After flying in space for a few days, the two arrived on Earth.

“Indeed, it’s over.” Huge craters caused by the battle can be seen outside the atmosphere.

And the huge divine tree that should have been in it has been devoured by the big tube wood feather, that is, the six immortals.

Became a ten-tailed human pillar force.

“Let’s leave things on Earth alone, so as not to have problems with the plot later.” Hokage Suze still understands this ~ point.

If the Ten Tails are taken now, then I am afraid that even the major ninja villages will not appear in the future, because without the Ten Tails, Kaguya will never be resurrected, Indra and Asura will not break up, and the powerful family of Otsuki will completely occupy the Ninja Realm.

There will be no ninja world where war will appear, if it is not good, it will light up the technology tree in advance, then shuttling into the future, a ninjutsu nuclear bomb hits, who can stand it …

Therefore, the two did not cause any movement, but looked for treasures in the surrounding sea.

Finally, in the morning of three days.

Hokage Suze found something that looked like a bowl at the bottom of the sea.

“Finally found it, and I want to go back if I can’t find it again.” Limulu said with a confused face, he spent three days diving in the sea, and who could stand it.

“Let’s go, go to the future!” After unlocking the treasure tool, Hokage Suze entered some chakra into it, and after setting the time, the treasure emitted a burst of golden light, and the two walked into it.

When they reappeared, the familiar towns around made the corners of their mouths rise.

“Which do you want to eat?” Hokage Suze asked curiously.

“Ura-shi, after all, he has a lot of pupil skills, and he has the ability to deal with time and space, I like it very much.” Limulu thought for a moment and said.

“Then I’ll just make it difficult!” Hokage Suze grinned.

Tub wood has the ability to transform weak or non-resistant Tub wood into Chakra fruit.

Although this Chakra fruit is not as good as that produced by the Divine Tree, eating this Chakra fruit transformed by a large tube of wood can obtain the other party’s ability.

He liked the two divine arts of the Shao Ming Biguna and the Great Black Heaven.

“First investigate the current time, and then determine the time when the pattern appears.” They set the time to be thousands of years, without a precise value.

So have to observe again…

The two came to the nearest town, and after inquiring, they found that the current time converted to the year of Konoha was actually 59 years of Konoha.

“About twenty-one years from now.” Limulu thought for a moment and said.

“It’s okay, go over and take a look first, if not wear it again.” Hokage Suze took out the treasure and continued to set the time.


Reappeared, and sure enough, the city has a lot of futuristic sense than before.

“Let’s go directly to Konoha this time.” Limuru suggested.

“Yes.” After the two determined their destination, they flew directly towards Konoha.

“Wait! There’s a big enchantment ahead! “Hokage Suze’s white eyes can be detected without opening, after all, Otsuki is too sensitive to Chakra.

“Not a big problem!” Limulu gave the enchantment a direct opening with his backhand, and then entered it.

This way it won’t cause movement.

It’s just that Naruto Suze’s appearance needs to be changed, after all, Naruto knows the Otsuki clan, the iconic white and the horns on the top of his head, the most important thing is to have the same white eyes as the Hinata clan.

Limuru took out an anti-demon mask and gave it to him, anyway, this thing has already been made a lot.

After the two walked around Konoha, they found that the Chūnin exam had actually begun.

It’s really better to come early than to come by chance, crossing the target time period after successfully arriving twice.

“Let’s go! Otsuki is coming soon, and I don’t know what kind of expression they will have when they see you. “Limulu is looking forward to it.

And the big tube of Mokpo-style that he wants to devour is also here, which is quite good.

“Most likely, it is to treat me as a traitor, after all, if you disappear with the divine tree, you will definitely be characterized as a traitor.” Hokage Suze didn’t care, after all, Otsuki didn’t have any feelings.


Suddenly a loud noise came from a distance, and Limulu and Hokage Suze glanced at each other and immediately rushed over.

When he arrived at the venue of the Chu Shinobi Exam, Limulu found that Otsuki had already begun to move.

“I’ll go find Urashiki, you and the big tube of wood peach style they play.” Limuru is not going to make a big tube and ask for help.


“Boruto! Just for you! Looking at Boruto who was in danger below, Mitsuki hurriedly ran down, and by the way, he turned on the special immortal mode.

Just as he was about to enter the venue, suddenly a red fish hook penetrated his body…

“I’ve never seen this Chakra before!” Looking at the fairy chakra that was fished over, Datu Mokpo-style grinned.


Just as Urashi was about to pull out the Immortal Chakra in Mitsuki’s body, in the blink of an eye, he was bound by countless silk threads.

“Although the power is very strong, it seems that the soul aspect has not been developed, and such a simple trick has not been detected.” Limulu came out of the shadows with a silk thread hanging from his hand.

“What kind of person are you guy?!” Urashi struggled for a moment, and after finding that he couldn’t break free of these silk threads, he asked with a somewhat ugly face.

“This has nothing to do with you, I have something to do next, so I won’t talk to you more.” Rimulu raised his hand and pulled Urashi in front of him, reaching out to prepare to use the Gluttonous King.


During the flight, a red light flashed in the eyes of the Pu Shi, and the eyes of the Liugou Jade Writing Wheel instantly opened, and a black portal appeared between the Pu Shi and Limulu.

“I disappointed you, I expected this too!” With a wave of his right hand, Limulu directly opened a hole in the middle of the Huangquan Hirasaka that Uraji had just opened.

In this way, Urashi passed through the entrance of the cave and came to Limulu.

“Goodbye, Beelzebub!!”


A large amount of black smoke poured out of his hands, swallowing Urashi’s entire person.

“Done!” Limulu smiled slightly and looked down. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Are you… Traitor Su style!! “Momo Shi and Hokage Suze are of the same generation, when they received the mission, they met, but they only met once, and they were not friends.

“Long time no see, no… It’s not a long time since I saw it, after all, I only saw it a few months ago. Hokage Suze smiled and took care of the two.

“How many months? Did you travel back in time with treasures from the past? No wonder you haven’t provided Chakra Fruit since the quest expired! Taoshi immediately understood what Su Ze said.

“I came to you this time to know the location of Yi Shi, you came to Earth, you should have seen him!” Hokage Suze raised his eyebrows and said.

“Hmph! Even if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you! “Although Peach Shi has a disgusted attitude when facing humans, he obviously has the same emotions as normal humans when he treats his own race.

“Is it… Then I can only pry the news out of your mouth. Su Ze’s words did not fall, and he instantly appeared in front of Peach Shi, and the palm that was already black and red after being covered with armed color slashed towards Peach Shi’s chest.


… Second….

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