Chapter 241 The time for raising is past. =========================================================

Jeong Ha-yeon closed the door and left the room, leaving only two Yu-jung behind. The oil well, when I called, was bowing its head in the same posture. Staring at her still, I opened my mouth in a quiet voice.

"Come closer."

Yoojung did not answer. But if you've heard me for sure, I'm starting to take it one step at a time to time. Soon, when I looked up at Yoojung's face, I could see her eyes staring down with a look of disappointment.

And I gently reached out my hand and stroked her stomach.

"Oh, brother?”

"How's your stomach?”

"Huh, huh?"

"You've seen it through a cave before. Come to think of it, I haven't cared since I left Mule. Do you have any aftereffects?”

Before I knew it, Yoojung's face was stained with embarrassment. I thought I was going to be scolded, but when I asked in a caring voice, I didn't know what to do.

"Yes, yes! It was a bit of a scar, but...But it doesn't interfere with movement."

"That's a relief."

When she smiled with relief, Yoo-jung finally began to make eye contact with me. There was still a little left, but the initial anxiety seemed to have faded away. Before long, the eyes of Yoo-jung and I got entangled in the air, and I slowly opened my mouth.

"Why are you the only one left behind?I left it because I wanted to talk about something else."

"It's my fault, brother."

"Yoojung, listen to me till the end. And don't say anything wrong from now on."


I pulled my own chair and sat the well still standing. Meanwhile, she kept smoothing her hair. The hair of the oil well, which was dyed with light red, was stepped on to the eyes.

"First of all, I'm sorry. I know what you guys think of Hanbyeol, but I'm sure you were very surprised to see him suddenly.”

"Oh, brother? No, brother! Don't say that! Don't be sorry!"


"I've been following you and trusting you. I'm sure you have your own reasons this time, too. I acted immature for a moment without beating the minute. I'm sorry! So please don't say that....”

Yoo-jung reacted violently to my apology, with her hair fluttering from side to side. I was still lost in thought, waiting for her to calm down. There is certainly something disturbing in the light of Yoojung's behavior so far. It's like a cat with sharp claws.

Nevertheless, this is where I didn't let her go. Considering Jeong Ha-yeon's attitude when she used the crystal of truth to me at the lab in the ruins, I can roughly guess how Yoojung feels about me.

Yoojung's toenails, never turned to me.

"I repeat, I understand how you feel. Maybe it's not what I think. But I don't want to force my position on you guys.”


"But let's get to the wrong end of the story, shall we? What I want to point out is your attitude at the meeting."

Yoojung adjusts her posture. I guess you want to show your attitude to listen to me. I laughed inwardly and continued in a calm voice.

"I don't want to think of you guys as kids anymore. Yeah. Ansol has a situation, but...I think you and Anhyun can think and act normally enough."


"The reason I just put a user in front of your names is because... I want to treat you as a clan member from now on. You know what's going on with Hallplane, don't you?"

Yoo-jung nodded silently. I was turning into a serious look as if I realized the seriousness of what I was saying.

"The situation is very chaotic. Among them, the beauty is attracting attention from many users. And the users will judge me, you, and us by the mechanical clan. You're not new users anymore, you're a mechanical clan one. So is it wrong for me to expect Yoojung to act as a medical clan member from you?"


"Just a moment ago. It was time to introduce Hanbyeol at an official meeting. What would the other Clan members think if they were sarcastic about the smell of betrayal? Hanbyeol is not the only one who gets criticized. I'll think it's weird to bring her here, and you won't look at the atmosphere of the important meeting."

"I'm sorry, brother...I really didn't think it would go that far....”

I didn't know.

"That's why we're moving on like this today."

I stared at the well with a look full of coolness. She also flinched and shut up, perhaps feeling my sudden change of gaze. What I'm going to say now was a sort of ultimatum on my part. It was necessary to make sure that the oil well could be clearly engraved on her head, even if she set the mood a little.

"Yeah, I don't think you knew. Yeah, you might not know. But this is the last time I'm going easy on you. I've said it before, but I hate to say it twice."


"He said he understood how you felt. I'm not saying I'm going to close my ears. From now on, if you have any complaints, go through official procedures to complain. Or set up a private place. Do you understand?"


It wasn't until Yoo-jung almost burst into tears that I decided to stop pushing her. There was a moment of silence. After a while, I patted Yoojung's head lightly. It was time to let go of the atmosphere, and now it's time to let it go again.

"When you cried your eyes out at me who came back alive from the inn at the beginning. When you collected money from the square and handed it to me. When the lab in the ruins covered me. I remember everything. I'm very grateful that you've trusted me and followed me."


"But now I'm Clan Lord of the Beauty. You can't favor only one person. And the more clan members we have, the less time we have to pay attention to you. If something like this happens again, I won't let it go just because they're my kids. For me, for you, and for the Commercial Clan."

"I'm sorry…."

I deliberately emphasized the phrase "my children." Yoojung nodded and wiped her eyes with her hands. I hope she understood me well and I grabbed Yoojung by the shoulder and got up from the chair together.

"Don't cry. Do you think my words were harsh?”

"Uh-huh. No. Come to think of it, I think you're right. I'll keep that in mind.”

"Let's unify the way we talk into one. I'm suddenly confused."

"Yes, Clan Lord."


Yoo-jung cried and smiled when she told a light joke. The expression was quite bizarre and difficult to describe. I took her hand and moved toward the door. Yoo-jung faltered and soon leaned slightly against my shoulder.

I thought Hayeon was waiting for me, so I quickly opened the door. I was going to end today's conversation here.

"I was able to have a lot of conversations with Hanbyul before coming here. I think she had a very hard life in the golden lion, too. But he was determined to start over, and he seemed to want to change himself. So I want you to put aside your preconceptions for a while and keep an eye on them. Just until she gets used to it for a while."

Yoo-jung didn't reply to my words. I could only feel her slight nodding against my shoulder.


After taking Yoojung down to the first floor, I left the love house with the Clan members. And when I went outside, I could see Hayeon and Vivien waiting for me while talking to each other.

It would have been hard for them to get close. In a sense, that's great. Oh, is it hard to say we're close?’

As I walked down the turlestair and approached them, they greeted me with a bright smile.

"Suhyun, you're here now. Did Yoojung scold you a lot?”

"What did you two talk about?”

"Rather than scolding…We just talked about this and that. Then shall we go see the Clan House that Jung Ha-yeon has seen?"

"Yes, I'll explain the details on my way. Let's start with the nearest place."

Soon after, Hayeon settled to my left and Vivien to my right. As she moved on, she began to talk slowly.

"You told me not to think about the price, but I had a lot of trouble choosing the location. As you know, Monica is one of the best cities in the Northern Continent in terms of stabilization. The price of the site is also high, but the cost of building it was huge."

"Maybe it's because he's a free mercenary. Because I don't get a discount. Anyway, I thought it would be better to set up a factory where accessibility is as good as possible if I want to get a commission from a mercenary clan. I'd like to avoid places that are too remote."

"You're saying you'll settle down in the sun with confidence.

"Yeah, there's no history of the mercenary Clan being formally launched in Hall Plain yet, right?”

If you meet the eye level of those users, the fact that they created a Clan can be a big deal. However, however, there is a clear gap between the Clan, no matter how much the permission for creation has fallen. One fact that could determine the gap was whether Clan House was owned or not.

The fact that he had his own house in Hall Plain can be said to have settled his lodging and lodging. If you extend the individual to the concept of Clan, the fact that a Clan owned a Clan House has more meaning than a Sook.

From the perspective of ordinary users, it was true that they trusted Clan who had settled in one place rather than Clan who wandered from place to place without a house. It can show off the fact that numerous remains have been excavated, expeditions have been successful, and results have been achieved. In particular, even though it is a small city, Monica, which is famous for its stabilization, can highlight this fact even more.

"This time I went to the user academy, I felt the location of the museum. We still have a lot to pay attention to. The recruitment of a jewel wizard and God's shield. The fact that Clan, which has been in operation for more than three months, purchased Clan House. And the fact that it's a mercenary clan."

"It must be inevitable to be jealous of the timing.”

"I've been preparing for the declaration of launch since the moment. It's hard to say that only good things will happen in the future. That's why it was necessary to re-arm the spirit of the Clan members."

"I understand. Oh, here it is."

After talking to Hayeon, I was able to reach my first destination. I turned my head and looked around the streets. Lower-class pubs, lower-class inns, old-looking shops. Although it is a busy street, the streets were flooded with people who seemed to be more subsistence than those who lived on battlefields. It was a similar place to Barbara's night street if I had to compare it.

In Hall Plain, of course, selling yourself is a means of survival, so it's not something to look at very closely. However, it was also true that it was a bit of a bother because it was a job to find a place in a city where nothing else was going to happen for a while.

"Come to think of it, it's close to Love House."

"Hoot. Let's go in. I'll tell you when I get in."

"Can I just go in?"

"Yes, Istantel Lowe's Clan Road says you're welcome to come in and out.”

"Han Soyoung?"

Apparently, Jung Ha-yeon said she wanted to talk to me about the Clan House purchase. As soon as I heard her, I felt intuitively that it was related to the Istanbul Low Clan.

"You've been in touch there."

When she killed her voice and spoke, Hayeon looked around and nodded slightly.

"Okay, you said you got permission to enter, right? Let's go in first.”

"Kim Soohyun! Kim Soohyun!"


"There's something I want to say. Just the two of us."

Vivienne was pouting with a sullen face. Maybe I felt left out when I and Hayeon talked on our way here.

At Vivien's words, Hayeon burst out laughing and walked forward. She rusted a bit but pushed open the door, which seemed quite heavy. And while Hayeon opened the door, I gently extended my right hand and slapped Vivien's butt. The chubby, hand-wound texture came in from the palm without filtration.

"Let's go in and talk."


Vivien jumped up.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Hello, I'm Ro Yu Jin.

First of all, I would like to apologize to those who have been looking forward to today's annual leave. ______ I'm preparing for the upcoming finals. Of course, there are not only final exams, but the tasks that follow are continuing like bombs. I need to adjust my pace for a while. ㅇㅅㅇ

If the 2nd episode doesn't come up on holidays, you can think that I'm studying hard and doing my homework. :) We are planning to make some stockpiles as we still have some time left, but we will make sure to leave a notice if it is closed.(I'm having a mental breakdown because two of my major subjects include the scope of my midterm exams.) (Laughs.)

리 Ripple 『

1. Miwol Night: Congratulations on winning first place. You two are taking turns sharing the first place! Hahaha. Please enjoy this episode. :)

2. Sreson: Bbia! You're back. Congratulations on your return. ^ㅂ^/

3. Lapirandzint: It's not the training of oil wells, it's just the right thing to say. I can't push you too hard. I hope you like it.

4. dsafdd: There's still a little elixir left. It will appear after this episode. :D

5. koaa123: I think we need to push Hayeon and Yoojung. Kelkelkelkel!

6. Neflnichov: Yes. I hit Vivien this time.

7. rlatjdwn512: No. To be honest, I think this is a difference of taste. I think it would be nice to have a girlfriend like Yoojung. '3'

8. Love it: Suhyun didn't want the relationship between the kids and Hanbyeol to be resolved at once. Hehe. Hanbyeol is showing her will, and I hope that the kids will feel a lot of things after seeing her change.

9. Eatersion: I think everyone wants too much from the elixir. Angel's tears cost hundreds of thousands of GPs with +6 points. Of course, it's not limited to physical strength, but there are people who said +15...Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol.

10. Darkside: Forgive me for not being in love. Yoojung, I don't know. Suhyun gave me an ultimatum, so I look forward to seeing you in the future. Hah, hah, hah.

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