Men and women eating in the courtyard

Chapter 597 The night is slightly cool

Dong Wenxue carefully studied the work report submitted to him by Li Xuewu, which was quite precise and clear about the future development and positioning of the steelmaking plant.

In the future, steelmaking plants will be small-scale enterprises that follow the precision manufacturing route, gradually abandoning the old baggage of large-scale steelmaking and taking a new development route.

When it comes to steel, the steelmaking plant is located in the steel city, and the most indispensable thing here is steel.

A large part of the raw materials required by the steel rolling mill are transported directly from the steel mill, while unplanned production materials are purchased from the Steel City Steel Mill.

Li Xuewu concluded that future steel production will increase year by year with the development of industrialization, and the production and consumption of steel rolling mills will not have to worry about insufficient raw materials.

Even when there is a shortage of materials, it is still supported by the old foundation of the steelmaking plant and the main artery will not be broken.

The steel rolling mill is large and slow in transformation, so we can only let the steel mill go around and give it a try first.

Dong Wenxue also expressed this determination of pioneering consciousness in his report to the steel rolling mill.

"Female products and smithing supplies will be in great demand in the future."

Li Xuewu nodded and said: "The improvement of comprehensive strength will inevitably bring about the overall improvement of protective strength. Naturally, the weapons currently owned cannot meet the changes of the times. Updating equipment must be a trend."

"I understand this"

Dong Wenxue asked: "Firearms are not easy to produce and operate, and their upgrading will inevitably bring risks to the company. Besides, we don't have too many gun factories."

“So we must emphasize the key products”

Li Xuewu clicked on the armrest of the sofa and said: "Daggers, lunch boxes, helmets, body armor, engineering shovels, etc., all require special alloys, and we are in the metallurgy industry. Isn't this our original profession!"

"Haha, it's not as simple as you think?"

Dong Wenxue chuckled, and then said: "Our people are all production workers, but we do not have the development capabilities in this area."

"Just because we don't have it, it doesn't mean we have to develop it ourselves."

Li Xuewu raised his eyebrows and said, "And even if we develop it ourselves, can we really not find the manpower?"

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and reminded him softly as he went to pick up the tea cup: "Science and technology are the primary productive forces. You must pay attention to the introduction of talents."


Listening to Li Xuewu's teasing, Dong Wenxue couldn't help but laugh out loud, nodded at his student, and said: "I think ten thousand years is too long for you, so you only seize the day."

"Ten thousand years? One year is too long for me."

Li Xuewu chuckled and said: "Don't think that you have taken a big step. Look at Lao Xia from the design department. He has already started to study the engine!"


Dong Wenxue heard this news for the first time and said in surprise: "With the technical reserves of our factory, do we dare to study engines?"

"Hey, as bold as a man is, so rich is the land."

Li Xuewu raised his eyebrows and said: "Your metallurgical project has to accelerate its development. Engines require alloy technology the most. Once Lao Xia's engine technology is settled, it will be time for the steelmaking plant to put its efforts into action."

"This is a development direction"

Dong Wenxue nodded and said: "You asked me to change my strategy, learn advanced technology and ideas, pursue alloy smelting, follow the precision craftsmanship route, and add a small commodity factory to supply blood. Is it actually for the future big projects of the steel rolling mill?"

"Who said that?"

Li Xuewu said with a smile: "The profit value of small commodities may be higher than the value of large projects. Some people can afford nail clippers for one yuan, but not everyone can afford a car for ten thousand yuan."

"And selling 10,000 nail clippers is not much less labor-intensive than selling a car? Maybe the profit will be higher!"

"Hahaha! I think you should be transferred to the sales office."

Dong Wenxue smiled and asked: "Now that the wool issue has been resolved, what are the factory's plans for the future? Do you really want to be included in the supervisory committee?"

"Do you really believe him?"

Li Xuewu glanced at Dong Wexue with squinted eyes, sneered and said, "Don't say Yang Fengshan is unwilling, even Yang Yuansong will object."

"I have heard some rumors."

Dong Wenxue nodded and said: "There is news that Yang Yuansong discussed this issue in the internal meeting room. The specific situation is not known. Gu Weijie should know."

"I won't ask her if it's clear."

Li Xuewu took a sip of tea and said: "Besides, I can guess it without asking. Secretary Yang is just playing with one another and weighing the pros and cons."

"He can't see the situation clearly."

Dong Wexue also said calmly: "Under this situation, if we simply use suppression as a means, I am afraid we will create conflicts on the side of the committee, and we will not get any benefits from Yang Fengshan and Li Huaide."

"He is the squad leader, so he naturally has his own theory."

Li Xuewu said nonchalantly: "I'm afraid it will be too late by the time he sees clearly."

"Well, it's very possible."

Dong Wenxue nodded and said: "There is a high possibility of this kind of loss of control, especially at present. The situation of the working group of the Iron and Steel Institute is likely to extend to the steel rolling mill."

"This is an inevitable stage"

Li Xuewu put down his tea cup and said: "Which operation in the past few years did not have a working group? I think the steel rolling mill will eventually break away from Yang Yuansong's control after the debate."

"What a troubled time~"


Li Xuewu chatted in Dong Wenxu's office until get off work.

He declined the teacher's invitation, saying he had other things to do tonight.

Dong Wenxue knew that Li Xuewu had private matters in Steel City, so he did not force him and asked his driver to drive Li Xuewu away.

Li Xuewu also made an appointment to take the train back to the capital on the morning of the 7th, so he also asked the driver to pick him up tomorrow morning.

Instead of going back with Ji Weidong and others, in addition to talking to Dong Wenxue, Li Xuewu also wanted to meet Wen San'er and others.

Guanshan Road, Zhou Yamei's house.

Seeing Li Xuewu get out of the car, Fu Zhidong ran out of the door holding the toys in his hands.


"Haha, I ran a second slower today than yesterday."

Li Xuewu smiled and rubbed his godson's face with his hand, and asked with a smile: "Is dinner ready?"

"Not yet~"

Fu Zhidong trotted beside Li Xuewu like a follower, chattering about what happened at home today.

"Mom is still cleaning up today, and I can continue going to school."


Li Xuewu opened the door and let his godson go in first. Then while changing his shoes, he asked: "How do you feel about returning to the original kindergarten?"

"Hmm... not bad~"

Fu Zhidong jumped up the stairs and stood at the same level as Li Xuewu. He thought for a while and said, "It's just that there is no Yanni here."

"You are quite nostalgic"

Li Xuewu smiled, walked to the living room, looked at Wen San'er sitting on the sofa, and said, "Talked to the literature secretary for a while."

"It's okay. I'll be okay tonight. It's okay to be early."

Wen Saner also stood up when he saw Li Xuewu coming in, but was waved by Li Xuewu to sit down.

Li Xuewu didn't feel strange or constrained here. He felt like he was at home.

He put his handbag on the fireplace table, unbuttoned his shirt and asked Wen San'er, "Why didn't you bring Third Aunt and Xinmin?"

“It’s late at night, so it’s not convenient to go back and forth.”

Wen San'er scratched his head with his little finger. He and Zhou Yamei hadn't seen each other much, it was just the "cooperation" last time.

He had never been here often. He didn't expect Zhou Yamei's family to be so rich, or that Li Xuewu had settled here.

Judging from Li Xuewu's posture, he is very familiar with this place, including the child. He would not dare to bring his wife and children over and say the wrong thing again.

Li Xuewu could also see that Wen San'er was restrained and uncomfortable, which was different from when he was in the capital.



Wen San'er waved his hand and smiled, and said: "Your third aunt doesn't let me smoke either. She said smoking is bad for the lungs. I don't know where she heard it. Your old lady has smoked all her life and she hasn't seen any improvement." .


Li Xuewu chuckled. There was really no way to explain this to Wen Saner.

This thing can't be explained. There is an old lady in her nineties sitting cross-legged on the kang and smoking a big pipe.

Well, even if you don't smoke, you can't survive her. You have to ask how long you've been smoking. You've been smoking since you were a child and you were a girl.

"It's better to smoke less. My throat is uncomfortable and it's easy to get angry."

Li Xuewu threw the cigarette case and lighter in his hand on the coffee table, gestured to the people upstairs, and said: "I'm going to take a shower and change clothes. You sit down first, don't be formal."

"Go quickly, it's been a tiring day"

Wen San'er responded with a smile: "I won't leave until I'm full."

Li Xuewu smiled and said nothing more. He gave his godson a hand and said, "Let's chat with my third uncle and grandpa~"


Fu Zhidong stood next to Li Xuewu and looked at Wen San'er, who was not a stranger, and responded.

Li Xuewu walked upstairs to the kitchen, told Zhou Yamei who was busy at work to add two more dishes, and then went upstairs.

Wen San'er looked at Li Xuewu who was going upstairs, then looked at the direction of the kitchen, and then looked at the child who was sitting on the sofa looking at her.

The last time I saw him, he was busy with tasks and had no time to pay attention. He didn't say anything.

This time Li Xuewu decided, hey, third uncle and grandpa.

In fact, this is what the discussion of seniority means on the street.

However, in Steel City, if Li Xuewu can let his children discuss their seniority with him, then this child and his mother must have some status in Li Xuewu's place.

He just observed it when he was sitting in the living room. It couldn't be said to be magnificent, but at least it was not much different from the villas he had seen.

Compared with Li Xuewu's villa, it has another style.

Fu Zhidong blinked and looked at Wen San'er who didn't know what to talk about. It took him a long time to say: "Grandpa Third Uncle, where did you put this?"

Wen San'er: "..."

When Li Xuewu changed into a cotton and linen gown and shorts and came down, Zhou Yamei had already prepared dinner.

"It's time to eat, let's invite Third Uncle to dinner."

Zhou Yamei originally wanted to call Li Xuewu upstairs, but she said something when she saw Li Xuewu coming down.


Li Xuewu responded, walked to the living room, saw the two people still looking at each other, smiled and asked his godson: "What did you talk about with your third uncle and grandpa?"

Fu Zhidong looked at his godfather in embarrassment, frowned and said, "Uncle, let's eat. I think eating is more interesting."


Li Xuewu smiled and patted his small shoulder, indicating that he should go to the restaurant by himself.

When he turned around and saw Wen San'er standing up, he asked with a smile: "Here on a bicycle? Can you drink something white?"

“Then have some”

Wen San'er smiled and nodded, saying: "The child is quite interesting."

"Haha, staying at home with his mother is a bit embarrassing."

Li Xuewu picked from the wine cabinet and selected an unsealed bottle of Fenjiu.

He motioned for Wen San'er to go to the restaurant together, and said, "I brought Gu Ning here for a few days a year ago, and I live here."

As he spoke, he raised the wine bottle in his hand and introduced: "I remember that I drank this bottle of wine. I was afraid that the smell would be lost, so I used the cork."

"It's okay. Our own family still cares about this?"

Wen Saner breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Li Xuewu had come with his wife.

If I had told you earlier, it would have made me so nervous!

He was also unsure about Li Xuewu's situation here. Wen San'er knew about this woman's life experience, but he didn't know what her relationship was with Li Xuewu.

Now look, this woman has been living with Gu Ning for a while with her child, and Li Xuewu has brought Gu Ning here again, so this relationship... is a bit messy.

But it has nothing to do with him whether he is afraid of chaos or not. This guy Li Xuewu just wants to create this kind of pressure for him.

This wasn't the first time he met Li Xuewu's woman. He had always given the account book to the one named Lou.

Although he didn't give it away now, every time he saw that person, he was wary, afraid that he would tell the truth.

"Haha, that's right."

Li Xuewu let Wen San'er sit in the restaurant, took two wine glasses from the cupboard, put them on the table and filled them with wine.

The dining table here is different from Li Xuewu's. It is round and not too big, so it is suitable for four people to eat.

There was also a very beautiful crystal chandelier above, and Wen Saner took a few glances at it.

Zhou Yamei followed Li Xuewu's instructions and added two more dishes, making four.

One meat and three vegetables, Wen San'er could tell from looking at the dishes that Zhou Yamei's cooking was good.

"Come on, let's meet one again in order to meet again in Steel City"

"Take your time, I can't do it~"

Wen San'er touched Li Xuewu lightly with his hand but didn't ask him to do it because he had to ride back and couldn't drink in a hurry.

After taking a sip of wine and tasting a few bites of food, Li Xuewu opened the topic.

"Have Huo Yongfang and the others settled in?"


Wen San'er put down his chopsticks and introduced: "First follow me and learn the ways of the world, and then go on to run business with Da Qiangzi."

"Yes, yes, teach slowly and cultivate well."

Li Xuewu nodded and warned: "A child is not good or bad when he is born. When he grows up, the environment affects his character. You can judge his ability, but you cannot judge his future."

Wen San'er didn't say anything. Regarding the use of the Thirteen Taibao, the two of them and Lao Biaozi had already defined it.

In addition, Li Xuewu also had a tolerant attitude towards Mr. Ye and didn't care too much about his selfishness.

But how to use it here, where to use it in the future, and how much freedom it can give all depends on current observation and judgment during subsequent use.

Li Xuewu will never give them the opportunity to work in the same place for a long time.

Learn while growing, exercise while learning, and hone your character while exercising.

"Zhang Wanhe sent Xilin and the others to Jicheng, and they won't be able to come back in four or five days."

Wen Saner took the initiative to introduce: "The person you brought yesterday made Zhang Wanhe very nervous."

"Haha~ interesting"

Li Xuewu chuckled and said, "I'm not even nervous when I see Ge Lin. Why should Ding Wanqiu be nervous?"

"It's different. Can this be the same?"

Wen San'er signaled to Li Xuewu, took another sip of wine, and then continued: "One is an unsheathed knife, and the other is a sheathed knife. Of course, he is more afraid of the old sheathed knife. You might pull it out at some point and you can’t guard against it.”

"Then why is he defensive?"

Li Xuewu raised his eyes, picked up the meat with chopsticks and handed it to his godson in his bowl.

Fu Zhidong and Li Xuewu smiled and took a few mouthfuls of rice.

“It’s delicious, don’t play around”

Zhou Yamei also reminded her when she saw her son interacting with Li Xuewu.

Fu Zhidong was quite well-behaved. He knew that his uncle had something to do and he couldn't make any noise or noise at the dinner table. As his mother told him, he ate obediently.

Li Xuewu continued: "I think his tail is still not clean, and he still wants to go back to the mountain."

"Haha, if I don't guard you, I will be a ghost."

Wen San'er took a bite of the food and said with a smile: "This personnel adjustment, Jicheng's hometown has asked you to serve it. If he is not nervous, you will be nervous."

"Isn't this what he asked for? Seeking benevolence will lead to benevolence."

Li Xuewu looked at Wen San'er and said: "This kind of person is too gangster. He only pays attention to the morality of the world and has no conscience or humanity at all. He must be spurred on at all times."

"It's normal for poor people to come out of poor places."

Wen San'er advised: "I'll keep a close eye here, but you should focus on Huairou over there. People from the three places can move around more. It will be fine as time goes by."

"How hard did you work?"

Li Xuewu was waiting for this sentence, and took another sip of wine with Wen San'er.

Wen San'er also knew that he had to fall into a trap today, but if he didn't jump into the trap, he wouldn't be able to stay in Steel City.

"As soon as the handover is over, let Dachun go to the capital."

Li Xuewu warned: "I have prepared manpower for you in the capital. The details are not clear yet, but they are all good young men. Do you know how to use them?"


Wen San'er smiled and said: "Speak of the work in a big way, the gains and losses in a small way, the people in a nice way, the love in a high level..."

Zhou Yamei glanced at Wen San'er who was "reporting" to Li Xuewu. Her impression of this person was slippery.

The last time we worked together, she felt that this person's situation was too dangerous, but he managed to escape with them.

It is said that this man came back again, made a comeback, and made meritorious service in the case Li Xuewu was responsible for this time.

When he came today, Zhou Yamei didn't know how to entertain him. She just saw that he didn't speak, so she just followed his convenience.

Now it seems that this man is still very close to Li Xuewu, at least Li Xuewu made many things clear to him.

Li Xuewu naturally trusts Wen San'er more, not to mention the same growing environment and the relationship with Lao Biaozi.

Since returning from the fight, the two of them have gotten along very comfortably.

The most important thing is Wen San'er, who respects and understands everything, and sometimes takes the initiative to take responsibility.

This is why Li Xuewu put him in charge of such a large force in Steel City.

Although it is said here that Zhang Wanhe makes the decision, look at it now, does Zhang Wanhe dare to bare his teeth with Wen Saner?

Not only did Da Qiangzi take the initiative to report the business and relationships that Steel City had taken over to Wen San'er, he even ran on board the ship and took on the responsibility of training and cultivating the personnel on board.

This time Li Xuewu asked Wen San'er to persuade him that if any young people in his hometown's mountains were willing to join the world, they could slowly let go. Li Xuewu would give them a chance.

Whether it's a steel city or a capital city, as long as you work hard, you'll have equal opportunities.

What Zhang Wanhe thought was that Li Xuewu would always use his old family members wherever he had good intentions. Unexpectedly, Li Xuewu stabbed him directly in the kidney.

The store in his hometown has to be managed by Li Xuewu's people, which is equivalent to strangling him.

The first thing all the young people who came down the mountain saw was not him as the shopkeeper, but the newly arrived female shopkeeper over there.

The channel has been blocked, what else is there to say.

And it is not up to him to decide the whereabouts of the personnel. The capital is fine, but I am afraid that Li Xuewu has other places, and they are not all for him anyway.

Secondly, Wen San'er also said when he came this time that a steady stream of young people from the capital would come to the Steel City to make a living, the crew would be full soon, and the docks would become lively.

Wen San'er, the man who manages Steel City in Jicheng, has the financial power in his hands. There are still people coming from the capital. It's really difficult for him to be the shopkeeper!

"Make good use of the Great Qiangzi, make good use of the people in Beijing and Jicheng, and also give opportunities to the people in Steel City."

Li Xuewu nodded at the table in front of Wen San'er and said: "At what point will the three-legged confrontation persist for the longest time? If the two sides are in opposition, they will never be able to stand."

"Hey, you mean the captain of the transportation team, right? Haha~"

Wen San'er took the wine glass and took the initiative to toast Li Xuewu. The wine in the glass was gone and he didn't ask Li Xuewu to pour it again.

"No more. It's not safe to go back. Your third aunt is worried about you."

"Okay, let's eat"

Li Xuewu smiled and put down the bottle. He never forced others to drink more when he drank.

Emotions are not something you drink, they are cultivated.

Zhou Yamei, mother and son had almost finished eating, and now they served steamed buns to Li Xuewu and Wen Saner.

Wen San'er took the steamed buns and thanked Zhou Yamei with a smile. At the same time, he also praised the steamed buns for being well-made and moderately soft.

Zhou Yamei just smiled and didn't do anything too polite.

Li Xuewu took a bite of the food and asked, "How about I help you get a trolley? It will be easier to get in and out."

"Forget it, Beijing is better, Steel City is too ostentatious."

Wen San'er refused without even thinking about it. Who was he? How could he compete with Li Xuewu? He couldn't even burn the oil when returning the car.

“It’s okay, very convenient”

Li Xuewu didn't pay attention to Wen San'er's caution. He knew that Wen San'er cared about the identity and distance between the two and did not dare to enjoy anything beyond him.

Including the improvement in the economy of the inverted house, these little ones didn't mention it, and Wen San'er never made any plans to share dividends or split up the family.

Logically speaking, he is already married and has a wife, so he has to think about himself.

But Wen San'er didn't know whether it was because he had read too many books or because he thought clearly and had a long-term vision, and he was very confident in betting on Li Xuewu.

"If you have time to learn how to drive, then go to the steelmaking factory to find Xu Ning."

Li Xuewu explained: "In the future, I will go to the steel mill more often and come to the city more often. Riding a bicycle and taking the bus is a waste of time."

"Haha, my time is not valuable."

Wen San'er couldn't help laughing when she saw that Li Xuewu insisted on matching him with a car.

Men, how can anyone not like cars, especially driving, the feeling...

He was polite on his lips, but he was happy in his heart.

However, Li Xuewu said it was true. Wen Saner's brain did not have a fever. He was eating steamed buns and vegetables and nodded: "The car will be placed at the dock for everyone to use."

"what ever"

Li Xuewu looked at Wen San'er and smiled, urging him to eat more vegetables.

To say that cars are a good thing, Li Xuewu has to admit that in this era, even if we go back a few decades, cars are still a good thing.

But he didn't care much about it. Not to mention what his father-in-law gave him, what he seized from his hands was even the car in the factory, which he was still working on sporadically.

The cost price is only a few hundred yuan. Without the installation of mounts, it only costs less than 500 yuan after packing up. There is nothing wrong with having one here.

"At that time, I will ask the dispatcher to transport the steel to the steel plant by train, and you can pick it up yourself."

"Hey, I'll let Da Qiangzi go when the time comes. This guy likes cars."

Wen San'er didn't know when he had developed a simple and honest smile, but there was no flesh on his face, and his honesty seemed a bit nondescript.

However, these words made Li Xuewu feel relieved.

People are afraid of being caught in their weaknesses, and they are also afraid that others will treat them well based on this weakness.

If Wen San'er wants to open up the situation in Gangcheng, he must use people from Jicheng, and the main force of the people from Jicheng is the Great Qiangzi.

Having caught the weakness of Da Qiangzi and willing to throw the car away to hook up with Da Qiangzi, Wen Saner's path has indeed become easier.

It seems that these two trips to Steel City were very useful for his training!

Save people and lose land, save land and lose people. Things are always done by people. Capturing people's hearts is the core skill of managers.

Xilin, who has seen the most darkness and pain in the world, as well as peace and joy, is in Jicheng, supplemented by Ge Lin, who can fight and dare to kill, and Ding Wanqiu, who is mature and prudent, but not yet honest.

Jicheng, Li Xuewu is relieved,

Zhang Wanhe, who is wily and scheming, is in the steel city, supplemented by the powerful Qiangzi, who is a newborn calf and has a straightforward temperament, and Wen Saner, who is good at using strategies, has a lot of experience, and knows how to adapt.

Coupled with the favorable geographical location of Steel City and the care of Xu Ning, the steel mill, Steel City is also stable.

With the two supporting points of the Northeast layout now linked to the three points of the capital, as long as the remaining Li Xuewu manages the capital well, he will have room to advance, attack, retreat and defend.

So, can the capital be stabilized? ——

"Why don't you stay here for one night? There's a phone too, and tell your third aunt that you won't go back."

Li Xuewu stood at the door and looked at Wen San'er who was about to leave, his face still red, so he left a message.

Wen San'er waved his hand and said: "No, she is timid. During the few days I returned to Beijing, I asked the old aunt who cooked to accompany her."

In fact, even if his wife is brave, he would not want to keep her because he is timid.

It doesn't matter if he can see Li Xuewu's woman, tonight is enough for him to have a great time, eat and drink.

If you really want to stay here as a light bulb, you have to arrive at noon, otherwise, it will be extinguished sooner or later.

“A room at home”

Zhou Yamei also packed up the kitchen and walked out to see Wen Saner off with Li Xuewu.

He also advised me: "It's convenient for you to rest here."

"Forget it, forget it, even with the big moon, the road is not dark either."

Wen San'er didn't know what to call Zhou Yamei, so he just smiled, waved his hand, and said politely: "Xuewu knows that my face turns red when I'm drunk, but I'm not drunk, so I won't delay my riding."

As he spoke, he glanced at Li Xuewu. Thinking of what Li Xuewu had told him in the living room just now, he said to Zhou Yamei: "We are a family, so don't be polite."

Zhou Yamei smoothed her hair around her ears, glanced at Li Xuewu from the corner of her eyes, and responded to Wen San'er's politeness with a smile.

Wen San'er pushed the car, walked out of the door, and said to Zhou Yamei: "The phones are all open. If you have problems at home in the future, just call the dock. Your third aunt is at home, ask her to help you."

After saying that, he looked at Li Xuewu and said: "We have to load the ship tomorrow morning, so I won't see you off. I'm leaving. Come into the house quickly."

“Ride slowly on the road”

Li Xuewu and Zhou Yamei stood at the door of the small courtyard and watched Wen Saner ride around the corner.

"What are you talking about, Third Uncle?"

Zhou Yamei followed Li Xuewu back and asked when he saw Li Xuewu locking the courtyard door.

"He is Lao Biaozi's third uncle."

Li Xuewu explained casually: "The one who sent you back to the shipping warehouse last time I went out to play."

"Now that I think about it, he's quite a simple and honest person."

Zhou Yamei nodded and said: "They don't look like uncle and nephew, but they are both nice people."

"Haha, let's be young and have deeper feelings."

Li Xuewu opened the door and let Zhou Yamei go first, while he followed behind and entered the room.

Zhou Yamei could feel Li Xuewu's trust in Wen San'er. She told Wen San'er the address and phone number because she was afraid of something unexpected happening.

This is also the purpose of inviting Wen San'er to dinner here tonight. To introduce them to each other is also to let Wen San'er acknowledge their friendship and recognize each other.

Furthermore, he didn't treat her as an outsider, which was why Wen San'er's words before leaving were all about her own people.

In front of her, what Li Xuewu and Wen San'er discussed could not be said to be top secret, but it was enough to keep outsiders from talking.

What they talked about were all the private matters of Steel City, including personnel and management, and she also heard the names of several key people.

Even though she was blind to what was going on outside the window, she could still distinguish the names of relevant units.

Today I have given enough trust to Wen Saner and also given enough trust to Zhou Yamei.

This made Zhou Yamei's heart unsatisfied and moved.

In the living room, Zhou Yamei closed the curtains and walked back to clear away the teacups on the coffee table.

Seeing Li Xuewu taking the handbag on the fireplace, he advised: "Take another bath, drink wine, and watch you sweat all over."

“That’s what summer is like”

Li Xuewu unzipped his handbag and looked at it nonchalantly, then handed his arm to Zhou Yamei and said with a smile: "If you don't believe it, touch it. The more summer it is, the more sweaty it is, but it's very cool."

Zhou Yamei glanced at him and walked out of the kitchen with the tea cup.

Li Xuewu also tilted his head and smiled, carrying his bags and going up to the second floor.

It was the same guest room he stayed in last time. He took out the M1911 from his bag and checked it, then placed it on the bedside table in the usual way before lying down.

Just as he was about to turn off the bedside lamp, he saw the door open and Zhou Yamei walked in with pajamas in hand.

As if he didn't see Li Xuewu, he walked past the end of the bed and headed to the bathroom.

Li Xuewu sat on the bedside, looking at this woman going crazy as if she was sleepwalking, and he pressed his forehead helplessly.

Listening to the rumble in the bathroom, Li Xuewu jumped out of bed again, walked to the bathroom door, knocked on it, and asked, "Do you need a bath?"



Zhou Yamei hid herself and opened the bathroom door, looked at Li Xuewu and asked, "What do you want to do?"


Li Xuewu pushed the door open and walked in, then knocked the door shut with his foot, and there was another splashing sound in the bathroom.

"The child is asleep?"


Zhou Yamei lay lazily next to Li Xuewu, not wanting to move and having no energy to move.

Isn’t this person born in the year of a dog? How come he looks like a donkey...

"How are things arranged at school?"

Li Xuewu didn't smoke either. He just lay on the pillow, looked sideways at Zhou Yamei and said, "Why don't you go to school in a steel mill?"

“It’s too far, there’s no trouble here.”

Zhou Yamei rested her head on Li Xuewu's arm, grabbing his big hand and refusing to let go.

Because as long as you let go, this big hand will grab randomly.

"Dean Zhang next door also said that I can continue to work in the hospital. Although it is still temporary, the salary will be enough to support both of us."

With that said, Zhou Yamei turned over and faced Li Xuewu and asked, "You don't want me to go to work?"

"what ever"

Li Xuewu looked down at Zhou Yamei, first replied, and then said with some concern: "It's just that the situation is not good now, my suggestion is not to go to work for the time being."

"But... isn't it just in the capital?"

Zhou Yamei stood up, looked at Li Xuewu with some surprise and said, "Steel City is so far away, my temporary job will be affected?"

To say that he was shocked, Li Xuewu should be even more shocked.

Do you still want to sleep tonight? !

Zhou Yamei also saw Li Xuewu's gaze, punched Li Xuewu angrily, and said angrily: "I'm telling you something serious~!"

Li Xuewu twitched the corner of his mouth and thought: If you want to talk about serious matters, you should be open-minded and frank, but there is no need to be so frank. It is a bit too much.

"Serious, serious"

Li Xuewu nodded, muttered a few words, and replied: "Who can see the details clearly, and we are also on guard. It is not good to risk your life for that little money."

"so serious?"

Zhou Yamei was originally angry with Li Xuewu for being so incoherent, but when he saw him saying this, she frowned again.

"Zhidong and I are here..."

"Take it one step at a time, keep a low profile, and try to have as little contact with people outside as possible. I will call someone if something happens."

Li Xuewu sighed and warned: "For general matters, just ask Wen San'er. If you find it difficult to handle, call Xu Ning, the steel mill."

"This...I...did I cause you trouble?"

Zhou Yamei put her arms around Li Xuewu and asked in a low voice, "Should I listen to you and stay in the capital?"

"It's all the same, it doesn't matter where you are wherever the wind blows."

Li Xuewu patted Zhou Yamei's smooth back with his hand and said, "Aren't you studying psychology? You should also try to write a book and publish it when conditions permit."

"Then I won't be ruined by you."

Zhou Yamei heard the implication of Li Xuewu's words. He was telling her not to go out to work, or to let Li Xuewu support them as before.

But thinking about Li Xuewu's attitude when he faced her problems just now, she also knew that things were not that simple, and it was best to listen to Li Xuewu.

"If I can't write a book or earn royalties for the rest of my life, then you can support me for the rest of my life."

"Forget it, why don't you consider farming, my friend..."

"Fuck you! You just don't want to raise me!"

Zhou Yamei pinched Li Xuewu angrily, then raised her head, looked into Li Xuewu's eyes and asked, "Are you leaving tomorrow? When will you come back?"

"Well, I'm not sure. There may be more times in the future."

Li Xuewu stroked Zhou Yamei's hair and whispered: "The work here will gradually increase in the future. Maybe I will have to work here for a while in a few years."

Zhou Yamei said nothing more. She would not ask Li Xuewu for anything, and she was not qualified to ask Li Xuewu for anything.

He just hugged Li Xuewu and climbed up...

In the early morning, it was slightly cool last night in Steel City.

Li Xuewu scratched his brow with his hand. It was a little itchy, but a "giggle" laughter came from his ears.

Without opening his eyes, Li Xuewu stretched out his hand and took his godson into his arms.


Fu Zhidong was so amused that he laughed, avoiding Li Xuewu's giggle.

"Zhidong, didn't I ask you to call uncle for dinner? It's noisy again."

Zhou Yamei heard the commotion upstairs and came up. She stood at the door of the room and watched the two people having fun and said helplessly.

"Get up quickly, what time is it? Zhidong has to go to school, and you have to catch the train."

Li Xuewu let go of his godson at this moment and yawned helplessly at the charming Zhou Yamei at the door.

You don't know why I woke up late?

Li Xuewu finally knew what protracted time meant. Last time Qin Huairu came to him for such a short time.

As for unmarried girls not being touched, Li Xuewu, a woman who has been single for a long time, also advises you to touch less. Most people can't handle it.

"Uncle, are you going back today?"

When Fu Zhidong saw his mother talking about catching the train, he got up from the bed and looked at Li Xuewu's face full of reluctance.

Standing at the door, Zhou Yamei looked a little lonely when she saw her son.

It's hard to leave someone behind, and it's hard to tear apart the thread of separation.

"Uncle has to work, just like Zhidong has to go to school."

Li Xuewu got out of bed, reached out and picked up his godson who walked up to him with his little mouth pouting.

Fu Zhidong lowered his face and looked at the small pistol in his hand. He did not respond to Li Xuewu, but Zhou Yamei's eyes were filled with tears when he looked at his son.

"Haha, uncle still has to come."

Li Xuewu shook his head slightly, and instead of asking Zhou Yamei to come over to pick up his son, he carried Fu Zhidong to the bathroom.

Zhou Yamei looked at Li Xuewu, who was coaxing his son in a low voice and leaning his head against his ear to whisper something, and felt that the softest place in his heart was touched.

Especially looking at his son who was holding Li Xuewu's neck and whispering to Li Xuewu in a low voice, his little appearance was really pitiful.

She can feed her son, wash his clothes, teach him cultural knowledge, and give him a warm home, but she can never replace her father's role.

When Li Xuewu and Li Xuewu came out of the bathroom, Zhou Yamei saw that his son had stopped crying and had washed his face again, but both of them were like ducks with water on their bodies.

"Why are you acting like a child and you can't even take care of yourself?"

Zhou Yamei had already wiped the tears on her face, smiled and scolded Li Xuewu, took her son from Li Xuewu's arms and placed him on the ground.

"Go on, go downstairs to eat and let uncle change clothes."

"Mom, help uncle change it!"

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