Chapter 194 Foreign War Part 1: What Happened That Day =============================================

* This episode contains intense adult content (if you don't want it, please skip it).

"Then I'll be out for a moment."

"Yes, come home early today."

Ko waved both hands to see Kim Soo-hyun off. Kim Soo-hyun smiled bitterly at her and continued with a cold face.

"Oh, I enjoyed the tea. But I forgot my teacup and left it in the room."

"Oh, by the way, don't pay attention to that little thing."

"I'm always drinking well."

After making a ceremonial greeting, Kim Soo-hyun turned around and left the inn entrance. Ko, who stared at his increasingly distant backside, soon began to move busily.

Her mood has always been good these days. Even when I woke up in the morning, I felt like the endorphins were hovering all over my body for no reason. Soon entering the kitchen, she screamed joyfully as she looked at the piled dishes.

"Hehe. But he doesn't know where he's going from this early morning."

Ko sang while washing the dishes. The rest of the party will still be in deep sleep. I was going to finish up most of the preparations before the swings woke up. Soon after she had simply finished washing the dishes, she moved onto the stairs. Her personality was surprisingly meticulous, so she finished what she had started without leaving much room for. Kim Soo-hyun's words came to mind when he was about to finish washing the dishes.

There's something cute about it anyway. Who the hell are you?'

Ko smiled and climbed the stairs alone. So I went up to the first and second floors and went up to the third floor to open the door to the inside. It's early in the morning. Through the gap in the slightly open door, a small in-young stumble through the hallway.

He's... oh. You're that kid. Did he say his name was Ansol?

Ko Yeon-joo's lips slightly bent up after confirming In-young's identity. The only priest in Kim Soo-hyun's party. At that moment, sadistic sensibilities filled her mind. The other day, crying at the inn passed through my head. Every time I looked at her, Ko felt a growing desire to torment her.

Ko smiled an unexpected smile and gently moved her body. Her class is Secret Class Shadow Queen. Once she had made up her mind, it was a long way off to catch a flag unless she was quite a user.

Ansol's face as he was walking down the hall was hazy. It was as if they were advertising, "I'm drunk right now." Ko Yeon-joo watched Ansol in a corner, blocking the chuck. Soon as she turned around, Ko also crept after her.

Coincidentally, the place where Ansol stopped walking was in front of the special room. And the suite overlapped with where Ko was originally going to enter. In other words, the two's destination was the same as Kim Soo-hyun's office. Ko Yeon-joo was worried for a while. Originally, she wanted to surprise her by saying "Wang!" behind her, or to see her surprised face by recognizing herself by unblocking her. However, there was something unclear about finding where Kim Soo-hyun is at at this time. Therefore, Ko Yeon-ju decided to maintain a little more blockage.

It was that moment. It was only an instant, but a flash of light passed by Ansol's hazy eyes. Soon after, Ansol carefully opened the door, and then he peeked his head and looked inside. After confirming that no one was there, he opened the door wide. And her body disappeared into the suite. Soon after, as the door closed, I heard a "clack" lock.

Did you lock the door?’

And Ko stared at the door of the special room, which was tightly closed with blank eyes. At first, I just had a light thought because I thought something was going wrong. She frowned for a short time, but soon quietly moved to the front of the suite. And invokes one of his potential powers, the black shade.

Slop, her body turned to the ground. Soon after, Ko Yeon-ju's new brother entered the room in a shadow and was able to settle in one corner. It had now activated two potential capabilities. She was confident. Kim Soo-hyun caught it once the other day, but it was an exceptional case. I don't know if you are a very good user, but I thought that a rookie who is only a 0 year user would never recognize him.

Entering the room completely, Ko was able to see an unexpected sight. Ansol was calmly climbing onto the bed used by Kim Soo-hyun. And in her hand, the teacup she seemed to have given her in the morning was intact.

Soon after, Ansol, who laid himself on the bed, buried his head on the sheet. Then he started rubbing his face.

"Oh, my, oh, my. What's he doing? What are you doing? Cough.'

Ko almost burst into laughter. At the same time, I felt funny that I had become serious for a while. But it was okay. A smile was made at the thought of catching something to tease about in the future. She soon unleashed the dark shadow of her potential. It was still blocked, but I was going to solve this as well.

But before showing all his signs, Ansol's next move ensued.

"Kiss, lick, woo-hoo, boo-hoo, boo-


Ansol was carefully licking the teacup that Kim Soo-hyun must have touched. And that figure caught the eye of a high performer quite starkly. He sticks out his tongue and flips it all over, and then at one point, he holds his lips and sucks it in strongly. Ansol, who had made the entire teacup full of saliva for a while, put down the teacup with a sad face. However, that is not the end of it.

"Sniff. Sniff. Huff. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha."

Ansol's behavior following the teacup play(?) was bed play. She rubbed her face all over the bed like a puppy. He was smearing his nose and hugging his pillow from time to time.


Ko looked speechless. There was a look on her face that made her speech speechless. But her identity was a fifth-year user shadow queen. Although he lost his mind for a while, he quickly recovered himself.

'Well, yeah, you need to respect your taste. It doesn't look like that, but it's a bit unexpected. This is why people can't judge people by their appearance.’

Ko decided to respect Ansol's taste. Come to think of it, there were many perv men in modern times. There was even a man who asked for stockings he was wearing. Compared to such men, I thought Ansol's behavior was cute. In the end, Ko decided to give way one more time.

While he was working on his mind like that, Ansol's actions moved on. Then her next act hit the spirit of the high performer who was just recovering.

Ansol kept his eyes closed tightly. Then he put one hand over his chest and the other into his pants. Soon after, the hand that went in the pelvis moved, and the groin bulged up. Straight up the raised part moved up and down and up. Even his top hand didn't stay still. As the palm of her hand began to feel her chest, nasal sounds flowed through her tiny, pretty lips.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, uh....”

Ansol's hand movements in the beginning were very passive. But at some point, her behavior began to change 180 degrees. Ansol opened his closed eyes and let out a heavy breath. As if he had a tantalizing taste, he soon unwrapped his top with a look of impatience. Then he hurriedly twisted his pelvis and pulled out a leg, and kicked the remaining leg two or three times. The bottoms, which had been slipping out of each kick, soon became sprawled on one side of the bed.

The figure of Ansol was coming into the eyes of the classical performer without filt Her eyes showed a white milk grave and pure white underwear covering her precious place. Her face was stiffened. Ko was so distracted that she forgot that she had released the black shade.

Ansol, who revealed himself, began to continue the act of cutting off. He laid himself back in bed, and put his hands back in position. The hand, which went down on the soft skin, was ready again. In time, she lifted her finger, put her underwear aside, and gently stroked the open gap.

"Oh, oh, brother. You can't do this. Ha, ha."

"Oh, no. Oh. Actually, you can do this. Yes, yes, please."

"Oops! I'm sorry. Sol is a bad kid. You're a bad kid. You should be scolded by your brother.Oh, yeah."


Ko almost shouted out loud for a moment, but by closing her mouth tightly, she could barely stop her voice from jumping out. When I saw her comforting herself, 50,000 thoughts complicated my mind. In the meantime, Ansol was crying out for Kim Soo-hyun, accelerating his consolation.

It was quite ridiculous, but Ko managed to keep calm and look at Ansol. Unlike her usually innocent and innocent, she now exudes a very stimulating atmosphere.

Squeezing, squeezing, squeezing, squeezing.

It's been a long time since Ansol started his act. The atmosphere in the room was very hot and the lewd sound was echoing. Despite the cold air circulating at dawn, a hot craze seemed to be raging around her. Sweats were all over the body, and the groans, which had been restrained to some extent at first, were becoming more uncontrollable.

On top of the incessant white hills, there was a patch of light pink that was being crushed around. On the other side, she was stiffly raising her head, but she shook little by little every time she shook.

As I turned down, I could see her immaculately clean vagina. Her slender middle finger was slightly penetrating the inside, and every time it entered, a lewd sound was flowing down with transparent fluid. The amount of liquid was quite large, so it came down from the inside of the thigh and soaked the sheet.

"Ang, ang, ang, ang, ang, ang!"

Ansol's breathing became a little urgent and soon began to run out of breath. Breathing that is breathtaking and moaning that is getting shorter and shorter. And at one point, Ansol's hand stopped and her lips opened wide.


A wailing scream shook the room to the brim. At the same time, the white hips lifted slightly, and the legs closed sharply. In the middle of the bridge, several clear streams of liquid soared into the air like a fountain and quickly died down. It's at its peak.


Ansol looked up into the air with a blank face. Soon her body fell back to bed with a flop. A stream of horse saliva was flowing down from the slightly open mouth, and half-open eyes were filled with dreamy light.


The high performer sighed quietly. I've had a lot of thoughts, but it's been a long time since you've tried to tease me. In the midst of this, she was struggling to understand what had just happened. Indeed, since entering Hallplane, I have heard a male user say that he masturbated every night imagining himself.

'Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you shouldn't do that to a man you like. It's a little bit extreme, but...Anyway, be glad I caught you.'

I'm sure you'll be mortified to death if you get caught doing this. There were some things I didn't understand, but I thought it would be better to move on for now. Ko decided to get out of here quickly. I thought it would be better to just look at it and prepare breakfast as if nothing had happened.

It was then.


A cute scream hit the ear of the performer just as he was about to create a black shade. And soon, I heard something rushing. Surprised by the scream, I looked up and saw a gaze from the bed staring at where I was.

On the bed, Ansol covered himself with a sheet. His face was filled with anxiety, and his eyes were penetrating one corner with precision. At that moment, Ko felt intuitively that she had eye contact with her.

Ko Yeon-joo had an awkward laugh.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Hello, I'm Ro Yu Jin.

Yes. In the past, I mentioned the appearance of Ansol and the readers' mental breakdown. At that time, I was going to show you after exploring the ruins of the lab, but I postponed it to the next time. And again, I put it off after the Cave of Scream, but I put it off again." As I saw in the comments, most of the notes were about Ansol. I told him what happened that day. To be honest, I thought there would be a lot of people who didn't know, but I was surprised because there were a lot of people who got it right. (I'm not sure how you got it right now…)Well, it's a double track from time to time. :)

Oh, but it's 52 minutes now. I'll write the re-reply as fast as I can. Shushushush.

PS. Thank you so much for the coupon. _(__)_

리 Ripple 『

1. 天 :: Congratulations on winning first place. Also, I will definitely win first place in this episode. I'll be waiting with several windows up. It's a match.

2. RO YU JIN : YU JIN. Huh? I came in 8th place. Yeah, isn't it embarrassing that the writer who posts is 8th? Crying. I'll definitely win first place this time. Yeah. If you don't win first place, you'll be in a row on Wednesday. Oh, my God, there's no such thing. It's here, huh? By the way, who am I talking to?

3. Midnight: I know. I'm really curious about how you do it, but you never told me. ㅜ.ㅠ

4. EyeSeeYou: LOL. I think you must have panicked after seeing Ansol today.

5. Sizpair: It's more like the former. :)

6. hohokoya1: haha. As I said in the text, Ansol's problem is going to come to the surface little by little. If you felt uncomfortable about this episode, I would like to apologize in advance. (__)

7. Lancelot Durac: Ha ha ha. I've already decided on that part. Please look forward to the ending part!

8. Op to Love 19: Actually, I was so upset yesterday that I couldn't sleep. So, I'm definitely going to win first place this time. Of course. I'll be waiting with two windows up.

9. Noru Squirrel: Hehe, thank you. Hahaha, I will always repay you with content that doesn't disappoint your expectations. (__)

10. [DeepBLUE]: Hahaha. As for Hanbyeol, I've already set up a story. Will she come back to the main character's arms, or will she stay, or will she leave for a new place? Please look forward to it!

11. Gkgngh: Haha, yes. The third eye only has the main character. My favorite male character is. Well, I don't know. It's ambiguous. I'll think about it. Also, I haven't been able to read a lot of works lately. I've read some old ones, but I don't remember the title.

Your recommendations and comments are the driving force behind your annual leave. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don't feel too sad about not being in the re-reply.

If you have any questions, write me a note and I'll answer them!

Then I'll leave you alone for today.

I hope you can always read the article comfortably.

Pre-production, recommendations, comments, ratings, reviews, questions are always welcome.

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