Meng Shen Love College

Chapter 820: I want to play too?

So, today’s campaign is not just a campaign for the head of the Feng family, but also to scare us candidates? Or is it cheating, let us know how they "fuck"?

The problem is that this is not cheating either!

People like us who are doing tasks face all kinds of strange and unexpected situations. What is this?

Wait a minute, candidate? But I am not a candidate. Why can I sit here? Could it be? !

I couldn't help but look at Xuan Ye, and my mood suddenly became complicated. He hated me, but he allowed me to sit here today, which was tantamount to tacitly choosing me as one of the candidates of the Xuan Nv clan. In Xuan Nu's clan, Xuan Yue's mother was obviously speechless, so she wouldn't let me sit here.

Although Xuan Ye made things difficult for me before and hindered me in all kinds of ways, in the end, he still distinguished between public and private. Even though he didn't want me to be a candidate, maybe he was waiting to play me in the election like this. The moment.

In the harsh environment, the Nuwa people such as Can and Fengdi were still fighting. The process felt so long. Even if I looked at it, I was always worried about Can.

After Feng Di rescued a Protoss, he looked at Chan, and she went to Chan Fei! A bow and arrow suddenly appeared in her hand, and an arrow "shot" Xiang Can!

Yes, this is always the choice of the patriarch of the Nuwa clan. In the end, only one patriarch can be born. Therefore, when these Nuwa clan people face powerful enemies, they must eliminate all their opponents!

It's terrible, it makes people chill from the bottom of my heart. In a blink of an eye, the twelve protoss were running out. Fortunately, those who were rescued by Fengdi and Can were also regarded as failures, so they had already been withdrawn from this cruel world.

Suddenly, our seats began to separate. Xuan Bing and Xuan Ye and I were side by side. At the same time, Chen and Fu Su also moved out. We became sitting around the table. What are we going to do?

At this moment, Xuanyuan Yao nodded to Chen, Chen actually stretched out his hand!

What is this going to do! What are you going to do? ! What are you doing! ! !

Is it that we have to play too?

But my husband Chen and Fusu obviously want to die Chan? !

Chen had already started, and his hand was lifted in the air, and the entire chessboard was lifted up, and the gravel rose immediately, the abyss disappeared, and the dragon that was originally hidden in the abyss threw out and danced in the middle, like The beast that broke free of the chains rushed towards the Protoss!

The fierce beast that was originally on the ground also leaped, and turned into a human form in the air, with black light wings, fierce eyes, and an appearance that was about to tear the gods into pieces.

This is real! I can feel it, it's true...

These are the real demons, or, the former demons, the God races with demonic thoughts in their hearts. However, they are different from my father and Uncle Chi You. Although they are born with magical thoughts, they are rational, and these demon gods in front of them have been completely swallowed up by magical thoughts.

Fu Su also stretched out his hand next to him, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth. What else does he want to do?

He looked at the whole situation, suddenly raised his hand and sprinkled it, and then, the sky began to fall into the red catkins, which are the drifting catkins of the devil world!

Immediately, the protoss who were still fighting fell like suffocation. I looked at Fusu and he smiled at me, this guy! It was intentional!

Fu Su's move caused Feng Baba and Feng Ma Ma to also frowned, but they did not change the situation of the battle.

It's just a small change in Fusu. The gods in the enchantment have only Fengdi and Chan. They didn't even fight against each other, or the opportunity to challenge Chan has died in the drifting flies of the demon world, and they disappeared one by one. In the enchantment, fortunately, the Piaoxu of the Demon Realm allowed them to save the divine body and resurrect when they came out.

"Xiaolan, it's your turn." Suddenly, the Xuanzang beside me reminded me with a smile. I looked at her in surprise. She smiled at me and nodded. Although Xuan Ye next to her was still gloomy, he There is no doubt, and he is not called Xuan Bing.

Xuan Bing's face was already blue and dull, watching the fierce battle inside, and didn't even hear Xuanying calling me.

I slowly regained consciousness, looking at the battlefield in front of me like a chess game, do I want to play?

I looked at the demons fighting with the protoss, and my heart started to ache. They are real, this is not an illusion, how long have they been imprisoned in it? Just for the protoss to play?

I slowly stretched out my hand.

"Can't let the water go~~~" Fusu was still reminding him, he was not afraid of Chan's revenge, they should go through all this, okay? ! Chan is sitting here by then!

I let go, how do you play this?

As I was thinking, there were many options in front of me! I immediately looked at everyone. Everyone just looked at me. When they were choosing, I couldn't see what they chose. Therefore, they couldn't see what I chose now.

This battle is too tragic, I want to intervene.

Among the many options, many are at the top of me. It shows the most number of choices and what else it is. Naturally, the ones they choose are always deadly.

I looked up and saw a pink option: love.

The word "love" stayed quietly aside, no one cared about it. The patriarch's choice was the same as when they were gods, only re-cultivating to not empathize.

Okay, then I’ll choose this one. I didn’t hesitate to press on the word "love". Immediately, the scene inside changed and the eight **** masters all "showed" surprise. They all looked at me, seemingly not. Knowing what I chose, completely broke the battle.

Chen and Fusu also looked at me and looked puzzled.

Everything disappeared in an instant, evil dragons, demons, terrible tornadoes, broken pumice stones, everything disappeared, only clear sky and clear water, gentle breeze, seemed to give them a moment of rest.

A wall of flowers separated the two worlds. The one on the left was Chan, and the one on the right was Fengzhen. They couldn't see each other. Chan's chest was up and down, and his body was already scarred. I really didn't want to see him and Fengzhen kill again.

Fengdi is also bloodstained, tired but afraid to relax. This is a kind of mental and physical torture. When you are physically exhausted and exhausted, you still don't dare to relax your nerves.

Suddenly, two beams of divine light fell from the air, and they fell in front of Chan and Fengdi respectively. I wondered, who went in?

When the divine light dissipated, I was stunned. It was me and my brother who walked out of the divine light separately!

my brother? !

How did I get in?

Suddenly, it dawned on me that both my brother and I were fake and it was "love". When they were the most exhausted and their nerves tense, their "emotion" appeared, and it was precisely at this time that "emotion" was the easiest to break into their hearts and break through their tight defenses.

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