Chapter 216 Forehead =========================================================================



"I have a question for Sol.”

"Uh-huh? Which one? What are you curious about?"

An optical illusion occurred as if a question mark were floating over Ansol's head. She stared at me with sparkling eyes, and I met her gaze with a gentle look. After only looking at each other for a while, Sol's face heated up and he opened his mouth.

"Do you remember what I said to you in front of Warp Gate?”

"What? Yes."

"Then how about now? Are you still nervous?”

Ansol nodded silently, and then opened his mouth with a down face.

"Still, my brother believed me and told me not to worry. If I keep looking like that. I feel like I'm causing my brother no need to worry..”

When I saw Ansol connecting the warm words, I could feel a sense of satisfaction rising inside. That's why fathers love their daughter so much. As he reached out his hand with satisfaction and stroked her head, Ansol smiled.

"Yes, my brother always believes in what Sol says. In fact, I've been helped a lot by believing in our lucky words."

"Hehe. Oh, no. I think I'm always a nuisance..”

"No inconvenience. Anyway, so, I want to get help from Sol again this time."

"What? Help?"

Ansol's eyes turned round. I had a serious look on my face once I had my head in a fist. He couldn't understand if he cut both the front and back, so he needed to step up calmly one by one.(This conversation was learned when the former Ansol's luck was raised to 101.)

"What I'm doing at the Academy isn't going as well as I thought.”


"I think sol can relieve this frustration.”

"He, don't be. I don't know much about the Academy.And how dare I....”

"Ha ha. Don't tell me to help you with your teaching. What I want to get help with is something else. And the job itself is very simple."

Whether he took my words with a grain of salt, Ansol shook his head and expressed anxiety. Seeing her like that, I broke into a little laugh, reassuring myself that it wasn't difficult. In addition, when you seasoned it as something only you could help, it showed a little stability.

I woke up after comforting her for a moment. Raising her body together, she tilted her head with a puzzled look. Overall, he seemed unsure whether the full trust he sent suddenly was burdensome. I came here to make sure I didn't regret it, but I was hesitating when I laid out the mat.

It's a little weird to say it's just a misunderstanding. Maybe you thought I'd do something for you once you got here?’

Ansol was a moody kid. Rather than press here, it was a hundredfold gain to coax and induce them to exert their abilities. Then once she needed to help her not feel pressured. So, I made a joke with a slightly playful look on my face.

"Don't worry. Just do what you tell me to do.”

"Oh, as you're told? Okay. Oh, I don't know what's going on, but...Anyway, all I have to do is trust my brother, right?”

"Of course. You trust me, right?"

I tried to joke that I would sleep with my hands only to warm up the atmosphere once more, but I decided to quit after seeing Ansol's hot eyes. It was not long before she nodded loudly and expressed her agreement. Now all we have left is to test Ansol's luck. I had a lot of expectations because I didn't know what kind of form it would relieve my frustration. What kind of answer do you think you'll get me after using your powers?

I left Easter Egg with a fluttering heart.


I had a lot of thoughts, but the first plan was to let Ansol stir as he pleases. I urged her to let go of all the anxiety and then moved to the front of the main building.

"Come on, go where you want to go."

"What? Where I want to go?”

"Yeah, you don't have to think about anything else for now. Imagine you're at the zoo. I'm sure there are many places you want to go from place to place. As your heart leads you, you can go where you want to be most attracted. Don't be nervous."


One of the advantages of Ansol is that he follows me fairly well. She tilted her head for a moment and then began to walk vigorously as if something had popped up. I followed her with a surprising heart, wondering if I had a hunch.

When I first went to Easter Egg, I looked around and looked surprised, but this time, I didn't even look around. In other words, there is a place where the mind is really drawn. I kept chasing Ansol, controlling the excitement of two, a half, and a half.

But the excitement didn't last long. As time went by, I kept seeing familiar scenery, and the more I saw it, the more I felt anxious. I'm sure this is where I always walk after I wake up in the morning..

"My brother, my brother. It's better, better. I want to go in there."

Soon after, Ansol whined, pointing in one direction, whether he had reached his destination. And the moment I turned my eyes along her fingers, I threw a big flag.

"So, Sol, not here.”

"Huh? Why?"

"Anyway, you're not allowed in here. When I go in, a scary man scolds me. So come on, come on."

"Shi, I don't like it. I want to go in. Oh."

It was none other than my exclusive instructor's quarters where she stopped. I quickly re-detected and checked inside, and fortunately, nothing was caught. However, as Kim Han-byeol lived there, there were many items she used. Even the bed that's stuck together. Although he was blind, Ansol was also a natural woman, and it was obvious that he would notice unless he was a fool.

When Ansol saw my reaction, he squinted his eyes and jumped forward with a quick movement. But I also didn't sit still. In the first place, there was a huge difference in agility, so it was a flea to run. Holding the waist of the hard-running Ansol, she struggled with her hands and feet floating in the air. I guess you want to get inside somehow.

"I'm coming. I'm coming in."

"Come on, good boy. Listen to my brother."

"Why can't you let me in?"

Ansol looked up at me with a look of discontent, puffing up his cheeks. I felt a cold sweat running down my back. I did say just go as you wanted, but it wasn't here. I soothed the grumbling brush, confirming the fact that the ability of luck, of course, bounced in an unpredictable direction.

Eventually, both of us were able to quickly return to the main building.

"Sol, let's do it differently this time.”

"Eh, differently?"

"Yeah, do you remember when you explored out of town? From the Blue Mountains, you pointed this way and that way.”


"Okay, remember what you said earlier? This time, I want you to think about those words."

"Yes, then…, huh?

It was then. Ansol couldn't finish his answer and burst into question. It's like the way you talk when you realize something's wrong. She soon frowned, and the frown was soon tinged with urgency. As soon as he thought what was wrong with him, Ansol quickly began to make fun of his steps.

This time, Ansol began to go down the stairs leading to the side. I also hurried after her and measured her direction. There were several buildings, but one thing is for sure, the main building didn't seem to have anything to see anymore.

Whether he was in a hurry for nothing, Ansol focused on walking without opening his mouth for a while.

While walking along the road to the left, I could see some new users giggling together. Some users were chatting in groups, and others were taking a nap lying on a broad rock. Although I was given a day off today, it was a scene where I frowned.

I thought about controlling it for a while, but I gave up soon. For some reason, Ahn Sol looked busy, and there was a control instructor who was surrounded by new users and burst into laughter together.

I can appreciate the fact that I can laugh like that only after two weeks by yielding a hundred times, but compared to the past, I felt unfamiliar with the atmosphere of being too loose.

Walking past them, buildings began to be seen in front of them. This site was a place where the attached buildings were quite concentrated, so there were many narrow streets in many branches.

I didn't know because I was only following the back, but as soon as I saw Ansol's side face, I inhaled. No matter when it changed, her facial expression had disappeared.

She was deeply immersed in something. I don't know who it is, but I still feel like she's slowly getting into it. And as soon as the feeling seemed to be at its peak, Ansol stopped walking again. I talked to her quickly.

"Sol. What's wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry, brother."

"Sorry? What do you mean?"

"I don't know. I just keep feeling urgent. I should have gone faster.I keep feeling that way."

Ansol's answer was quick and sharp. I took a closer look at her face as I thought it was the time. Her face was not her usual innocent look. He squinted his eyes and was dripping around as if he didn't like something. Before long, she said nothing and reached for the hem of my clothes.

I wanted to avoid her touch. It's because I wanted to leave my clothes untouched if possible. However, as I was about to twist my body, a sense of incompatibility surrounded me. The identity was unknown to me. Suddenly, I thought that the unknown energy that Ko had told me was permeating into me. Eventually, I gave the hem of my clothes to him, and then Ansol groaned as if he were satisfied.

Looking from place to place for a while, she led me in one direction.


At last, the building she targeted slowly became visible. It wasn't inside the building. To be exact, it was going inside along a path through it. As a result, I slowly began to get nervous.

It was hard to say that the user academy knew every inch of it. Aside from the fact that they were not meant to be in the first car, the site was so large and the building was quite spacious. Moreover, the place where Sol led now was a maze of narrow streets with dense buildings. Like that, Ansol was leading me to the eerie little by little.

How long did he walk? There were not only buildings in the middle. There were warehouses that looked like containers between barely made gaps, and boxes that looked heavy were piled up. Perhaps this was the perfect place to skip classes and hide if it was modern.

Ansol stopped walking once again. Then, there were four roads in total in front of where she stopped walking. It was hard to say it was a straight intersection, but anyway, there were roads in front, back, left, and right. She put my skirt down and bit my lips at the time. At first glance, he looked very troubled.


Sol, who was agonizing over it, soon turned to me. Should I say it's standing close to something? Of course, the appearance and expression itself were soft, so overall, it was a benevolent atmosphere, but it was leaking an atmosphere that could not be matched. Yes, it was similar to the feeling I got from Yoo Hyun-ah of "The Holy Queen" who woke up later.

Looking from side to side for a while, she raised her hands and pointed left and forward. Then he opened his mouth in a quiet voice.

"I think you'd better choose from here."

I was dazed for a moment by her words. You want me to choose? However, he soon came to his senses and began to ask one by one.

"What do you want me to choose?”

When I asked back, Ansol quickly raised his hands and pointed left and forward. Then he replied in a low voice.

"Strangely, I can't choose from here. I feel like I want to go to both of them, but I think I should go to only one side. So please pick one for me."

============================ Review of the work ============================

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