Chapter 36 With Hallplane! ========================================================================

The transmission was nothing. I've experienced it hundreds of times already, so I just felt like that. After completing the transmission to "The Inn of the Beginning", the second floor hallway seemed noisy. Now was the time to wait and wait for the guide of users who entered Hallplane earlier. Until they come, everyone stays quiet because of the tension, which was unexpected.

When new users who have finished setting up complete all transfers, the transportation boundaries surrounding the inn will be released. And as soon as the boundary is lifted, there is a procedure for existing users to come in and guide new users. I used to hate existing users who played guiding roles.

Their attitude is quite arrogant. In comparison, private soldiers who had eaten some military water often treated new recruits who had just moved in. Of course, they were also survivors of the previous rite of passage and had the same time as new users. After that, I admit that I have survived by working hard.

If you listen to what they say (the role of guide), it's nothing special. When I see a new user coming to the hall, I feel flattered thinking, "I used to be like that' For your information, I remember the user who told me that died three months later.

Anyway, I don't like it, but it didn't do much for now. Listening to their explanation, I could say that the best way is to enter the user academy.

Speaking of which, to explain a little more, I think the User Academy is a truly groundbreaking way. I don't know who suggested the establishment, but I'm sure it's someone who's a little brainy. Unlike the old days when the academy was established, new users rarely lose their lives in the beginning.

Anyway, after meeting the kids, sharing the sea temperature is sharing, and I was thinking about what to say. In addition, when I walked down the hallway on the second floor thinking about one thing or another, I was walking at the end of the hall. It was the moment when I thought that all I had to do was open the door in front of me.


Even if I lied, I wanted to solve the misunderstanding after I met the children, so I had to stop my hand to push the door. Voices clearly heard near the stairs on the first floor outside the door were coming into my ears through a gap in the door. In a row.

"Don't bark your way! You son of a bitch!"

"How dare you let me know? I certainly saw it with my own eyes!"

"Your eyes are a moron! How dare you say that!"

"Insane girl. Am I the only one who saw it? Am I the only one who saw it? Bori said she saw it, too! I told you I saw a crossbow split in half!"

When I heard the word "Borim," I roughly guessed the main characters of the voice that uttered thick swear words. Trouble maker (?), Park Dong-gul. I didn't expect to enter Hallplane alive. To be honest, I almost stopped paying attention after I broke up with them, and it was in my heart that I should not care if I die or not. Anyway, I decided to think as positively as possible. I remember being grumpy in the beginning, so I thought I'd have a chance to make it myself when the time came.

The rest of the high-toned voice was immediately identified. When I saw Yoo-jung bumping into Park Dong-geol anytime, anywhere, I thought they were both very bad relations. I kicked my tongue and quietly opened the door and put it back.


Soon after, as I heard the squeaky door open, I could see countless people. Yu-jung, who was about to tell her to shut up, stopped talking and raised her head when she heard the door open. I smiled awkwardly at her.

Of all users, I guess I'm the slowest to send. As soon as I took a step outside, I could see the eyes on me. By the count of forty, the inn was crowded with survivors. In the past, there were barely more than 20 people. Except for the high level of users, it seemed to have had some effect on day six on the processing of the boss monster. Does it mean that more than half of the people here were killed on the last day?

I took a step down the stairs and threw a light greeting.

"They were all alive. I'm glad you're all right."

Of course I'm alive. I sent it to the Warp Gate, saying it's gold or jade. Despite his casual greetings, there was no response. Just as I was about to feel embarrassed, Yoojung stumbled up to me.



She raised her arm, put her hand on my face, and began to touch my cheek carefully. His eyes and lips seemed to tremble quite surprisingly and emotionally. It wasn't just the oil well. Hope, which had been considered a thread, became a reality and appeared before my eyes. Woo Jung-min, who seemed to have guessed the situation with Ahn Hyun's party, also fixed his eyes on my face with incredible eyes.

Yoojung continued with a choking voice.

"Are you really Suhyun oppa?" It's not someone else, is it?"

"Then you look like a doppelganger. Oh, it hurts. Don't pull so hard. I'm sick.

"Congratulations on your life. I never thought I was alive.That's great."

When I managed to remove Yoojung's hand, who kept fiddling with her cheeks, I heard a husky voice next to her. As I turned my head, I saw Woo Jung-min and his party surviving as expected. Woo Jung-min seemed to want to say something more, but I shook my head slightly. It seemed to understand my signal to close my mouth again. After that, I made eye contact with Won Hye-soo, who looked at me with a surprised face, and she answered by turning her head around in a pack.

Ahn Hyun was staring at me with a joyful face, Yoojung with a happy and sad face, and Sol with a teary face. Ahn Hyun's party and I were looking at each other for a while. The swings kept moving their lips if they wanted to say anything, but they couldn't say what they wanted.

If you try to talk but you can't. It didn't matter much, but I wanted to avoid this attention first. Even now, it's burdensome enough, but I thought it would be really embarrassing if Sol burst into tears in such a crowded place.

I deliberately moved to a corner seat, soothing the tear-stricken brush. In the meantime, Park Dong-gul, who was completely left out, saw us sitting at the table and soon took Lee Bo-rim to the other side.

Soon after a while, as the eyes of the people decreased considerably, the children seemed to have recovered to some extent. The only thing that bothered me was Ansol, but she sat next to me and held on to her collar from before.

When he asked Ahn Hyun for help, he smiled and opened his mouth.

"Brother, I still can't believe it. I feel like I'm watching immortality."

"Ha ha. Immortality is a little too much. I was just lucky."

Ahn Hyun shook his head at my words. No, but do something about him. You're not a one or two year old baby. Why are you holding my collar so tight? Ansol received my words in a trembling voice whether he knew how I felt or not.

"No, I feel like I'm watching a miracle. I kept waiting under the stairs and wondered if...Every time, my brother...."

At the same time as I spoke, the grip on my clothes was getting stronger. I felt embarrassed when I saw Ansol crying again, unable to bear the end. But I smiled bitterly at the fact that I had to lie from now on.

"Anyway, it's good to see you all alive again."

"If you're alive, come early! I always worry about people...No, I'm sorry. It's not like you wanted to do that...."

I tilted my head as I saw a well that showed nagging, apology, and tears in turn. I didn't know that the children thought of me this much, but on the other hand, I felt proud. Yoo-jung clenched her fist and wiped away the tear stains around her eyes.

"Oppa, tell us. He said there was a crossbow near the Warp Gate that he used to use, broken in half. I can't see you. I can't see the monster."

Hmm. Is it time to come. I felt lucky to have burned the body of Boss Monster in preparation for this. But it was my fault that I wasn't sure about the crossbow. I wanted to vaguely gloss over it, but I felt a cold look. The main character of the scene was Kim Han-byul. I had a feeling that if I went on like this, I would have something wrong with her later.

Kim Han-byul hasn't said a word since I came to the inn. My face was barely changed except when I first saw myself. I turned my head and stared at her eyes for a moment. And as soon as I read the feeling in her eyes, I felt a little mixed up.

Overall, I felt relieved, but I could see the glances of distrust and suspicions that were slightly mixed in there. Hanbyul was definitely not that tall. In a way, he seemed to have quite similar personality to me. He is not swayed by the situation or emotions surrounding him and always leaves room for reason to intervene. Perhaps the essence will never be grasped, but what's certain is that she sprouted doubts about me.

The inn wasn't as noisy as it was in the beginning, but it wasn't just silence. The voices of the surviving survivors whispered simultaneously. I sighed inside. I felt that sighs are often coming out these days. In the end, I decided to say that I couldn't remember as much as I could rather make up words in a clumsy way.

"Yeah, that's true. I tried to avoid the monster attack...Maybe he was after the crossbow in the first place. It's split in half. It was very dark back then. Haha."

"Is your left arm okay?"

Kim Han-byul opened her mouth right away. Even though it sounded worrying on the surface, it sounded to me, "Didn't you have a crossbow on your left arm?" I answered immediately after my mouth-watering return.

"He attacked with his tail. I raised my left arm without realizing it, but I think it just passed by the crossbow."

"…then what did you do next?"

"Well, I honestly don't know. Should I say I don't remember? I didn't think I was really dead then. I think he stomped and I stomped like crazy...."

I went into the explanation in a quiet voice in a way that greatly modified my original experience and circled my words. In conclusion, everyone shook their heads when they heard that they ran with all their might to the low-lying direction of the forest in the midst of dust. Except for Kim Han-byul, of course. Anyone who's been face-to-face with Boss Monster for more than three minutes will soon know that I'm full of lies and loopholes.

Kim Han-byeol did not ask any more questions about whether he was contemplating. It was because I couldn't go through the situation at that time, and the atmosphere was mainly celebrating my life, so I felt like I was keeping my mouth shut. However, the suspicious look still seems to have not been erased. I decided to save my words at this point. Well, anyway, turning the horse around was a purpose of trying to drag time.

Before I knew it, the boundary outside the window had faded considerably.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Hanbyeol's unpredictable attitude is a bait for an upcoming event. ㅇㅅㅇ

Wow, there are so many comments and recommendations. Strangely, I couldn't write today. I used to write and took a shower twice in the middle.I was able to post one thing today because of your comments. Hehe. Isn't today's dream about swimming in the sea of comments? Readers who commented! Readers who gave me coupons! For those of you who pressed the first song! Readers who pressed recommendations! Thank you all. :)


1) Human life: Congratulations on winning first place! That's right. Honestly, you need to increase your stamina to a certain extent. Suhyun's stamina is so low right now....

2) :: Ahaha. I still don't want to quit re-ripple. I have a lot of fun when I write a re-reply. My heart is pounding.

3) Backtheclock: I'm worried. I'm not single-minded, but there are people who want to save. I'm still thinking about whether to go to Harlem or Sunflower.

4) CAIHON: In March 2012, I published 12 episodes in a series and turned them into a study. If you happen to remember...It's awesome!

5) Marryeonggum: All, I'll give you the next one! Flap!

6) Gemmen: That's enough praise to twist your body. Thank you. I kept laughing while reading your comments. :)

7) Thank you for the coupon. I'm really sorry. I really want to do it...Crying.

8) Song leaves: Ji, calm down;! Here's the next episode. So calm down....

9) Kriassen: There is. Su-hyun's experience is also a kind of transformation. Just think of it as an abbreviation, which is different from the normal category. :)

10) CrossDie: I'm a bad writer who can't take annual leave while getting coupons. ㅜ.ㅠ

11) Anbinakdo: Zero code. Hahaha...As you can see later, Suhyun has no intention of saving people with zero codes or wishes. No, it's not that I don't want to do it. It's an accurate expression that Suhyun shouldn't do it. It is difficult to disclose it now because it is related to the ending. :)

12) Toranoanal: Hahaha; I tend to take reviews with me reviews. We'll continue to visit you with great content!

13) Katamunenai: Park Dong-gul is…Whoo. Whoo.

14) I have to change: I actually thought I'd speed up the development, but I guess it's still slow from your perspective. But I wonder if I can deliver everything that I want to deliver if I go to the first floor quickly. I'm worried about that. ㅜ.ㅠ

15) Ricknux: Coochie coochie coochie coochie coochie coochie coochie coo.The next episode is here~ He's growing taller after seeing this. He's so cute! LOL

Those of you who aren't in the re-reply! Please don't be disappointed because I check all the comments. If you really want to get a ripple, please give me a signal. I'll make sure to catch it.

Then I'll leave you alone for today.

I hope you can always read the article comfortably.

Preferences, recommendations, comments, criticisms, questions are always welcome.

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