Meng Shen Love College

Chapter 724: Soul and energy

"I need the first memory..." I subconsciously said. Suddenly, a huge shadow fell on me. The other sky eyes look older and more obsolete. Its body is full of cracks, like traces of years, standing in front of me like a vicissitudes of life.

I stood in front of it, and it slowly grew larger, and the cracks in its ambassador became more and more deeper and deeper, just like those are the pains left by the eye of the sky after destroying each world, she Every time one is destroyed, a scar is left in her heart, she is too tired, too tired...

The scene in the pupil of the sky's eye began to become clear, I "touched" the thin wall, and suddenly, the thin film collapsed. I actually entered the world of memory, and in front of me, it was the Eastern Emperor.

He and I stood face to face like this, but this time it was different from when I went back in time. He did not see me, nor did he see my expression in his eyes. He raised a smile, and in that moment , I thought he was smiling at me, however, he walked past my body and walked behind me.

He penetrated my body, I looked at my body, this time, it was really different from that time. That time, I went back to the past and entered the body of Heaven’s Purpose. He noticed it. He still stared at me and asked, which small eye are you...

I turned around. It turned out that he was smiling at Tianzhimu. Tianzhimu was floating in the air, looking at him dependently. He walked up to her and took out two gears: "Look, I did it again. Toys."


The original Eastern Emperor gave me the feeling like a young man full of novelty and adventure spirit. His face is always smiling. He is always energetic. Whenever he completes a manufacturing, he will play with excitement and fun. long time.


He became more and more indifferent, more and more cold, and more and more irritable, and more and more angry. His reset voice became more and more plain, more and more understatement, and no longer the excitement at the beginning and the joy of creating the world.

Tianzhimu slowly landed next to him and looked at him curiously: "What is this?"

"It's life and death." He said, I immediately stepped forward, his hands were really just two extremely simple gears, such gears can be easily bought in our mortal world! Are there such two small gears that control the life and death of the world? !

All the origins are so simple, just like controlling the light and darkness of this world, it also exists like an hourglass.

"Life...death?" Sky's Eye repeated "bewildered" and "confusedly".

"All things can move forward only through life and death, and they will know how to cherish. Of course, Xiaomu, you don't have to worry, you won't die." Donghuang gently patted the head of Tianzhizhi.

Tianzhimu has indeed become more "confused" and "confused": "What is death?"

"Heh... you will know later." The Eastern Emperor smiled, holding up the two small gears in his palms, and the two gears were suspended, and the palms of his palms began to grow, erect, and become The two tires are the same size.

At this time, I clearly saw the ancient **** patterns engraved on the gears, but those **** patterns are dead, I don't know how to describe them, because they are not shiny at this time, nor are they like those on the gate of light and darkness. The **** pattern works like... the **** pattern engraved on the eyes of my sky, when I was away, it was just a bunch of symbols carved on the stone slab.

There must be something that makes them work, !

I immediately stood in place, and the only one who can make the sky's eye work is me!

I am... energy!

Suddenly, I wanted to understand everything!

No wonder Xiao Nuo said that when the fire was extinguished, it was her mother who made the fire burn again!

No, not her mother, to be precise, it was his mother's soul that made the spirit fire run again!

Soul... is energy...

My whole body suddenly climbed into a layer of cold sweat, soul, energy, soul, energy!

"Now, we need to add a little energy." Donghuang's voice came into my ears, I immediately looked at him, his right hand brushed beside him, and immediately, a huge ball of light appeared beside him. There are countless small **** of light surging inside, like souls eager to try!

He stretched out his hand and fished out one from it. The little ball of light was beating in his hand. He held up the ball of light, and took a breath. The ball of light looked like Feeling the gentleness of the owner became calm. The divine power came out of his palm and turned into a thin thread to wrap around the ball of light, sending the ball of light to the two gears. When the ball of light came close to the gears, it suddenly stretched and turned into a The light passed through the center of the two gears and connected again. Immediately, the divine patterns on the gears that were originally dull flashed with dazzling light. They floated from the gears, began to rotate, and began to operate!

"Chuck la la", the huge gears began to split and layered. It was obvious that the two gears formed a complex, huge metal machine after being injected with energy. They began to rotate, and the gears were in tandem and linked together, rumbling in front of me. Turn!

"The Falun of Life and Death works well." A trace of pride appeared on the Donghuang's face, and he looked towards the eyes of the sky: "Now that the world has life and death, we can make gods."

Tianzhimu still looked at him with confusion, "What is God?"

The Donghuang smiled softly: "Making gods is not like making these machines. These machines can't speak and don't have emotions..." Donghuang looked to the side of the life and death Falun that had already begun to rumble, "Well... Although it's more complicated, But the things needed are the same..." He looked at the huge ball of light aside, and fished out another one from it. "You are about to become a soul, are you excited?" The corner of his lips was cut. A tender range.

I stood by his side in a daze, the energy...not the spirit, but the spirit... but the energy...

"Then am I a **** or a machine?" Tianzhimu said suddenly without any tone.

Donghuang looked at her and smiled softly: "Xiaomu, you will know for yourself, you and them..." Donghuang looked at the life and death wheel on the side, and then at the light ball in his palm, "They are all different. , You... are the child of the last time and space."

"What is the last time and space?" Tianzhimu seemed to ask easily.

Donghuang raised his lips and smiled, and stretched out his hand to caress the face of the sky: "You are a talking artifact, we will always be together."

"En." Tianzhimu answered quietly, without any emotion in his clear eyes, reflecting the same clear smile of Donghuang.

My mood suddenly became complicated. At this time, it was only me and him. Our relationship was so simple and simple. We accompany each other and grow together. He wants to be a **** who can create a perfect world, and the Eye of Heaven wants to be a divine tool of humanity and humanity.

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