his whole body instantly turned silver-black, blocking behind the Storm Woman.


In the distance behind Storm Girl, the concrete floor shattered, and five steel bars shot like arrows, landing on Steellux’s chest with amazing power, creating a large spark.


When Steelus helped her block Magneto’s sneak attack, Storm Woman’s eyes turned white and her hands were raised to the sky.

In an instant, the wind howled in the sky, the clouds were dense, and the thunder fell madly, densely packed with Magneto……… More than twenty shields shrouded the head.

More than twenty metal shields spread out slightly, forming a semicircular shield with a range of more than ten meters and spinning, attracting all the thunder in the sky.

The Storm Woman is about to strike again.

But at this time, Magneto, who was thundering on his head, did not change his expression, and reached out to shake it slightly.

Suddenly, Wolverine, who had just rushed out not far away, was uncontrollable and smashed the iceman into the air again.

At the same time, Hank was also entangled in the cement under him, and the steel bars that constantly broke the cement appeared, and he couldn’t do it for a while, so he could only roar.


Seeing this, the storm woman waved her hands, and a crazy spinning tornado in the sky fell, causing Magneto to change color slightly, and had to give up control of Wolverine.


Under the control of Magneto, a watchtower more than ten meters long under him flew up, smashing towards the storm girl with the momentum of a mountain roaring tsunami.


At the moment when the watchtower fell, the storm woman was carried by Steel Lux and quickly dodged, and at the same time, the tornado falling from the sky also lost control and collapsed.

But at this time, the iceman also climbed up again.

His hands spewed blue cold qi at Magneto in the distance, turning into a blue high-pressure ice snake and bursting out, preventing him from continuing to attack Stormgirl.

Storm Girl and the others joined forces to block Magneto.

Among the five, Storm Girl is the main force, Iceman assists, and Steel Lux, who has no long-range attack means, protects Storm Woman to prevent Magneto’s metal sneak attack.

Although his ability is to temper the whole body, it is not controlled by Magneto, which is very special.

On the contrary, Wolverine, although it also has no long-range attack ability, but because of the Edman alloy in the body, he was restrained by Magneto and smashed the iceman several times.

And Hank, who has the power of the beast, after breaking free from the shackles of the steel bars on his body, picked up a piece of Wolverine and tore it, weighing hundreds of pounds of cement and smashed it out.

Although the effect is not great, it also slightly interferes with Magneto.

At the same time, when Magneto controls Wolverine to interfere with Iceman and Stormgirl, he will stop Wolverine in time.

For a while, thunder and lightning in the sky, fierce winds, metal flying in the sky, and countless solid ice constantly appeared out of thin air, just like the magician battle in the anime.

As an alpha-level peak mutant, Magneto single-handedly suppressed these X-Men.

The ability to control metal on display is simply breathtaking.

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