Chapter 94 The Demon Dragon Enters the Sea, I Will Come to You!!

“Trigger the task condition, the main quest is now released.”

“For the idea to be mastered, ask the host to kill the abomination, the mission completion reward, 2 Origins.”

Just when Chen Tian decided to return to the Mexi Kingdom, a prompt sound from the system sounded in his mind.

“Is there still 2 Origin Rewards for killing Abominations?”

Chen Tian thought thoughtfully.

The cafeteria, or the table in the corner.

But today there are not only Chen Tian and Claris, but also Etilace sitting next to him, and Phantom Cat opposite him.

Surrounded by three beautiful women with their own merits, Chen Tian’s treatment made the surrounding mutant students envious, but they could only envy.

Picking up a pizza, Phantom Cat asked, “West, how long will you be away this time?” ”

“How long.”

Chen Tian thought for a while: “It may be a long time, after dealing with those enemies, I will still take over the family business.” ”

“After all, it is the accumulation of the Chen family for a hundred years, and it is impossible to leave it alone.”

In fact, Chen Tian’s real purpose is to prepare to set up a laboratory by himself after he goes back, because some of his next experiments may not be able to be watched by professors.

Originally, he was still hesitating whether to do that experiment, but he didn’t expect this to happen in his ‘hometown’.

Chen Tian’s words made the atmosphere quiet.

Clarisse, who had originally bowed her head and ate quietly on the other side, also suddenly raised her head, opened her mouth and said in surprise: “West, you……… Not coming back. ”

In the eyes of the black-haired girl, there was a thick reluctance.

Chen Tian smiled slightly and comforted: “I shouldn’t come back in a short time, but don’t worry, now that technology is so developed, you can call me at any time if you want me.” ”

“And maybe it won’t be long before there will be mobile phones that can video chat, and it doesn’t matter how far apart they are.”

It’s just that Chen Tian’s words did not have a great effect, and the black-haired girl on the opposite side suddenly became very low, lowered her head to eat silently, and no longer spoke.

Chen Tian could only sigh at this.

After all, he couldn’t stay in school for Clarice.

For him now, being in school and not being in school will not affect his strength, and with his current strength, he does not need the protection of Xavier School.

On the contrary, staying in school is a constraint on some of his ideas and plans.

As for taking Clarice away, Chen Tian gave up after thinking about it, now her strength is too weak, and even the space door cannot be opened at will.

Following his words will not only not help much, but will become a small drag, so let’s wait until her ability is stable.

Unlike thirteen-year-old Claris, the phantom cat who has experienced many has seen it very openly, and nodded: “That’s right, now the communication is convenient, just call if you have something.” ”

“West, go back and do a good job, when I have time to come over for vacation, remember to treat me well.”

Chen Tian smiled and said, “No problem, it will definitely not disappoint you at that time.” ”

As the three of them spoke, the red-haired girl on the side had a smile on her face, because after leaving this time, it was only her and West.

Thinking of this, Edith’s gaze swept over the opposite side on her face, no less than her dark-haired girl.

From her, Edith felt some threat.

This threat is not strength, nor appearance, but the other party seems to be very familiar with West and has a deep relationship.

After eating, Chen Tian was called by the professor.

The two walked around the campus in the evening, and Professor X said slowly: “West, with your strength, I don’t worry about safety.” ”

“But you have to pay attention, there are still some hidden strong people in this world.”

“Some of these people are genetically mutated superpowers, some are magicians who have mastered ancient magic, and some have the power of demons or evil gods in different dimensions.”

“In addition, there are some hidden aliens, who also have more or less powerful abilities, or technological weapons that surpass Earth.”

“In the face of them, you must not be careless.”

As a strong psychic powerhouse and a global existence that can be enveloped with the help of a brainwave amplifier, there are few secrets in this world that can fill Professor X.

Although he said that he was using a amplifier, he was just searching for mutant children who had been harmed.

But that’s not really the only thing, only he knows it.

For example, now, Chen Tian knew that Professor X must often squat in the underground base and eavesdrop on all kinds of secrets around the world, otherwise how could he know this.

Faced with Professor X’s admonition, Chen Tian nodded: “Professor rest assured, I will not be conceited to think that I am invincible in the world, as long as those people do not mess with me, I don’t bother to pay attention to them.” ”

“If you really encounter those people, you will kill them in an instant.”

Seeing that Chen Tian was still so calm and rational at this time, Professor X couldn’t help but nod with satisfaction.

As for Chen Tian’s murder, Professor X did not care, although he hoped for peace, he was not the Virgin that everyone wanted to save.

When necessary, he still makes moral choices. For example, this time, occupying the body of a fellow vegetative brother was resurrected.

At this time, Professor X said again: “By the way, there is another matter, about Etilace. ”

“She, what’s the problem?”

Chen Tian was a little surprised.

“She’s different from those mutant kids, she’s special.”

Professor X said slowly: “At present, her mental state seems to be stable, but it is actually only superficial, or she is similar to Jean at the beginning, there are two states. ”

“One is what you see now, and it’s acting very normal, just like a normal fifteen-year-old girl.”

“But deep in her heart, I also saw another picture, filled with endless blood light and killing, and the killing intent was as strong as the hell demon.”

“It’s like she separated her personality before she turned fifteen from her personality after she turned fifteen.”

“The good news is that unlike Jean, she currently has control over both sides of herself, but I don’t know how long this balance will last.”

“So I want you to pay attention and try not to let her be in a killing state, so as to avoid the killing intent eroding normal consciousness.”

“So it is.”

Chen Tian nodded thoughtfully: “I just said, how did her mental state recover so quickly, it turned out to be divided and shielded.” ”

Under normal circumstances, a person has suffered so many cruel trials, even if he does not have a mental breakdown, he will be crazy, such as the tyrannical chaos of Etilace at that time.

But only about twenty days have passed, and after sleeping, it actually returned to normal, and something was obviously wrong.

After all, the children who rescued with her are still a little unstable in their mental state, such as Xiao Weier, who is afraid when she sees people in white.

Next, Professor X gave some more instructions to pay attention to, and the two separated.

After separating from Professor X, Chen Tian met Storm again, followed by Scott, Iceman, Steel, and Wolverine and Hank.

Obviously, everyone knows that he will be away for a long time.

Although they have only been together for more than a month, they have developed a deep friendship in many battles.

I recognize him as a companion who dares to fight and has wisdom at the same time.

The next morning, at the entrance of the school, Chen Tian was carrying a backpack in his hand, and next to him stood the old housekeeper, and Etilace, who was holding a long knife with excitement.

Bid farewell to Chen Tian today, all the X-Men were there, and Clarice was also standing aside

Looking at these familiar faces, Chen Tian couldn’t help but sigh with some emotion: “There is an old saying in the East, it is called sending a thousand miles to a jun, and you must say goodbye in the end, so everyone should send it here.” ”

Then, Chen Tian’s voice changed: “I leave this time, I don’t know when the next meeting will be, I hope everyone will make some progress by then.” ”

“For example, Mr. Logan, the next time we meet, I hope you have already thought of a way to restrain Magneto, otherwise you will be thrown around like a ball every time you meet him.”

“And Teacher Aurolo, your ability is to control the weather, don’t always fight with others, or monotonously throw thunder anywhere.”

“You directly control the atmosphere, come to dozens of tornadoes that destroy everything, no matter what enemy is in front of it, directly blow a city to you.”

“And Senior Poppy, your ability is so hanging, freezing all water molecules, why do you have to make ice to attack the enemy?”

“Can’t you instantly burst out of power and freeze all water molecules within a range of 100 meters or even kilometers to form an absolute zero field?”

“And Peter, your ability can not only temper yourself, but also temper other people or objects, and the force is infinite.”

“Why do you have to fight like a gangster when fighting? Don’t you know how to pick up the lamppost on the side of the road, carry it and smash them to death? ”

“And Mr. Hank…”


Just as he was about to talk about him, Hank quickly coughed twice and interrupted: “West, I’m just a researcher and don’t like fighting, I don’t need to say it.” ”

In the face of Chen Tian, who was suddenly old-fashioned and educated them one by one, the iceman also retorted: “That is, West, I am not a god, how can I freeze everything within a thousand meters.” ”

The storm girl clasped her hands to her chest and shrugged: “Not bad, West, flying a city or something, it’s too exaggerated.” ”

Wolverine smiled bitterly: “My skeleton is Edman alloy, which was destroyed by Magneto’s ability, no way.” ”

Chen Tian shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, “How do you know if you don’t try.” ”

However, being so beaten by him, the sad atmosphere of parting suddenly disappeared.

After saying this, Chen Tian looked at the black-haired girl in the corner and said in a harmonious voice: “Clarice, after I am away, you can ask the teachers if you have any questions about studying.” ”

“Also, remember to eat more, you are too thin.”


The dark-haired girl pursed her lips and snorted softly.

“Don’t rush the development of abilities, mutants will have a growth stage after awakening their abilities, which will improve as you age.”


“The story behind Dragon Ball, I will draw some later if I have time, and I will send it to you when the time comes.”



At this time, Chen Tian was like an old mother, telling the uneasy black-haired girl, who kept talking for a few minutes before reluctantly stopping.

After the instructions were finished, Chen Tian waved his hand to everyone and got into the car.

However, just as the vehicle was slowly starting, the black-haired girl who had been quiet rushed forward, red eyes, looking at the starting car and shouting.

“West, I’ll come to you.”

When the window was about to come down, Chen Tian stretched out his hand and waved at her, smiling: “I’m waiting for you, Clarice.” ”

Watching the car slowly leave, I don’t know why, everyone suddenly gave birth to an illusion that the world was about to be chaotic.

It’s like this time it’s not a mutant student who left, but a terrifying demon dragon that is about to enter the sea and stir up the storm.

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