Meng Shen Love College

Chapter 813: Depressed Dark Yang

In the fairyland, the boundary between beast and man is completely indistinguishable, beast is also human, man and beast, man and beast are foolishly confused.

Daqing and "Mao" and "Mao" have thrown me on the ice by myself. Shouldn't "Mao" and "Mao" say hello when they see me? Sure enough, "color" is lighter than friends!

I turned around and flicked my sleeves and stepped back to my sleeping hall. I saw Li Zhu standing in my sleeping hall, not seeing Yu. Yu was very behaving. He would never run "chaotically" without my order.

"Where's Ji?" I asked Li Zhu, and Li Zhu turned around and saw me shook his face immediately: "Do you like that fox?"

"No, he's not like you, he won't run "randomly"." I wiped the frost on my face. I'm still a matchmaker between "Mao", "Mao" and Daqing, just like that? Let my heart really cool off.

Li Zhu raised his eyebrows, and pointed to the outside: "The goddess of the Xuannu clan is here, and Yu is greeting. I don't like to greet people."

Hyun Nv Goddess? It must be Xuan Yue's mother. I immediately walked out of the room, leaving Zhu behind me. In the living room, Xuanyue's mother was sitting there quietly, and she stood aside nervously and respectfully to accompany her.

Seeing that I came back, Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said hurriedly: "Sister Xiaolan, Lord Goddess is here."

Before he could finish speaking, Xuanyue's mother Xuanyue had stood up, and I greeted her. She was slightly suspicious: "The child of Fusu told me you want to see me, what's the matter?"

I laughed and took out the Black Mountain Heavenly Prison token that Fusu had lost to me: "Let's go see Xuanyue."

Xuanzang "Lu" was excited, looked at me, and I smiled: "Let's go." I picked up the customs clearance forest of Heishan Heavenly Hell, the door had formed in front of him, and immediately, the scorching heat came out from inside.

"It's terrible..." Yu hid tightly behind Li Zhu's body, and Li Zhu Jinhong's eyes also showed fear and color. Heishan Heavenly Hell was like hell, making them fearful.

Xuanzang and I walked in, the passage was closed behind us, the clearance order fell into my hands, and Xuanzang and I stood in front of the black chain bridge.

"Yue'er..." Xuanye looked at the dark prison, her eyes were moisturized, she lowered her face and wiped her tears, I looked at her, and waited for her to calm down.

She calmed down for a while, and walked forward. I quietly followed behind her, the divine patterns on the chain bridge flowed, and every step I could feel the scorching heat of the flames below.

"Yue'er must have suffered from hitting places like this..." Xuanzang choked again, and the harsh environment of Heishan Heavenly Prison made her cry again in distress.

Tears fell on the chain bridge, and immediately "clicked", and a wisp of smoke came out.

We stood in front of the Heishan Heavenly Hell, and suddenly the whole Heishan stood up, just like the last time I came.

"Who is coming? Well—is it Xia Xiaolan?"

"Boss, can you let Xuanyue's mother see Xuanyue, I brought you melon seeds." I took out a big bag of melon seeds from the Qiankun bag.

"Well, it depends on your face." The boss of Heishan opened his mouth, and immediately, a hole appeared on the top of Heishan on the right. I knew that Xuanyue was about to come out.

Xuanzang stood in the same place excitedly, looking at the opening that appeared, her lips trembled slightly, and her hand was raised to cover the trembling lips.

I walked quietly to the gate of Heishan Heavenly Prison. At this time, I should leave it to Xuanye and Xuanyue.

When Xuanyue's magic circle flew down from above, I also entered the Heishan Heavenly Hell, the door was closed, the passage moved again, everything was the same as last time, but this time, I no longer panic.

When the ground stopped, I was already standing at the desk of the boss of Montenegro instead of the hot platform last time. He seemed to be in a good mood today, and I immediately handed over melon seeds: "Boss!"

"En." He took a look, looked at me, and smiled, "It's getting stronger again. I heard that the protoss outside is about to change?"

"Yes. The Nuwa clan has already started. I want to see everyone, how are you all?"

"Go go." He waved at me, feeling really good.

I turned and walked, he suddenly stopped me: "Wait, you..." He stopped talking, I turned around to look at him, and he twisted his eyebrows, "Have you seen your father recently?"

I rang suddenly and he asked me to take the talk!

Hey! I'm still the same as before, pig brain. But there were so many things at the time that I really forgot about it.

I looked at him apologetically: "I was driven away by my dad before I could say it. Would you like to... tell him in person?" I asked cautiously.

He looked tense, tightened his black face and turned away, appearing hesitant: "In person...speak to him...tsk...have no face to see me consider..." He turned completely. Turning my back to me, I shrugged and exited his office.

When I walked out of the dark passage, suddenly, a cool breeze wafted, and I was stunned. How could there be a cool breeze in the Heishan Heavenly Prison? I quickened my pace, I was dumbfounded when I walked out of the tunnel! Is this still the Black Mountain Heavenly Hell I know? !

I saw a huge green pasture in front of me. Of course, there were honeycomb-like houses on both sides, but there were green vines climbing on the black cliffs, small flowers. The white flowers bloom among the green leaves of the vines, these are my little white flowers! They are actually all over the Black Mountain Heavenly Hell, and it is they that bring the slightest coolness to this place.

In the middle of the grass field, is the ring! And above the pasture is my white hut.

The Black Mountain Heavenly Hell has really changed a lot!

At this moment, the fat and the thin came out of the room. They were dressed in shiny white clothes with microphones in their hands: "My dears! Get up! The game is about to begin again!" The Heishan Heavenly Hell flashes like an elective show on TV.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" everyone appeared behind the prison door, shouting.

"Yechen Xingjun! Yechen Xingjun! Yechen Xingjun!"

Unexpectedly, they actually shouted the name of Dark Yang.

"Everyone is quiet--" Fatty waved the microphone, "We know that you are very welcome to newcomers, and the lesson depends on whether our Yechen Xingjun accepts the challenge! Yechen Xingjun!"

Immediately, a beam of white light hit a dark hole above, and I was simply convinced. When I left, what happened here? !

Sure enough, the quality of the prison has a lot to do with the mood of the boss!

The thin man flew up and stood at the entrance of the hole: "I am standing in front of Yechen Xingjun's prison door. May I ask, Yechen Xingjun, are you willing to accept the challenge?" The thin man put the microphone in front of the prison door, and... ...A dead silence...

Orz, tell me all this is not true...

"He is scared!"

"Hey! Yechen Xingjun, you have to plant, but if you don't plant it, go out!"

"Yechen Xingjun, did six eyes make you cool?!"

"Six-Eyes must have turned him upside down, so he can get here by Six-Eyes!"


"Back then, you actually lied about six eyes. Today, you deserve it!"

"Yes! It turns out that you are also a fake and serious! Back then, how can there be such a thing today!"


"Yechen————" Suddenly, Uncle Black Bear yelled in the cell, "Come out and fight with me————"

"Black Bear, calm down, we all understand your desire to stand up for the old lover~~~"

"Yes, that's right, black bear, be calm, your kind of bear scares people out of it."

I walked out of the cave and looked at the dark and silent cell, where was Dark Yang being kept?

"Little Lan!"

"It's Xiaolan girl!"

"Black bear! Look, it's Xiaolan that girl here!"

"Huo! Little Lan girl is very different from last time!"

"Xiaolan—you have become beautiful—"

I waved to everyone and saw Master Black Bear beckoning to me happily.

"Sister Xiaolan!" The fat and thin ones flew towards me immediately, and I hugged them one by one, and they smirked happily.

"I came to see everyone, I brought you delicious food." I took out a pot from the Qiankun bag. This is a Ruyi pot, which is a bit like Mo Ming's food cabinet, but it can produce a lot of servings. .

"Oh~~~~~" cheers sounded immediately.

"Awesome!" The fat and thin people looked at the basin in my hand curiously.

I put the basin on the ground and shouted: "Everyone, let's get a steak!"

Immediately, the Ruyi Basin began to grow larger, and a bunch of related items "shot" from the inside, spread out, and shone in front of each cell. Immediately, the smell of steak began to permeate the entire Heishan Heavenly Hell.

The fat man and the thin man also had a steak in their hands. The fat man happily patted me on the back: "You are still the best to us!"

"Wow—how long have I seen the steak—wow—" The thin man cried excitedly.

"Don't cry! The nose is all in the steak! It's not disgusting!" The fat man kicked the thin man, and the thin man hurriedly wiped away his tears: "Go back to the house and eat."

The two flew back to the little white room. I looked at the still quiet cell and got up and flew up.

I flew gently to the front of the cell, and there was deathly silence inside, the same as when I came to see Xuanyue.

"Dark Teacher Yang, Dark Teacher Yang?" I shouted inside.

"Huh, Xia Xiaolan, are you very happy now?" Dark Yang Leng said in the darkness, "You are his apprentice, and your plan is really perfect!"

"What plan?" I looked at the darkness inside inexplicably.

"Tell me first that I misunderstood the spider fairy, and let me release the spider fairy, so that he has a chance to avenge me!" In the darkness, the voice of Dark Yang resented the most.

I was stunned and looked at the darkness inside: "Dark Teacher Yang, this is not a plan. If Teacher Spider asks me to bring it to you, it is to say hello to your family. I want to tell you the misunderstanding of the year. Nothing..."

"Humph!" There was a cold snort inside, he didn't believe it.

"Mr. Spider Spider has always hated you because you not only rejected him, but also humiliated him. He had a crush on you. He worried that he was a man and you wouldn't like it, so he became a woman. He was doing it for you..."

"Shut up!" Surprisingly, murderous aura struck from the darkness, and a group of black shadows immediately appeared in front of me. He was dressed in a white prison shirt, and his long black hair was dragged on the ground, his handsome face did not change at all. Like Uncle Black Bear, the black "color" mark on the eyebrow is like a black "color" shooting star.

Therefore, Yechen Xingjun has no prototype, he is an immortal, Xingjun.

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