"Oh yo! What a big fire! At such an age, I don't know about health! Limulu kicked him straight back.

Thanks to the fact that he is also an individual art powerhouse, after all, he has fused the genes of Saiyans before.

"You forced me!!" Gray Su Ze wiped the wound on his face and raised his finger to the sky.

"You don't plan to transform into an armor fight to fight me..." Su Ze, who saw this action, was suddenly speechless.


Bang! Bang bang bang!!

Three blue crystal blocks fell from the sky and smashed in front of Limuru.

"Can you hold me alone, can you hold them back?" Gray Su Ze grinned and said sadly.


The five pieces of sapphire crystals shattered instantly, and three "gray Suze" who were exactly the same without clothes walked out of them.

"Although the strength of their '093' has not yet strengthened to my level, it is enough to deal with those few people! The corners of Gray Suze's mouth hooked.

"These are the three you just killed?" Limuru narrowed her eyes.

Unexpectedly, the killed Su Ze could not only be possessed by him, but even controlled by him.


After taking a look at the three gray Suze who had just come out and that gray Suze, they instantly disappeared in place.

"This speed, at least faster than those two in armor, can't be dragged on any longer." Lim Lu's face froze, and he took out his magic knife from the ring.

"I can't kill it, haha!!" After Gray Su Ze laughed loudly, he shot directly towards Su Ze.


The magic knife directly slashed at Gray Suze's arm, but his arm was already wrapped in sapphire crystal, and this blow did not work.

"Death if you don't kill, you have to try to know!" Limurlu started thinking faster, increasing his speed to ten times.

Poof! After increasing his speed tenfold, the magic knife instantly cut through Gray Su Ze's head.


"It's useless, I can't kill in this world!" Gray Suze's head that fell to the ground stared at Limulu with dead eyes and said with a grin.

"If you can't kill it, I'll cut you into scum!!"


Limulu rushed towards Gray Suze again, and in an instant, hundreds of knives were cut in a row, cutting Gray Suze's body into slag.

"Whew~ you are not dead yet!" Limuru said as she looked at the meat sauce that she had chopped into herself.

"Didn't I say that! In this world! I am immortal! "


A blue crystal block fell from the sky, and the gray Su Ze's voice came out from it.

The crystal shattered, and the intact gray Su Ze walked out of it.

"It turns out that this can't be killed, it's really troublesome..." Limulu raised his eyebrows.

It is not that it is impossible to kill, the individual can be killed, but it can be completely resurrected.

"Since the resurrection is not instantaneous, then I will take advantage of this time to kill your believers!" Limulu killed Gray Suze again with a knife.


Gray Suze was chopped into hundreds of pieces again.

The moment he was solved, Limlu rushed to the town, where there were still three to solve.

"Nima helpers are finally here!" When Limuru arrived, both armors had been broken and helmets were torn.

That's less than 3 minutes...

Limulu rushed up with a knife and slashed a few times, killing all three gray Suze.


Another blue crystal block fell from the sky, and the one who had been killed before was resurrected again.

"It's endless!" Limuru was already starting to feel bored.

"... Doesn't this work! Grass! Just about to use the universal silk to tie this up, but Limulu found that his universal silk could not be used in this world.

This can also be regarded as the ability to release the department.

"Find thick rope, or steel cable! Tie-up this force, otherwise the fight will be endless. "Limulu looked at the witch and the night,

"Let's go find it!" Two Su Ze, wearing tattered armor, helped each other and left.

Their strength is not of much use in the first place.

"I have made a new discovery!" The witch Su Ze took advantage of Limulu to kill this gray Su Ze again, and when he was not resurrected, he said with a solemn face.

"What?" The two asked curiously.

"When we started killing the creatures here before, we saw a strange phenomenon, when I was about to win a blow, my target suddenly turned into a blue light and flew into the sky." Witch Su Ze said with a slight frown.

"And that blue light..."

"It's very similar to that blue crystal that forced to appear!" Limulu opened his mouth and said.....

"Hmm! I suspect that everyone in this world is the life of that guy, which is why he cares about these people, after all, one less, he will have one less resurrection. "

"Even if you know, what can you do, if this world really includes countless worlds as prompted in the chat group before, then the number of people is tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions, so many lives, even if you kill one in 1 minute, you don't know how many years to kill to end."

"This one does..."

"In that case, why would he, who has hundreds of billions of lives, care about these tens of thousands of lives? Compared with hundreds of billions, tens of thousands are insignificant. Night frowned.

"Could it be... Those merged worlds have not yet become like this world, maybe it takes time, and now, the time has not come, so he does not have so many lives? Witch Su Ze thought about it and said.

"It's possible!" Night nodded.

"I also have a discovery here." Limuru said suddenly.

"What?" The two looked at Rimulu. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"It seems that every time I kill him, his strength will decrease a little, I killed him three times before, and when I killed him for the third time, his strength seemed to be slightly reduced, if it weren't for Charles's computing power comparable to a quantum computer, I'm afraid I wouldn't have found it." Limuru said.

"By killing us to become stronger, you can also kill him to weaken his strength, killing Ben 5.0 earth life can reduce the number of his resurrections, I feel that I have figured out the situation of this guy." After the three of them summed up the situation they found, they nodded and said.

"Let's go find the worlds that have been incorporated into this world! Maybe you can find a helper to deal with him! "

"Suffered!! It's been more than a minute, and the guy hasn't shown up yet! Limulu's face suddenly changed.

Bite! Armor Warrior - Suze dies! The world to which it belongs will merge into the gray world.

Bite! Kamen Rider - Suze dies! The world to which it belongs will merge into the gray world.

"Damn it!! It was actually resurrected on their side! Can't put it off any longer! He killed two more, and his strength has probably become stronger! Let's go find other worlds!! The three said with a somewhat ugly face.


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