Chapter 97 The Demon God of the World, the Motherland!!

Is crushing fun?

Of course it’s fun.

Although evenly matched enemies are very happy to fight, crushing trash fish also has another refreshing feeling, just like opening a matchless mowing grass.

A light rain was still falling in the sky, and amid the nervousness of the bloody men behind, there were also armed men in ambush in the distance under the stunned gaze.

Chen Tian and Edith were like a couple walking, walking along the road without hurry.

That relaxed demeanor didn’t look like killing at all.

And when those rains approach the half meter range of Chen Tian, they will be blocked by an invisible force field and cannot be approached, forming a vacuum area.

The red-haired girl licked her red lips, a bloodthirsty red light appeared in her eyes, and said softly: “Darling!” Wait for you to strike first, or do I strike first? ”

Chen Tian said lightly: “Let me attract firepower head-on, although your strength is not weak, there are still some deficiencies in defense, and it is more suitable ~ combined with flank assault.” ”

The red-haired girl turned to look at Chen Tian, and a happy smile appeared on her beautiful face: “Darling!” Are you caring about me, I’m so happy. ”

“……… This is normal tactics. ”

Chen Tian was speechless.

“Hee-hee!! No, this is from Darling’s concern. ”

The red-haired girl flicked her long hair proudly, crossed her hands and held the scabbard behind her, her steps were brisk, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

In the woods dozens of meters away, more than fifty armed men lurked, scattered in a long line of more than 20 meters, encircling that section of the road.

In their hands were submachine guns, machine guns, rifles, howitzers and several bazookas against armored vehicles, the firepower of which the local police simply could not match.

It can only be fought if the army is pulled over. This is the gray road of the country of Mexico.

Only at this time, these ambushed armed men were a little surprised, looking at the convoy parked at the distant intersection, and the two men and women who walked out of the convoy.

Seeing this scene, the fierce man leading the team said with a solemn expression: “Chad, what’s going on, the news of our ambush leaked?” ”

Lying on the ground on the side, the thin man in charge of intelligence was also a little puzzled: “Head, I don’t know, it stands to reason that the people over there can’t betray us.” ”


Saying that, the thin man took out a photo, which was a photo of Chen Tian’s student, but compared to him now, he looked much younger and naïve.

The thin man’s face showed excitement: “Head, that person is our target.” ”

“You mean that the man who came over is the only concubine of the Chen family who is still alive.”

“Yes head, our target this time is him.”

“I originally thought that under the protection of the convoy, it was not good to succeed, but I didn’t expect that he actually got off here and walked towards us…”

Saying this, both of them showed surprise and excitement on their faces.

As the person in charge of this time, both of them knew that the target was a mutant.

But according to the boss, this mutant has more strength, and it is okay to deal with a dozen ordinary people who have not robbed, but they will be robbed and killed in the face of them.

At this time, the target actually took the initiative to send it to the door.

Thinking of this, the fierce Torid turned around and whispered to his subordinates: “Inform down, when those two people approach twenty meters, they will move and aim at the man.” ”


And just when the ambush person looked at the two people who were getting closer and closer, ready to make a move.

In the convoy behind, Stototle was also a little unable to sit still, looking at the old butler and said in a deep voice: “Old butler, are you sure you don’t care about the young master, in case…”

The old butler also looked solemn and hesitated: “This is the young master’s decision, and you also saw the young master’s power just now.” ”

“But Stottodle, you get everyone ready.”

“If the situation is not right, immediately rush over to cover the young master’s retreat.”

“Any of us can die, but if the young master is gone, you will also become homeless dogs in Bochut, and no one will want the subordinates who cannot protect the family master.”

Although Chen Tian had shown a defense that could not be harmed by a pistol before, the two still did not dare to be careless, after all, he was too important to the Chen family.

Stottotle looked stunned: “I understand. ”

They were different from those peripheral members, as armed men trained by the Chen family since childhood.

This time when they rush back from the battlefield, if they cannot protect the safety of the family owner under the condition of preparation, then they will also lose their existence value.

No one dares to trust their safety to them, so even if they go to other forces later, they are only peripheral members who serve as cannon fodder.

With Chen Tian’s perception and hearing, whether it was the ambush in front or the conversation behind, he listened to it.

“Sure enough, you need to show some power to deter, otherwise these people’s cognitive vision is too low to be convenient for future management.”

In a faint voice, Chen Tian and the two also approached the ambush circle twenty meters.

In an instant, a group of armed men in the forest with bullet chains wrapped around their bodies and armed with submachine guns and rifles stood up, looked hideous, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

In an instant, gunshots rang out, countless bullets burst out, and the air was torn apart by those bullets.

Look at those “slow”

“The flying bullets, Chen Tian didn’t even bother to hide, just signaled Edith to stand behind him, and then remained motionless.”


In an instant, hundreds of bullets fell on Chen Tian’s body, making a sound of hitting the steel plate, and for a while the flames splashed.

At the same time, the surrounding ground was also splashed by countless bullets, and cement residue splashed up, hitting the road of smoke, and the momentum was amazing.

Behind Chen Tian, Edith had her hands behind her back, smiling and watching the changes in the expressions on the faces of those in the distance, not worried about injury at all.

In the woods, the expressions on the faces of the armed men who stood up slowly changed from hideous to shock, and then from shock to horror and fear.

With their gunfire power, not to mention a single person under a volley of more than fifty people, even a car has already been shot into a hornet’s nest.

But at this time, in the middle of the road, the boy stood there as if he was fine, his expression did not change in the slightest.

Even the clothes were protected by unknown forces without the slightest damage.

Only under his feet, the bullets that were deformed under the strong impact piled up more and more.

In less than a minute, the bullets in everyone’s magazines were fired, and the scene fell into an eerie silence, only the smoke and dust around Chen Tian were still saying something.

At this moment, not only Trunk’s men lost their concentration, but everyone in the team behind also looked at it with a shocked face.

Those subordinates never imagined that the owner they wanted to protect was so terrifying, with such a powerful body, that he could ignore dozens of submachine gun rifle fire.

At this time, Chen Tian made a move.

I saw that he reached out and took the bullet stuck in his hair and had been deformed, and a faint voice sounded in everyone’s ears: “Is the fight over, you guys also try my punch.” ”

Saying that, Chen Tian clenched his fist in his right hand, and the terrifying power in his body gathered, and he punched out in the distance.


In an instant, a force as thick as a landslide erupted, and the terrifying force blasted the air ahead, forming a transparent passage spanning tens of meters and falling into the forest.


Under the furious force, all the trees exploded everywhere they passed, and everything within ten meters was destroyed.

Including the seven shrouded armed men, they screamed, and their bodies exploded under the domineering force in mid-air, and countless blood stained the surroundings red.

Such a terrifying force, such a domineering power, instantly woke up all the armed personnel who were in shock.

“Strange……… Monsters. ”


Ignoring the thousands of bullets that can penetrate a centimeter steel plate, he destroyed a ten-meter range with a random punch spanning more than 20 meters, and blasted several people.

This terrifying power is completely beyond the understanding of those people, who have no courage to fight, and instinctively want to escape.

Just as the armed men stepped back and wanted to escape, Torid looked hideous, took down the grenade gun he was carrying on his back, and said frantically.

“I don’t believe that there are people in this world who can’t be killed, if there is, it’s just not enough firepower.”

“Blasted him to death for me.”

Bang bang bang!!

Saying that, Torid pulled the trigger, and a howitzer burst towards Chen Tian.

At the same time, the few gangsters who followed him to death around Torid also looked fierce, carried the bazooka prepared for the armored car, and took aim.


The three rockets roared and flew towards Chen Tian with blazing flames.

At the same time, more than a dozen howitzers also fell in front of Chen Tian, and I saw him reach out and grab a grenade.


One after another, grenade-like flames burst out, rushing up several meters high, setting off a blazing shock wave to drown Chen Tian.

But at this moment, two blazing beams of light shot out from the sky, accurately sweeping the three rockets that flew in.


Three rockets exploded in the air, and the shock wave of the explosion blew the surrounding vegetation away, filled the smoke and dust, and shocked everyone’s ears.

“Dead, dead?”

In the woods, the people all looked nervously into the distance, where the smoke and dust were so thick that it was impossible to see the situation inside.

In the back team, Stottod, George, the old butler, and those subordinates were the same, all nervously looking into the distance.

At this time, a gust of wind blew through, blowing away the pervasive smoke and dust, revealing Chen Tian, who was unscathed, and three small craters on the road that were blown out by rockets in the distance.

This is the horror of the Man of Steel, the stronger the body, the stronger the defense, and the hard-connected howitzer is unscathed.

If it weren’t for the fear that Etilace behind would not be able to block the shock wave, those three rockets Chen Tian was not prepared to destroy, and wanted to use them to test his body defense.

Torid finally broke down and shouted furiously: “……… Run. ”

Suddenly the men, who had long been shocked to the point of fear, scattered and ran frantically towards the back of the woods, where their armored vehicles and vans were parked.

These people were terrified, very embarrassed, and hated to have two legs.

“Go, go.”

“Hands on.”

With the sound of indifferent voice, a red light flashed behind Chen Tian, and a figure burst out at a ghostly speed and rushed into the woods.

Instantly, a scream sounded again.

At the same time, the earth under Chen Tian’s body shattered, and the whole person soared into the sky and took off to a height of 100 meters, the red light in his eyes shone, and the two heat rays with the highest power roared out. Boom!!

Under the heat rays, which have reached more than 10,000 degrees Celsius and contain strong energy and shock waves, the air evaporates and trees burn in their path.

Then there was an explosion.

Heat rays across the sky swept through everything, plowing through the forest one flame passage after another, and finally landed on vehicles parked on the side of the road more than a hundred meters away.


Vans and armored vehicles were melted by the hot heat rays, shot through the hull, detonated the fuel tank, and exploded violently, the scene was terrifying.

Chen Tian, who was flying in the air at this moment, was like a demon god, reaping those mortal lives at will.

Unstoppable, unstoppable. That’s power.

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