Because of the small number of students and the mutant status, Xavier School’s students are divided into elementary school, middle school, and high school.

Students of similar age are taught in a large classroom, and the content taught by the teacher is not highly professional and easy for students to understand.

As for homework, exams are almost none.

After all, the purpose of the professor running this school is also to let those persecuted mutant children have a place to learn knowledge.

As for whether I can become a scholar and contribute to the social sciences, I have never thought about it.

Of course, if you personally want to learn, you can specifically consult those teachers, or go to the library to find books to read, no one will stop you.

In this atmosphere, Xavier School students have low academic pressure and have a happy day.

Today, as before, when Chen Tian came to his window, he could sit down in the sun.

But at this time, Chen Tian smelled a faint fragrance, and a young girl walked past him and sat on the seat in front of him, it was Clarice.

Chen Tian was a little surprised, he remembered that the girl had been sitting in the back row.

As if sensing his gaze, the girl in the front row turned around, her turquoise beautiful eyes blinked, faintly revealing a touch of nervousness.

Chen Tian showed her a smile, and the heart of the girl who had a feeling of closeness to him suddenly jumped.

No way, originally Chen Tian was very handsome.

Coupled with the absorption of solar energy during this time, under continuous evolution, the whole person seems to have some sunshine characteristics, appearing clean and sunny.

Such boys are completely killers for these girls in junior high school and high school.

Looking at the emaciated Qianying in front of him, Chen Tian felt that this was not bad, at least the class would not seem so boring.

As an adult, Chen Tian didn’t really want to come to this kind of high school course, but in order not to make himself look abnormal, he had to come.

In the next two lessons, Chen Tian lazily lay on the table in a daze.

When I was bored, I looked at the hair of the girl in front of me, well, it was very thick.

At the same time, he noticed that Clarice listened very carefully and had been watching the teacher on the podium.

Unexpectedly, she was actually a good child who liked to learn.

So boring. Chen Tian yawned.

Bored, Chen Tian’s gaze fell on Clarice’s hair. In other words, should I pull her hair and let her feel the joy of being a student?

Forget it, I feel that this behavior is so childish.

After thinking about it, Chen Tian dismissed this idea.

He felt that if he learned the behavior of reaching out and pulling Clarice’s hair in those videos, he might not have looked back and glared at him.

It is the weak gaze of the girl after being bullied, tearful.

Time passed, and finally when Chen Tian was expecting noon to arrive, suddenly the classroom became noisy, and those junior high school students also held back all morning.

Just as the first student got up and was about to go to the cafeteria to eat, Chen Tian also stood up and invited the beautiful girl in front of him.

“Clarice, do you want to go together?”


The black-haired girl snorted in a low voice, and then followed Chen Tian like a well-behaved daughter-in-law.

This look made Chen Tian a little dazed, what was this attitude? Is it rare that my charm is so great that she fell in love with me after just a few contacts?


Anyway, Chen Tian didn’t believe it, this look, it should be that Clarice is too introverted and has no friends.

Therefore, there is some closeness to his peers who have been in contact and feel good.

At this time, they walked out of the teaching building, and those students in front had already run away, and there was no one around, and Chen Tian, who felt a little embarrassed, opened his mouth to find a topic.

“By the way, Clarice, I saw that when you took math and physics class earlier, you listened very seriously, do you like math and physics?”

“Ah, I, it’s not…”

Chen Tian’s words made the girl a little nervous and opened her mouth.

Finally, the girl lowered her head and said with some inferiority: “In fact, I don’t understand the teacher’s class at all, I only read it for two years when I was a child, and then I didn’t read it because of moving.” ”

“It’s just that I am afraid that other students in the classroom will know, so I pretend to be very serious, in fact, I can’t understand any of those mathematical formulas.”

After speaking, the girl stopped in her steps and bowed her head with low self-esteem.

It seems that he feels like this, and he is not qualified to walk with Chen Tian.

Chen Tian, who had taken two steps, stopped and looked back at her strangely: “Claris, why didn’t you leave?” ”

The girl looked up and opened her mouth: “… Wester, you… I’m so stupid, shouldn’t you look down on me? ”

“Why look down on you?”

Chen Tian looked at her strangely: “I talk to you and communicate with you because of Clarice you as a person, not because of your knowledge.” ”

“And we are mutants, for us, learning knowledge is just to broaden our horizons, so as not to be small and ignorant.”

“So why should I look down on you because of your poor academic performance?”

What an idiot.

In sighing, Chen Tian reached out and touched her brain hole and comforted: “Well, you girl is too sensitive, thinking so much all day long.” ”

“Be human, just be happy, who knows if tomorrow will suddenly burp.”

Chen Tian’s words made the black-haired girl a little moved.

She has always been very worried, has been hiding things that she cares about, and in the eyes of the boy in front of her, it is not a problem at all, and she does not care.

And when Clarice was touched, Chen Tian’s face suddenly showed a smug smile: “How about it, my chicken soup is delicious, I was almost touched myself.” ”

After speaking, Chen Tian patted the shoulder of the girl who was a little confused: “Let’s go, let’s go to the cafeteria quickly, otherwise they will choose all the delicious food.” ”

Following Chen Tian, the black-haired girl said carefully: “West, what does burp mean?” ”

“Hiccups are braids.”

“Braids…? And what? Clarice was a little dazed.

Chen Tian said lazily, “It’s Pocai.” ”

“Poe, what…??”

PS: The ninth brothers, come to count the votes and flowers to support ah, by the way, thank you “” three mice into Beijing to catch up with the roast,”‘ for the tip support.

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