Meng Shen Love College

Chapter 301: Lian's Demon Palace

I'll go, I am worthy of the goddess level!

I'm so stupid, they are not mortals, they have no worries about food and clothing, how could they be interested in cosmetics, designer bags or which male celebrity? What they are interested in is naturally the position of the Lord God!

"It's like Xuanyue!" I asked a little excitedly, I don't know what I'm so excited about!

Hou Ying nodded, but there was an appreciation in her eyes: "I admire her very much. At least, she dares to think and do it. It takes courage to overthrow the Six Realms. Her failure awakened me and showed me. When the Protoss is ruthless, I have this decision!" He said with a cold smile, "I will do better than her!"

I was stunned, what? What is Hou Ying talking about? He was saying that the whole thing was catalyzed because of Xuanyue's failure, and he made his determination to fight the battle!

Xuan Yue's failure...Isn't it caused by me? Because I changed Xuan Yue's destiny to save the future, but I really touched another gear of time. It turns out that I am the culprit of all this!

My face turned pale in an instant, as if I was in the future when I was in a cold sweat when I saw the destroyed Six Realms.

"Sister, what's the matter with you? My face suddenly became so ugly?" Hou Ying looked at me worriedly under the full moonlight, I blinked, slowly recovered, and covered my stomach: "I... I've eaten."

Hou Ying was taken aback, and immediately smiled: "Hahaha, I forgot, you are always a mortal, go, brother will take you to eat delicious food!"

The lovebird suddenly leaned down and passed the long necklace like a gemstone on the neck of a goddess. The lovebirds have been moving forward along the necklace, fast forward, as if they were about to fly out of the horizon and into the abyss of the universe.

The moonlight of the Demon Realm was exceptionally bright, like a snow-white sun emitting its snow-white brilliance in the sky, and also illuminated the goddess' necklace even more coquettishly.

The lovebirds kept moving forward, and when I thought I was really about to rush out of the horizon, the end of the rift valley suddenly cracked! It was more like two huge city gates slowly opening in front of our eyes, and then I saw the huge Lian! Palace in the water!

The magical power seals the water behind the stone wall, making you confused whether it is the water on the ground or the rift under the water, and it looks like the surface of the water is erected in front of you, and the water is transparent by the moonlight. It can be seen that the monster race in the water is busy swimming around, dragging a beautiful silver tray in his hand. The tray is covered with the same shiny silver lid, which seems to contain delicious food.

The unusually bright moonlight illuminates the waters in front of him extremely transparently, and even the huge Demon Palace in the depths can be seen clearly. The exquisite palace is not like the crystal palace on the bottom of the sea in the novel, more not like the golden palace of mortal magnificence, but a colorful palace built on huge coral.

If you want to use coral to build a palace, you can imagine that this coral is definitely not the size of our mortal world. This is the demon world, why can't you become a spirit? The coral is as big as a hill, standing in the distant water, and white roads emerge from the exits of the palace, spreading everywhere, winding down, forming roads winding each other, just like building at the door of a house. A staggered overpass.

When we arrived, the water in front of us began to open silently, like two water gates moved to both sides, followed by a wide white road extending from the direction of the palace, forming a stop. Falling platform.

The lovebirds stopped on the original platform, and in front of us was the white bridge to the palace.

When Hou Ying helped me walk down the lovebird, Feng Lingcan and Li Zhu also fell down. Hou Ying glanced at him, his eyes dimmed: "He really cares about you, he has been hovering around us."

I felt the deep jealousy on Hou Ying, and couldn't help but smile: "Brother, you are jealous again."

"En." He drew me close, his eyes sinking to see the falling Feng Lingcan, "I am your only brother."

I couldn't help but lowered my face and smiled: "Brother, you are so jealous that I'm so embarrassed."

"En?" He was taken aback, raised his eyebrows, smiled, reached out his hand and started to push my forehead again, "The ugly duckling is proud, isn't it?"

"Hey..." I grinned.

The huge figure of Li Zhu fell in front of us, Hou Ying stopped pushing me, but looked at Feng Lingcan who jumped from above, Feng Lingcan patted Li Zhu, and Li Zhu tightened his wings and hugged his body. , Seems to be trying very hard to transform himself into a human form.

"Fuck!" The golden red light suddenly appeared, and he was still huge in place. Then, he saw him covering his head with one wing, and waving the other wing: "Go ahead, I'm here. outside."

"Don't you go in?" Feng Lingcan frowned and looked at Li Zhu's huge body, "It's fun inside."

"Don't go, don't go." Li Zhu hurriedly turned around and sat on the ground like a hen, his huge skin like a huge golden red ball.

Feng Ling's eyes "show" helplessly: "Well, you can look around."

Li Zhu completely hugged his head with his wings, like an ostrich stuffing his head under his wings, and stopped talking.

Only I know what's going on. This bear boy plays games all day long and doesn't practice polymorphism well. So he hasn't made any progress until now. He must have changed his head and his body hasn't changed back. I feel embarrassed.

He likes his brother Feng so much, and cares so much about his appearance, of course he doesn't want Feng Lingcan to see his ghostly appearance.

"Let's go, the dinner has begun." Hou Ying led into the white sky bridge in front of him.

The transparent water is on both sides of the sky bridge, shining like crystal jelly in the moonlight. I stretched out my hand and curiously "touched" the water wall, the water immediately flowed down my arm along my hand, and when I crossed the water wall, there would be traces of my stroke and layers of "rippling" on the surface of the water. Water pattern.

The transparent water surface also reflected the figure of Feng Lingcan quietly walking aside. He walked behind us and looked at me quietly. I looked at him in the water, and he smiled softly at me, as if looking at a person. The playful little sister took a bit of pampering.

Suddenly, Hou Ying’s deep figure blocked his figure again. In front of me was Hou Ying’s jealous face. He pressed my shoulders with both hands and pushed me forward quickly and directly, not letting me. He Feng Lingcan had another half of the communication, even if his eyes were not allowed.

"Heh." Feng Lingcan's dumbfounding chuckle came from behind.

"Ying, Xiaolan is your sister, but also my friend." Feng Lingcan easily caught up with us and walked beside Hou Ying.

Hou Ying moved me to the other side again: "Your eyes tell me that in your heart, my sister is not as simple as a friend."

"So what?" Feng Lingcan asked rhetorically, his tone a little deeper.

"What? I don't allow you to approach my sister!" Hou Ying's tone seemed to refuse directly.

I immediately said: "Brother, Feng Lingcan senior will not harm me."

"What do you know?" Hou Ying started again. I already felt his strong desire for protection, like everyone beside me was using me except him!

The young general should be on Feng Lingcan's side now, and it is safer for Senior Jiang to be in Feng Lingcan's place. My brother is very keen and sensitive, and I am worried that he will pinch one out when he finds out.

"You only know them for a few days?" Hou Ying's voice grew deeper and deeper, "I have been with them for thousands of years, huh, but, Chan, I still admire you better. I dare to think and do, but unfortunately, You didn't stick to it, this time, I hope you don't let us down." Hou Ying looked deeply at Feng Lingcan.

The smile on Feng Lingcan’s face brought out a bit of chill: "Do you think I still have a way out? I can't go back to God's Domain. I will be more than her for five hundred years of Xuanyue Punishment Type. It is clear that everyone's abilities are different. Almost, why should I give up the position of the main god?" Feng Lingcan's eyes suddenly sharpened, "Similarly, why should I help you become the main god?"

Hou Ying stopped in Feng Lingcan's words, and Feng Lingcan also stopped and looked at him with a deep expression but smiled at the corner of his mouth. Feng Lingcan's smile made my back spine also start to cool, and my heart was gentle. The gentle wind, Lingcan senior, "exposed" such a smile with a sword hidden in his face.

"Okay, this is where I admire you." Hou Ying smiled, but his eyes were deep and terrifying. "Your purpose and ambition are no less than mine. If I say I don't want to be the master, you Believe it?"

Feng Lingcan's eyes were "bewildered" and "bewildered", but there was a trace of guard in the "bewilderment" and "bewilderment".

Suddenly, Hou Ying pulled me out and pressed me heavily in front of her: "Now I want to push my sister to be the master, what do you think?"

Immediately, Feng Lingcan's eyes were startled.

But I looked at him dumbfounded. I was really dumbfounded, really stupid. I didn't understand why Hou Ying would follow Feng Lingcan to mention this, and it was so obvious on purpose.

Feng Lingcan stared at me in a daze, staring at me for a long time, his eyes gradually deepened, the cold inside began to disappear and was replaced by softness, his eyes appeared again with gentle water, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised. , It was a mocking sneer, as if mocking the entire God Realm.

"That's a good idea." When he opened his lips, he actually spit out these words, which made me even more surprised.

He raised his eyes directly to look above me, and the eyes of my brother Houying's face became extraordinarily bright: "I am willing, it seems that my plan will also change."

Nani Nani? !

Feng Lingcan's gaze gave me an ominous feeling, as if I was about to betray Xuanyuanchen!

Hey hey, my brother is sister control! Senior Feng Lingcan, you have to calm down! You can’t punish you because the Protoss wants to punish you. If you can’t go back, just use the Protoss to ridicule them and push a mortal as the master god!

You two are protoss, you two are immortal, and you will be locked up for a few hundred years at most, so what should I do? Don't I want cannon fodder!

"Okay, it's a deal!"

"Pop!" My brother and Feng Lingcan actually shook hands in front of me!

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